HoT needs a dungeon or 5
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
and overhauls to every other fractal
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
and overhauls to every other fractal
Very true
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
and overhauls to every other fractal
Very good overhauls at that too. They really improved fractals as a whole so far. Can’t wait to see what they release next
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
and overhauls to every other fractal
Plus an overhaul to an overly complicated AR system. A finished legendary. And a couple of daily reward changes.
(edited by onevstheworld.2419)
Still, it would be nice to have duneon-esque content in each map, just an instanced area with a boss. Could be used as raid mechanic training.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
I think the new, revamped fractals are getting closer. I haven’t tried Raids yet but the difficulty in the revamped fractals definitely forces players to actually learn mechanics instead of just dpsing, which I think is the most important stepping stone towards raids
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
It really depends on who is playing. For those with whom I fractal the most often, they certainly are: they include mechanics that have major and minor similarities, they require paying more attention to fight details than other parts of the game, and they require more consistent damage|support|control than anywhere else outside of raids.
For highly skilled players, fractals are a completely unnecessary step on the route to raiding.
And for people who aren’t very good at RPG combat (or too new), high-level (and perhaps even low-level) fractals might be too hard for them to learn much.
Consequently, I think it’s fair to say that fractals are a stepping stone to raiding for people who aren’t yet good enough to raid, but are good enough to get T4 fractal dailies. That might be a minority of players, but it’s almost certainly a much larger group than those currently raiding.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
I only see one boss ever cause a wipe from not enough dos and that’s Gorseval so gg, if you are having issues with dos on the other bosses it’s a player issue not a raid issue
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
I only see one boss ever cause a wipe from not enough dos and that’s Gorseval so gg, if you are having issues with dos on the other bosses it’s a player issue not a raid issue
Oh can you please send me a video link to the raid team all nomad wearing ( I make it easier for you and say any class can join not just guardians) that completed all the bosses please.
I just continue this since all nomad wearing team can complete any fractal knowing the mechanics, but the same aint true for raids.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
I only see one boss ever cause a wipe from not enough dos and that’s Gorseval so gg, if you are having issues with dos on the other bosses it’s a player issue not a raid issue
Oh can you please send me a video link to the raid team all nomad wearing ( I make it easier for you and say any class can join not just guardians) that completed all the bosses please.
I just continue this since all nomad wearing team can complete any fractal knowing the mechanics, but the same aint true for raids.
Let’s see here there was a full Nomads Ele VG kill, I believe they killed other bosses as well, there were clears using 4 players on multiple bosses which means 60% less dps than a full meta 10 man raid, bosses beat in full greens which is again less dos than full ascended geared raid teams. So with the lack of dos they still beat raid bosses. Again it’s player issues not the enrage timers.
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
Which is boring as sin, already feels old and has tiresome mechanics.
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
I only see one boss ever cause a wipe from not enough dos and that’s Gorseval so gg, if you are having issues with dos on the other bosses it’s a player issue not a raid issue
Oh can you please send me a video link to the raid team all nomad wearing ( I make it easier for you and say any class can join not just guardians) that completed all the bosses please.
I just continue this since all nomad wearing team can complete any fractal knowing the mechanics, but the same aint true for raids.Let’s see here there was a full Nomads Ele VG kill, I believe they killed other bosses as well, there were clears using 4 players on multiple bosses which means 60% less dps than a full meta 10 man raid, bosses beat in full greens which is again less dos than full ascended geared raid teams. So with the lack of dos they still beat raid bosses. Again it’s player issues not the enrage timers.
You realise you are describing such a tiny minority as to almost be insignificant. Those guys have raids on farm and literally do nothing else for hours on end. They wouldn’t even make up 1% of the player base. You’re making it sound like this is common. It simply is not.
Well sorry to inform you that the dungeon team was disabled years ago and that Anet are focusing on creating different scales of fractals
Yes but not very active at that either, almost a year after hot and we got 1 new fractal
and overhauls to every other fractal
Yes, these “overhauls” were simply so indepth and really changed the entire feel and the way you play the fractal weren’t they? Let me see…fixation on Dredge and er…that’s it? It’s still a hideous, boring , drawn out hp sponge fight. Nothing for underground, Aqua, uncat.
They took down the HP of Subject 6 in themo and er..not much else. Molton Boss..well they moved the point to were the boss spawns at the start of the fight. Atherblade..well Rox and Braham move a bit quicker. WOW, such creative and deep reworkings!!!
Oh they changed swamp…I’ll give you that. Except they made Mossman utterly irrelevant and made the Bloom fight so drawn out, it became boring.
Hardly Stellar and efficient work in 3/4 years….
I really want dungeons to stay dead and away from endgame. Dungeons are just not fun at all. It is all stack wars and skip wars 2.
Meanwhile Fractal has nothing unfun from dungeons.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
(edited by runeblade.7514)
T4 fractals are the stepping stone for raids i.e. Mai Trin and Swampland for
Except that they aren’t at all.
Really lol at all the QQ threads on how difficult Swamp is at T4 it’s quiet funny, and learning mechanics is learning mechanics, you don’t need something to learn the mechanics of a fight besides doing the actual fight. All the raid bosses are easy, all that is required is learning the mechanics.
and have enough dps or you will wipe anyway, come back when you beat all raid bosses with only staff guardians using nomads. ( then will your statement all thats required is learning the mechancis be true mate )
I only see one boss ever cause a wipe from not enough dos and that’s Gorseval so gg, if you are having issues with dos on the other bosses it’s a player issue not a raid issue
Oh can you please send me a video link to the raid team all nomad wearing ( I make it easier for you and say any class can join not just guardians) that completed all the bosses please.
I just continue this since all nomad wearing team can complete any fractal knowing the mechanics, but the same aint true for raids.Let’s see here there was a full Nomads Ele VG kill, I believe they killed other bosses as well, there were clears using 4 players on multiple bosses which means 60% less dps than a full meta 10 man raid, bosses beat in full greens which is again less dos than full ascended geared raid teams. So with the lack of dos they still beat raid bosses. Again it’s player issues not the enrage timers.
You realise you are describing such a tiny minority as to almost be insignificant. Those guys have raids on farm and literally do nothing else for hours on end. They wouldn’t even make up 1% of the player base. You’re making it sound like this is common. It simply is not.
You realize that the fact of the matter is the lack of stats/ dps shows that it’s more about mechanics than dps numbers and it boils down to player skill, the only fight that I have ever seen hit timer has been gors and that was because too many people went down slowing down the groups overall dps, I have also beat gors with 3 people dead in the last phase, again dps wasn’t the big issue but people missing mechanics like eggs or getting downed.
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
I said it before hot was launched, and still believe this now:
We didn’t need harder content. Just new content at the same difficulty as say arah or fotm 50 ( pre-shenanigans)
For me though, fundamentally the most difficult thing with raids is getting everyone online at the same time.. forming with 5 was/is near infinitely easier than forming a group of 10. The raid content itself isn’t that hard. ( I’ve spent more time waiting to get the group together than actually attempting kills..)
I too found far more people were interested in dungeons ( prior to HoT) than raids.
I suspect raids are going to have significant issues once most people have their 150 LI (I’m already seeing this with people I used to invite to raids).
It’s a real shame, because anet has forgotten what it learnt from GW1.
- endgame party size reduced from 8 or 12→ 5. WHY? easier & quicker to form..
(side note, this meant we didn’t need effect LOD to see wth the boss is doing. We could also see what the rest of our group is doing, making combos more useful, and we could help give each other advice when we can see what we’re doing)
- removal of a healer(& tank) concept ( until Hot – specifically raids). WHY? → people got bored waiting for a healer. Or a tank. Prior to HoT there were “optimal team comps” but largely it was just for faster completion for “on farm” dungeons. Support was still a think, just in the form of active defences, or group dps buffs.
- shorter, more modular endgame – dungeons you could drop in/out very easily because they were short instances (usually). Smaller party, being able to form quicker helps with this. WHY? because waiting 45 minutes to spend <15 minutes killing matthias on a saturday is boring AF( this happened for me this past weekend FYI).
I’ve been trying to figure out for a few days how to create a thread on this, but realistically it’s more of an “anet – you kittened up” rather than something that needs discussion.
As such I’m half expecting this post to be moderator nuked because it points out how anet kittened up.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
He is saying that they’ll be incredibly easy and boring but popular so that they farm them over and over again, or they’ll be hard and people will play it for one week and stop playing them again forever.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
He is saying that they’ll be incredibly easy and boring but popular so that they farm them over and over again, or they’ll be hard and people will play it for one week and stop playing them again forever.
So which of those categories does the new bloomhunger fall into in your opinion?
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
He is saying that they’ll be incredibly easy and boring but popular so that they farm them over and over again, or they’ll be hard and people will play it for one week and stop playing them again forever.
So which of those categories does the new bloomhunger fall into in your opinion?
High irrelevant, Bloomhunger boss is in fractals, not dungeons.
Because in Fractals, Bloomhunger can be both.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
He is saying that they’ll be incredibly easy and boring but popular so that they farm them over and over again, or they’ll be hard and people will play it for one week and stop playing them again forever.
So which of those categories does the new bloomhunger fall into in your opinion?
High irrelevant, Bloomhunger boss is in fractals, not dungeons.
Because in Fractals, Bloomhunger can be both.
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.
Lets look at it from another angle: how long did it take for dungeons to be “on farm” for most players, compared to bloomhunger ( even with its various scales of difficulty).
For me, many dungeon paths took longer to learn than new bloomhunger did, to reach “on farm” status.
So this kind of content will be “do for one week and forget” or “easy and farmable”.. Well that can subjectively be said for any content. So.. Should anet make no new content ever? I think not.
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
He is saying that they’ll be incredibly easy and boring but popular so that they farm them over and over again, or they’ll be hard and people will play it for one week and stop playing them again forever.
So which of those categories does the new bloomhunger fall into in your opinion?
High irrelevant, Bloomhunger boss is in fractals, not dungeons.
Because in Fractals, Bloomhunger can be both.
its not tho since fractals are the new 5 man content that took over for dungeons so it cant be both.
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.
Yes, I totally found groups for TA aetherblade path, CoF path 3, SE path 2, HoTW path 2. Obviously the player’s opinion is highly subjective. /s
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Really, Dungeons should just stay away from endgame and/or overhauled to be used as leveling tool for leveling characters with a Dungeon Finder. Then when the players grinded enough for level 80 exotics, then they are ready for tier 1 fractals.
Fractals should be the 5 man “Elite Dungeons.” Making new dungeons is a waste of time.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.Yes, I totally found groups for TA aetherblade path, CoF path 3, SE path 2, HoTW path 2. Obviously the player’s opinion is highly subjective. /s
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Really, Dungeons should just stay away from endgame and/or overhauled to be used as leveling tool for leveling characters with a Dungeon Finder. Then when the players grinded enough for level 80 exotics, then they are ready for tier 1 fractals.
Fractals should be the 5 man “Elite Dungeons.” Making new dungeons is a waste of time.
Then I guess by that definiton making new fractal is a waste of time aswell you already have 15 of them and run them gladly.
Then again why make new maps we already got around 30 of them clearly its a waste of time to add more.
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.Yes, I totally found groups for TA aetherblade path, CoF path 3, SE path 2, HoTW path 2. Obviously the player’s opinion is highly subjective. /s
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Really, Dungeons should just stay away from endgame and/or overhauled to be used as leveling tool for leveling characters with a Dungeon Finder. Then when the players grinded enough for level 80 exotics, then they are ready for tier 1 fractals.
Fractals should be the 5 man “Elite Dungeons.” Making new dungeons is a waste of time.
I don’t understand the first part at all..
Why would old dungeons need an overhaul? they can already be used as a levelling tool.
And dungeon finder? We already have an LFG.. Unless you mean forcing people together like wow? Sounds like an additional function we don’t really need.
The last sentence just makes you sound like anet’s pet parrot tbh.
“should be” doesn’t mean it is a good substitute either.
I don’t get it.. you advocate functions/overhauls we don’t need, but argue against new content? How could new/more content ever be a bad thing ( “a waste of time”)?
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
To be honest, dungeons could have been added with release and then they’d be in the state as the other dungeons once everyone unlocked all of the skins.
Incredibly popular until Anet guts them to make raids look good in comparison?
Dungeons weren’t gutted. The content remains the same, although stagnant, since 2012 with the exception of AC. I don’t recall seeing any drops in raids that have ever come from dungeons.
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.Yes, I totally found groups for TA aetherblade path, CoF path 3, SE path 2, HoTW path 2. Obviously the player’s opinion is highly subjective. /s
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Really, Dungeons should just stay away from endgame and/or overhauled to be used as leveling tool for leveling characters with a Dungeon Finder. Then when the players grinded enough for level 80 exotics, then they are ready for tier 1 fractals.
Fractals should be the 5 man “Elite Dungeons.” Making new dungeons is a waste of time.
I don’t understand the first part at all..
Why would old dungeons need an overhaul? they can already be used as a levelling tool.
And dungeon finder? We already have an LFG.. Unless you mean forcing people together like wow? Sounds like an additional function we don’t really need.The last sentence just makes you sound like anet’s pet parrot tbh.
“should be” doesn’t mean it is a good substitute either.I don’t get it.. you advocate functions/overhauls we don’t need, but argue against new content? How could new/more content ever be a bad thing ( “a waste of time”)?
- Lower the dungeon level requirement to 10 for Ascalon Catacomb explorable and Arah explorable for level 70 and the other dungeons down to their respective levels.
- Add another set of the same dungeon weapon/armor that has level requirement for the leveling player.
- Story mode dungeons is now soloable.
- Dungeon finders for dungeons. Because level 70 players can’t get to Arah.
I am all for new fractals. But adding new dungeons for endgame is a big waste of time.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
(edited by runeblade.7514)
Your opinion is highly subjective.
Saying it can be both is simply saying it depends on the player.
The same can be said for dungeons. Or raids. A difficulty scale isn’t needed for it to still be both, subjectively.Yes, I totally found groups for TA aetherblade path, CoF path 3, SE path 2, HoTW path 2. Obviously the player’s opinion is highly subjective. /s
I don’t see any reason why not to make 5-man “elite dungeons” to provide more end-game content. Especially given the things I outlined previously. Other than availability of resources – raid team is presumably busy with raids, but could easily make instances for parties rather than squads.
Though the trail of thought you’ve put this on could very easily lead to “we need dungeons with hard mode”. Which would easily slip into “we need easy mode raids”.
Really, Dungeons should just stay away from endgame and/or overhauled to be used as leveling tool for leveling characters with a Dungeon Finder. Then when the players grinded enough for level 80 exotics, then they are ready for tier 1 fractals.
Fractals should be the 5 man “Elite Dungeons.” Making new dungeons is a waste of time.
I don’t understand the first part at all..
Why would old dungeons need an overhaul? they can already be used as a levelling tool.
And dungeon finder? We already have an LFG.. Unless you mean forcing people together like wow? Sounds like an additional function we don’t really need.The last sentence just makes you sound like anet’s pet parrot tbh.
“should be” doesn’t mean it is a good substitute either.I don’t get it.. you advocate functions/overhauls we don’t need, but argue against new content? How could new/more content ever be a bad thing ( “a waste of time”)?
- Lower the dungeon level requirement to 10 for Ascalon Catacomb explorable and Arah explorable for level 70 and the other dungeons down to their respective levels.
- Add another set of the same dungeon weapon/armor that has level requirement for the leveling player.
- Story mode dungeons is now soloable.
- Dungeon finders for dungeons. Because level 70 players can’t get to Arah.
I am all for new fractals. But adding new dungeons for endgame is a big waste of time.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60 for HoT, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content… I can dream…
(edited by carabidus.6214)
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
EoTN dungeons were essentially copy and pasted in quite a large percentage of areas. This ignoring how completely different GW1 is compared to GW2.
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
EoTN dungeons were essentially copy and pasted in quite a large percentage of areas. This ignoring how completely different GW1 is compared to GW2.
Especially given the fact that Gw2 was never supposed to have an expansion and they have the Living Story, hopefully they do a little better with the next expansion
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
EoTN dungeons were essentially copy and pasted in quite a large percentage of areas. This ignoring how completely different GW1 is compared to GW2.
Especially given the fact that Gw2 was never supposed to have an expansion and they have the Living Story, hopefully they do a little better with the next expansion
And alot of the core dungeons use much of the same areas for all 3 paths aswell.
So how is that diffrent from EoTN ones?
Shouldent be to hard to crank out 3 dungeon paths if they can do raid wings.
Crap quoted the wrong post its for the one above yours BlaqueFyre
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
EoTN dungeons were essentially copy and pasted in quite a large percentage of areas. This ignoring how completely different GW1 is compared to GW2.
Especially given the fact that Gw2 was never supposed to have an expansion and they have the Living Story, hopefully they do a little better with the next expansion
And alot of the core dungeons use much of the same areas for all 3 paths aswell.
So how is that diffrent from EoTN ones?
Shouldent be to hard to crank out 3 dungeon paths if they can do raid wings.
Crap quoted the wrong post its for the one above yours BlaqueFyre
It’s different because the paths tend to diverge after you get out of the starter area. Quite a lot of the EotN dungeons were copy and pasted. This ignoring how much easier it likely was to develop content in GW1 compared to GW2 due to how different they are.
HoT is not only missing dungeons, but about 20 additional maps, more armor sets, etc. We did pay $50-$60, which is the price of the base game, and we all know the wealth of content that exists in vanilla GW2. I’m all for more dungeons and a AAA title’s worth of content…
Every video game expansion offers only one main zone and supplementary areas for the same price as the base game has been that way for years.
This is a standard ANET expansion.
It’s easy to see for yourself that the amount of content in HoT is laughable compared to Eye Of The North, dungeons notwithstanding…
EoTN dungeons were essentially copy and pasted in quite a large percentage of areas. This ignoring how completely different GW1 is compared to GW2.
Especially given the fact that Gw2 was never supposed to have an expansion and they have the Living Story, hopefully they do a little better with the next expansion
There was a subset of players that demanded it around when WoW launched one of theirs. Anet even admitted that they eventually had to listen to the players.
People wanted an expansion because they weren’t satisfied with the relatively meager amount of content provided by the living story.
They wanted something more on the scale of Factions or Nightfall (not technically expansions, but if you linked them to an existing account they functionally were). You can see how well that worked out.
People wanted an expansion because they weren’t satisfied with the relatively meager amount of content provided by the living story.
They wanted something more on the scale of Factions or Nightfall (not technically expansions, but if you linked them to an existing account they functionally were). You can see how well that worked out.
And yet Factions had similar complaints as HoT did.
Symptomatic to Anet; only 4 maps, not one new dungeon and after 9 months one new tiny fractal which is made of assets of old fractals. I just wonder what the hell they do all day long.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Symptomatic to Anet; only 4 maps, not one new dungeon and after 9 months one new tiny fractal which is made of assets of old fractals. I just wonder what the hell they do all day long.
Continuously redesign stuff. Fractals are on rework number 3? or so (4? if you count lolaccoutboundloot) while things that get the devs tons of mileage for time invested (bazaar, queen’s gauntlet, dragon bash, tower of nightmares) are kept out of the game most of the time. Adding new mobs/bosses to gauntlet would take all of a few weeks, while reworking wvw (which took the HoT development cycle and then another bunch of time just to revert only to now partially un-revert) takes much longer. Some time designing the precursor crafting system, only to stop just past half way in actually using it by putting the second set of legendaries on hold indefinitely.
The LS episode unlocking system coming out after season 1 I’ll just put down as an unfortunate fact of life as it’s not cost any dev time, but fixing it would take dev time. In other words, instead of taking up time it probably just won’t be done.
Then you have things like dungeons being reworked a billion times (nerfing speed clears with once a day loot, re-adding rewards, adding gold to rewards, nerfing it again to push fractals then somewhat un-nerfing it again) without anything that actually adds content to the system besides aetherpath actually staying.
And then there are things that have taken up dev time already simply haven’t fully matured yet (masteries, LS episodes replay feature, the way elite specs work) or are quickly getting there (reward tracks, even more so now that they’re in wvw too, wvw rank skills). Stuff that’s basically already done but will see more return for the time put in as the game goes on.
Yes, a lot of this stuff involves different departments and presumably the art team are hammering away at the game’s need for assets throughout all the redesigns, but you also have to consider a lot of this stuff spends considerable time on the drawing board or even in coded prototype form and potentially never even sees the light of day.
Without actual inside knowledge of what’s in the works or how long this stuff has taken most of these examples are speculative at best but probably still account for a good chunk of dev time.
That being said, I’m not a fan of fractals and think we need a blonde-headed asura representative of the consortium to make dungeons great again. By building new ones. Hundreds of them. With sustainability being the word going around recently, maybe adventures and dungeons can meet half way and turn into some kind of 3 man minidungeon thing like they had on WoW, so long as a small team can churn out a new one every few patches.
In my opinion dungeons in GW1 ware a lot more interesting then their counterpart in GW2, can anyone really compare Sorrow’s embrace to Sorrow’s Furnace? Is there any dungeon in GW2 the feel like Slavers’ Exile?
There is a huge repetition in the dungeons of GW2 the best example is Crucible of Eternity. Yes there ware problems in GW2’s dungeon design, the lack of actual mechanics and such, But i think that the team need to learn from it and create better dungeons with interesting stories, something like Shards of Orr or Vloxen Excavations. If Anet can fix fractals and create interesting living story chapters then in my opinion they can assemble a team that can create new dungeons, something that will be interesting and challenging, that have actual mechanics where enemies are vulnerable to traps or environmental damage in the dungeon, let the players use their brain and not dps damage sponges. I don’t really like fractals for me they feal like random portions of dungeons held together by paperclips , i cant even select the portions that i dislike and the story element there is very week.
In my opinion if Anet ware smart they would have changed the raid party from 10 to 8 give small parties the ability to use henchmen and call it retro dungeon, it would have made so many people happy.
Every new content can be considered as a waste of time, with this state of mind all anet need to do is sit on their laurels and let us do the same content over and over again.
(edited by Rhinala.1739)
In my opinion dungeons in GW1 ware a lot more interesting then their counterpart in GW2, can anyone really compare Sorrow’s embrace to Sorrow’s Furnace? Is there any dungeon in GW2 the feel like Slavers’ Exile?
Take away the difficulty of Slaver’s Exile and it’s really no different than any of the other EotN dungeons. In fact, take away the mobs and the format of every dungeon is essentially the same.
There is a huge repetition in the dungeons of GW2 the best example is Crucible of Eternity. [/url]
Many sections of the dungeons were just copy and pasted from another. Just look at the 1st level of Rragar’s Menagerie and the 2nd level of Catacombs of Kathandrax. They are practically the same map! Other times it’s a little more subtle than that.