HoT new character select screen?
what are the chances of this?
during the last beta weekend we had different music in the main menu and even that felt kind of exciting and refreshing. It would be cool to as well have a brand new character select screen when the expansion hits. I’m thinking darker colors, dark brown, black, lots of green and vines strewn about everywhere. What do you think?
I like the vines idea
I’d really really love this aswell, I like the current screen, but changing them for expansions helps bring a sense of development and should not be a whole lot of work.
that would be nice.
HoT new character select screen?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
A change of screens sounds like a good idea to me. They did that with gw1. Out with the old! In with the new!
However some people who didn’t buy the expansion would post on the forum complaining that changing the character select screen to a HoT screen is shoving it in their face. (And I only wish I was joking).
ANet may give it to you.
I agree, this would be such a nice change! We’ve all spent too much time on that boring character select screen… I was actually pretty unimpressed with it from the start! The character select screens in gw1 were much more aesthetically pleasing!
Young He$hy
I would love to see a new screen also, the blank white gets boring after awhile.
I hope there is an option that i can show more char slots in the same page