Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


To everyone angry at the BS bundle package for HoT, and to all the blind fans, I have a solution: Just wait a bit…

We don’t even know how much is in this expansion yet. They, brilliantly, haven’t even bothered to show us, just how much is in this thing. Along side of this, they quickly throw out a cash grab of pre-order bundles, to prey on the ignorant. How can we prevent this, how can we make everyone happy? I’ll tell you how. Just dont get it… yet.

One of two things will happen. Either A, they actually come forth with just how big, and “expansive” this expansion actually is (which may justify it’s ridiculous price tag, JUST under the price of a full friggin game). Or B, they make a separate purchase available, with JUST the expansion… ya know, the way its supposed to f***ing be!

So simply chill out, and dont shell out money to someone who’s obviously taking advantage of you. And to all the white knighting fanbois out there… if you chill out too, you could be rewarded with a better deal…. SO CHILL OUT!

… and wait.

Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AWACS.6537


The people who ARE angry ARE waiting, we want a valid reason to buy the game, but we can’t really buy it with reasons to NOT buy the game, so that’s why we are pressing out for change.


Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


I’ve purchased every Guild Wars game. From the collector’s edition of GW1 to pre-ordered every expansion. All was collector’s edition whenever possible. I even pre-ordered GW2 collector’s edition. This HoT mess have me on the sidelines. I don’t think I want to buy 5 more copies of the game that I will still need to buy character slots for. Yes, I purchase the game for my entire family, including the toddler. I’m holding off as what this topic is all about until we get a clear understanding of how much ANet cares about their existing fan base.

-S o S-

Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Channel.9402


Realistically have you consider that they’ve announced all there is to it for the new HoT? One thing from GH announcement they they might haven’t announce yet might be the mount as i see bikes in the footage.

Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lysander Freeman.4186

Lysander Freeman.4186

Or you could just uninstall the game now. I uninstalled a few hours ago. Granted, it’s not a subscription so you can just reinstall and play again, but I’m basically not going to play it for a nice while. I figure if a miracle occurs and HoT is a resounding success and I have the extra cash I might poke my head in to see what the fuss is about.

(this is probably my last post here unless they make some great big reveal that justifies the cost and no, you can’t have my stuff – my characters need it in the afterlife).