HoT needs to be Buffed

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791


i play solo and i say its easy. i havent gone with any guild since hot started. i used to belong to a wvw guild and only things i did as a guild was wvw or pvp. so your theory goes out the window tthere

I agree with you 100%. The only thing you really need a guild for to get far in this game is one for raiding. Everything else is incredibly easy to do on your own. Without a proper LFG panel finding raid groups becomes insanely difficult. I realized this day two into HoT and made it my mission to find one. Plus, pugging really sucks and its nice to progress with the same group of people rather then restart progression every time you enter a pug. I think the main challenge people have with this game, and other MMO’s is utilizing the tools given to them.

Anyways, I read an article stating GW2 hit 7 million players at the release of HoT. We’ll guess that 2 million are inactive. We’ll guess the bottom 20% or so is unable to complete HoT or doesn’t bother/isn’t interested. This speculation leaves roughly 4 million players who at some point, made their way through HoT. Again, speculation… but you get the idea. Literally millions of people have completed this content. I feel like this argument should be my main point lol

(edited by Avarice.2791)

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


I would respond that HoT does not need to be buffed at all, it is quite strong enough. Buffing something is not always the answer.

Players need to be nurfed. This would also toughen up central Tyria Mobs, and the gods know they need it.

Then the players who are complaining in this thread need to be nurfed more than others… 1000HP each, reduction to 1 dodge and unable to block or evade.

That should make the game hard enough for you.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791


I would respond that HoT does not need to be buffed at all, it is quite strong enough. Buffing something is not always the answer.

Players need to be nurfed. This would also toughen up central Tyria Mobs, and the gods know they need it.

Then the players who are complaining in this thread need to be nurfed more than others… 1000HP each, reduction to 1 dodge and unable to block or evade.

That should make the game hard enough for you.

It’s obvious you didn’t read this thread lol. Clickbait at its finest.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drakz.7051


Someone mentioned the dull-ness of heart quests with the original gw2, well now it is the metas that are dull now, you do the meta in vb then move to a new area to do the meta there then o td for even more meta then ds for, you guessed it, more meta.

Their problem is they are not bringing out mixed open world content. At least with heart quests there was more than just killing stuff you could do to finish a quest. In hot you have to first find a full map, if not, you are screwed, then you need to hope you do not dc during the meta and then that the people know what to do. Then rinse and repeat.

The adventures on the other hand are a work of genius, some are a little tough but I really enjoy them, they are different and fun and I hope they add more of the adventure stuff in

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791


The adventures on the other hand are a work of genius, some are a little tough but I really enjoy them, they are different and fun and I hope they add more of the adventure stuff in

Ugh I disagree so much lol. Not only are they challenging (This is good) and require memorization (This is pretty meh) but they are gated behind meta events as well (This is awful design). I decided I can not handle going for gold on all of them until they roll out a fix for this, which they mentioned somewhere. I was going for shooting gallery the other night. Finally got the outpost after 20 minutes of waiting. Gave the adventure 4-5 tries and then it was nighttime. I guess I have to wait another hour or so until I can hop back into that one! Some of the adventures are enjoyable to me though, I just wish they weren’t gated behind specific meta events.

As for finding a full map for meta events. This is pretty easy as long as you arrive at the right time. Depending on what time it is there should always be a point where you can hop into a full meta assuming you arrive before/on-time.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Anyways, I read an article stating GW2 hit 7 million players at the release of HoT. We’ll guess that 2 million are inactive.

That was total accounts registered, which is a fairly useless number. The professional estimate was 3.1 million active players just after HoT. Judging from what others have said last month based on NCSoft’s earnings report, HoT likely only sold 300-500k copies. Not only was HoT poorly marketed (the focus on minorities, the lack of content, the price, etc), it also came at a bad time (in between other major releases, like FO4), so it’s really not surprising.

The ones who say HoT is easy are the ones who are actually playing with others.

The problem with difficulty is that it can vary greatly depending on what and how you’re playing. A pet bunker build is obviously going to be trivial compared to one of the lower defense professions played in melee. Just having a decoy can make a huge difference. Also keep in mind that some people are going to see everything as group content and just skip through it, rather than facing it. Some enemies can easily kill you within seconds for example, but for the most part, you can just skip them. Even then, without a death penalty, some may still think it’s easy because they can just waypoint.

Personally, I don’t really play alts so I’ve only played through HoT 1.5 times. First as a zerker ele and then as a zerker ranger wearing only rares, half accessories and no runes/sigils/upgrades. Although poorly geared, the ranger was easy, simply because of the pet tanking everything, plus I primarily skipped through everything and focused on the story.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791


That was total accounts registered, which is a fairly useless number. The professional estimate was 3.1 million active players just after HoT. Judging from what others have said last month based on NCSoft’s earnings report, HoT likely only sold 300-500k copies. Not only was HoT poorly marketed (the focus on minorities, the lack of content, the price, etc), it also came at a bad time (in between other major releases, like FO4), so it’s really not surprising.

Point successfully nulled :P Well then I can most likely say hundreds of thousands for sure and that’s a significant amount.

Personally, I don’t really play alts so I’ve only played through HoT 1.5 times. First as a zerker ele and then as a zerker ranger wearing only rares, half accessories and no runes/sigils/upgrades. Although poorly geared, the ranger was easy, simply because of the pet tanking everything, plus I primarily skipped through everything and focused on the story.

To be fair it may of seemed easier due to the fact that it was your second time through, and rangers have the inherited advantage of a pet. Gear really doesn’t make too much of a difference from rare to exotic to ascended. At least not a very easily noticeable different.

(edited by Avarice.2791)

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Someone mentioned the dull-ness of heart quests with the original gw2, well now it is the metas that are dull now, you do the meta in vb then move to a new area to do the meta there then o td for even more meta then ds for, you guessed it, more meta.

Their problem is they are not bringing out mixed open world content. At least with heart quests there was more than just killing stuff you could do to finish a quest. In hot you have to first find a full map, if not, you are screwed, then you need to hope you do not dc during the meta and then that the people know what to do. Then rinse and repeat.

The adventures on the other hand are a work of genius, some are a little tough but I really enjoy them, they are different and fun and I hope they add more of the adventure stuff in

To each their own. The heart quests are too similar to WoW quests for me. I much prefer events. But it seems to me there is no reason we can’t have both. Why couldn’t they have some sort of solo quest system that contributes to the overall story of the zone, but without timers and coordinated group events?

It may seem incompatible, but it might work with another idea I’ve seen floating around: What if we had two sets of each HoT map: 1 focused on events, another with more forgiving mechanics and old-world style heart quests.

Players who don’t appreciate HoT-style events can play it their way, exploring these beautiful maps and completing mostly solo content.

Players who like HoT the way it is can have it their way. And (hopefully) there won’t be so much overlap between these two types of players such that we end up in conflict.

Just a thought. I’m sure this would require a lot of work!

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You want to know what I don’t understand? How do casuals not complain about these ridiculous adventures.They’re fun to do occasionally but it is ridiculous that mastery points are gated behind them.

There are loads of threads about adventures too. And some of them are ridiculous for non-casuals too. You can be a pro raider and finish the second wing and still miss some adventure golds… usually the adventures with RNG are the worst offenders.

Fortunately, in order to max all masteries, they would only have to do five adventures now. I’m sure once LS picks back up, the number will drop even more.

It’s not so much “fortunately” as “well, not nearly as bad as I feared.” I play RPGs because I hate the style of gameplay exemplified in adventures. (I never wanted to play such games when they came out on my phone, let alone on the computer.)

On the other hand, I don’t see a problem with ANet asking people to master all aspects of the game to max all mastery tracks — the last few tracks only matter in some niche instances.

or tl;dr I hate adventures and I am not calling for them to be removed, nerfed, or for ANet to add more mastery points so I can more easily avoid them.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Personally, I don’t really play alts so I’ve only played through HoT 1.5 times. First as a zerker ele and then as a zerker ranger wearing only rares, half accessories and no runes/sigils/upgrades. Although poorly geared, the ranger was easy, simply because of the pet tanking everything, plus I primarily skipped through everything and focused on the story.

To be fair it may of seemed easier due to the fact that it was your second time through, and rangers have the inherited advantage of a pet. Gear really doesn’t make too much of a difference from rare to exotic to ascended. At least not a very easily noticeable different.

Well, actually, ranger is just easier. I tried ranger early and there is little comparison. The only profession I’ve had a comparably easy time with in HoT was a power Mesmer with lots o’ clones/illusions/phantasms, although a bunker Engie is not bad.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

Anyways, I read an article stating GW2 hit 7 million players at the release of HoT. We’ll guess that 2 million are inactive.

That was total accounts registered, which is a fairly useless number. The professional estimate was 3.1 million active players just after HoT. Judging from what others have said last month based on NCSoft’s earnings report, HoT likely only sold 300-500k copies. Not only was HoT poorly marketed (the focus on minorities, the lack of content, the price, etc), it also came at a bad time (in between other major releases, like FO4), so it’s really not surprising.

The ones who say HoT is easy are the ones who are actually playing with others.

The problem with difficulty is that it can vary greatly depending on what and how you’re playing. A pet bunker build is obviously going to be trivial compared to one of the lower defense professions played in melee. Just having a decoy can make a huge difference. Also keep in mind that some people are going to see everything as group content and just skip through it, rather than facing it. Some enemies can easily kill you within seconds for example, but for the most part, you can just skip them. Even then, without a death penalty, some may still think it’s easy because they can just waypoint.

Personally, I don’t really play alts so I’ve only played through HoT 1.5 times. First as a zerker ele and then as a zerker ranger wearing only rares, half accessories and no runes/sigils/upgrades. Although poorly geared, the ranger was easy, simply because of the pet tanking everything, plus I primarily skipped through everything and focused on the story.

hot got easier every char i went through with funny thing i had the hardest time with my mesmer but it was my first char stopped playing her and switched to my guardian which build was a bit more tankier way easier but i had already adapted. mesmer i finished up after rolling at least one of each profession through and after i knew what i was doing my mesmer was steamrolling through it with a zerker build. i still stand you got to learn what to do and it makes it easier. i went though with one of each profession story and hp runs. the more you learn the easier it gets

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


-The open world mobs of HoT need to be nerfed hard,so that all of
the player base can enjoy exploring and doing the casual open world
related activities.
-The open world events of HoT are just fine.No need to nerf or buff.
-The instanced content of HoT could be buffed more with something
like hard modes,in order to satisfy the more hardcore players.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I don´t see the problem with mobs in HoT.

I played HoT with everything expect Nekro and Revenant.
A carrion equipped ranger can basically walk over nearly every non Veteran mob after a little bit of practice, as can a soldier clad Guardian and even a partly apothecary clad warrior or cleric engineer does well. Cloth characters and thiefs fare a little worse if you, like me, don´t know how to properly play them.
Tricky ones are Hylek and rolling dinosaurs, but the later one are just garbage in general.
I have no berserker character, so I can´t say much about squishy classes with few HP.

Where my gripe with HoT lies it that the maps are not hostile as planned from Anet, they are annoyingly walled, gated and inaccessible if you don´t want to use guides.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


Someone mentioned the dull-ness of heart quests with the original gw2, well now it is the metas that are dull now, you do the meta in vb then move to a new area to do the meta there then o td for even more meta then ds for, you guessed it, more meta.

Their problem is they are not bringing out mixed open world content. At least with heart quests there was more than just killing stuff you could do to finish a quest. In hot you have to first find a full map, if not, you are screwed, then you need to hope you do not dc during the meta and then that the people know what to do. Then rinse and repeat.

The adventures on the other hand are a work of genius, some are a little tough but I really enjoy them, they are different and fun and I hope they add more of the adventure stuff in

It would be great if the events and the metas varied,but if you take a moment to
think about all the events that are already there,it would take way much more time and money to produce something like that.It would be great,maybe in the future there
will be tools made available to game developers,so they can produce such content more efficient and faster.

The adventures remind me a lot of Wildstar’s challenges.
In WS the accessibility is better,they are not gated behind other events,but if I’m not mistaken Anet said they are going to address this issue.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i play solo pretty much all the time and only have about 2 hours tops to play, i think HoT is made with groups in mind and i see this everywhere.
also, HoT is not thinking of casuals or any solo play, it doesn’t even care for you if you have to do everything pretty much on your own.

HoT is a place for ppl who like to group and have plenty of time, maybe not for the highest hardcore players around but for sure not made for casuals like me.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I think open world HoT hit the goldilocks zone. It’s just right.

And also I think defining difficulty via failure rates is stupid. If someone can reliably beat Gorseval 100% of the time and can reliably beat generic mobs 100% of the time, that doesn’t make Gorseval = generic mob.

Difficulty is effort. It is about how hard you have to try to accomplish something. The HoT mobs hit that nice space where the only conditions are victory are that you know the content, you’re paying attention, and you have the most basic problem solving skills. So it is basically Dark Souls.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


if you want to buff hot, do it naked. – that would be something to brag about.

think of it like this …all ascended / legendary easy mode, all exotic, standard, all green hardcore mode, all blue – extreme mode, all white – grand master and naked – highlander.

If I see a naked character trying to solo the mushroom hp – i will brag about them and insist on wanting their autograph.

if you see a naked reaper in dragon stand, that might be me going for the title. “streaker extraordinaire”

anet, please fix this, remove their high level gear. they have it too easy, err the game is too easy for them!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

HoT needs to be Buffed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791



There’s literally no reward for this and therefore it is a pointless arguement to make. I’m not going to nerf myself so that other players can more easily access content than me. I really hate this comment (whenever anyone says that) and the purpose of this thread was to not call for blanket buffs but to rather call out people who are calling for blanket nerfs due to the fact that they spent 10 minutes in VB and said “this is too hard I quit!” No disrespect, this just simply isn’t a viable solution.