While I would love some housing (and honestly, it would be a cash cow with the Gem Store, I’m certain) the problem is that it would be purely aesthetic, since the Garrisons in WoW have been the source of problems for some players (they simply log to do the “chores” to reap some rewards) , so it could be problematic.
I’ve been playing a lot of Path of Exile, and player housing done right is amazing.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I love the youtube tours that’s a great idea as well.
Houses could be pretty good. Many MMOs are putting in player housing because it gives players an area that is “their own”. The players get choose the layout, what goes in the housing area, and many other things as well, like adding a TP or banks. It’s also good because houses serve as a gold sink to the players. These ideas are usually added a few years down the line though. We already have a home instance just need an option to decorate it.
We have a house model in game already in the form of personal/home instances. Allow us to recruit services and npcs in collection quests. Allow us to hang trophies that give boosts. Let us hold events for friends/guildies in the personal/home instances. Make the personal/home instances connected to guild halls and we are golden.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
That’s another thing, recruiting npc services for your housing needs. If they can do it without messing with the system too much we can have player run stores by hiring npc merchants.
Like themepark instanced housing? meh. Your examples (not even mmo’s) are sandbox games, and better examples of that with MMO’s would be UO or SWG (SWG:pre-nge far better including the player faction bases). But this isn’t a sandbox, and as a themepark game it could never be very good nor to the point as you mentioned to “bring in a whole new fan base” but more likely loose a lot of existing themepark players.
It’s not just housing, but how it works in the environment, the mechanics of the game, such as like why SIMS Online totally crashed and burned (renamed EA Land at that death throes point). And to introduce a sandbox type housing system (very complicated) into a themepark game, well would be like oil and water. So what they would do is make yet another instanced housing system, which is usually bland and desolate. Likely they will just have guild halls here, like a good little themepark game.
Wish it were possible, but realistically it’s not, and historically it’s prolly best not to, not even instanced housing.
Like themepark instanced housing? meh. Your examples (not even mmo’s) are sandbox games, and better examples of that with MMO’s would be UO or SWG (SWG:pre-nge far better including the player faction bases).
Wait why is Path of Exlie a sandbox game? I thought it’s like Diablo? Or is Diablo a sandbox game too?
That’s why you limit the housing system and land that’s available.
Wait why is Path of Exlie a sandbox game? I thought it’s like Diablo? Or is Diablo a sandbox game too?
“Go play Sims or Skyrim.”
I don’t remember replying to your examples, was aimed at OP.
That’s why you limit the housing system and land that’s available.
Which would get a lot of players very-very angry. Even early UO with a whole lot of sandbox land for housing, castles sold for over $1000 on ebay for a lot of years (just an example of supply and demand with even vast amounts of housing land).
Sandbox games are usually where you find competition, be it for open-world raiding, mob camping, even land procurement. But in the themepark, especially how this one has established itself already (for the bulk of retained players), it’s all about ease of use and casual play.
When a game makes a major shift to acquire a different sort of player, they always fail, not only loosing it’s existing player-base, but never acquiring it’s new target player-base. This has proven true time and time again, sadly. Housing would be awesome, I’m a fan of it for sure, but never seen it worth while in a themepark game at least worth the dev time to do.
When a game makes a major shift to acquire a different sort of player, they always fail, not only loosing it’s existing player-base, but never acquiring it’s new target player-base. This has proven true time and time again, sadly. Housing would be awesome, I’m a fan of it for sure, but never seen it worth while in a themepark game at least worth the dev time to do.
I don’t think it would be that hard to add in GW2. Of course there would be quite some work. But the objects are there. Almost everything is made out of smaller models which would be perfect as housing objects.
Just give us an instanced place and allow us to place objects in there. I could imagine things like custom jumping puzzles could be a thing.
And man the gem shop could sell so much stuff and IMO wouldn’t be that bad. Afterall you can buy everything for gold too.
And a little competition for housing would be a bad thing?
I think player-housing (rather than just home-area in your racial town) would be a nice thing to add. I would probably even drop some money on it.
That being said I think it would require an change of the “home instance” which exists now. I also don’t see it being something before guild halls.
My version:
Guild Hall – you are allowed to enter your own guild hall, which earns decorations (through PvE, PvP, WvWvW & especially during limited time events). At some point in the guild hall, is another transition which would take you to your “room”.
Guild room – this is your personal “house”, it follows you from guild to guild. You can personal earn upgrades through content (size, decorations, features). Your guild room would now contain all the things which are part of your home-instance (nodes, etc. which could be moved/placed like furnishings)
You could visit someone’s room by going to your room, then selecting the “join” from the party menu, or when they enter their room selecting the pop-up (same as joining in a home-instance).
The major fall back that people would want is an “outside” to decorate, and being linked as part of a guild hall just isn’t functional. FF-XIV added housing which plots were auctioned, I feel then as I would here that it would leave to a have/not system where people felt they were jilted from not being able to have a specific plot of land.
alternate thought (to ramble) if guild halls were in “the mists” player houses could be purchased on plots outside of their guild hall, and appear/disappear around the current guild they are logged in/representing only if they are there and representing the guild. I like this idea but I’m sure it would cause some issues!
Housing? I’m all for it.
Although it seems this expansion they’re introducing Guild Halls so we’d probably only see it as part of a future expansion. Depending on how they do Guild Halls it might be possible to port some of the tech over.
It would be nice if we could have a portal from our home instance to the guild house. I don’t think the reverse would be possible since there are ‘home’ instances in every city, unless it automatically took you to your racial home instance.
+1 to OP from me
I want player housing!!! It was the only thing I liked in Rift, lol.
It would be nice if we could have a portal from our home instance to the guild house. I don’t think the reverse would be possible since there are ‘home’ instances in every city, unless it automatically took you to your racial home instance.
Would probably work like
Im totally in love with player housing. It’s probably the main thing that kept me playing eq2 for so long and the fact they constantly added new furniture. I get it’s a niche market but so is WvW and other aspects that are in the game now and I think there would be a big enough player base that wants it to make it profitable. This game is alllll about looking awesome and why not in addition to that have a sweet place to live to match your character? Adding housing would make this the perfect game for me since it gives the less competitive people something to do when we’re getting bored of PVE and want to get creative
all for player housing, though i’d prefer it to be completely aesthetic, no utility and such.. just a gold sink for players (like me) who enjoy customization for the sake of customization, without adding anything that might lead 90% of the forums to rant for ages about how awful it is.
just have 2-5 places in each city (or just the default ones i guess) where you can buy a house for a set amount of gold (or even gems tbh) and have it customizable. that would make me a very happy cat
all for player housing, though i’d prefer it to be completely aesthetic, no utility and such.. just a gold sink for players (like me) who enjoy customization for the sake of customization, without adding anything that might lead 90% of the forums to rant for ages about how awful it is.
just have 2-5 places in each city (or just the default ones i guess) where you can buy a house for a set amount of gold (or even gems tbh) and have it customizable. that would make me a very happy cat
If you would have to walk into some sort of portal in a city I think some utility wouldn’t hurt. Just maybe a merchant, a repair NPC and a bank.
They just have to make sure that not everybody leaves the cities because of it.
all for player housing, though i’d prefer it to be completely aesthetic, no utility and such.. just a gold sink for players (like me) who enjoy customization for the sake of customization, without adding anything that might lead 90% of the forums to rant for ages about how awful it is.
just have 2-5 places in each city (or just the default ones i guess) where you can buy a house for a set amount of gold (or even gems tbh) and have it customizable. that would make me a very happy cat
If you would have to walk into some sort of portal in a city I think some utility wouldn’t hurt. Just maybe a merchant, a repair NPC and a bank.
They just have to make sure that not everybody leaves the cities because of it.
of course, I agree, it definitely wouldn’t hurt. However, what it COULD do, is open up a venue for the anti-housing group to complain about how it is totally ruining the game. Not saying I agree with them, but personally, I don’t care too much if it has utility or not.. it would be a nice addition though
No, housing is something I never use, it’s just not my cup of tea.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
if they do add this, i hope i can have a spoon cabinet to keep my growing collection in.
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
No, housing is something I never use, it’s just not my cup of tea.
Fair enough. I think when it comes to features like this is usually comes down to the player benefit (or maybe interest?) vs implementation challenge. For example something like guild halls will probably see a lot of usage and give players a lot of new things to do. Not sure how player housing measures up. Obviously I’m all for player housing (I’m all for any new feature) but its really up to Anet to decide if it’s worth the time and effort.
all for player housing, though i’d prefer it to be completely aesthetic, no utility and such.. just a gold sink for players (like me) who enjoy customization for the sake of customization, without adding anything that might lead 90% of the forums to rant for ages about how awful it is.
just have 2-5 places in each city (or just the default ones i guess) where you can buy a house for a set amount of gold (or even gems tbh) and have it customizable. that would make me a very happy cat
If you would have to walk into some sort of portal in a city I think some utility wouldn’t hurt. Just maybe a merchant, a repair NPC and a bank.
They just have to make sure that not everybody leaves the cities because of it.of course, I agree, it definitely wouldn’t hurt. However, what it COULD do, is open up a venue for the anti-housing group to complain about how it is totally ruining the game. Not saying I agree with them, but personally, I don’t care too much if it has utility or not.. it would be a nice addition though
That’s why it shouldn’t be too easy to get to. If you want the fastest way to do anyting you should just tp to a city.
If you would go to your house you should have to tp to a city, walk to the entrance, load to your house and only then you would have your stuff that you could have much faster earlier if you stayed in the city.
While I would love some housing (and honestly, it would be a cash cow with the Gem Store, I’m certain) the problem is that it would be purely aesthetic, since the Garrisons in WoW have been the source of problems for some players (they simply log to do the “chores” to reap some rewards) , so it could be problematic.
Quite a few already do login to collect the daily award and do the dailies. Most of them are just waiting for new content to come out.
This idea does not even make my lowest portion of things I would like in an MMO. I do not mean to belittle the thought but I am looking more for good content relative to beating up bad guys, generally speaking. A stylish home just isn’t part of this.
This idea does not even make my lowest portion of things I would like in an MMO. I do not mean to belittle the thought but I am looking more for good content relative to beating up bad guys, generally speaking. A stylish home just isn’t part of this.
They could add gem shop items and make more money and with that make more real content.