How do we clean up the Guild Hall?
It’s easy enough. Just donate a few supplies for repairs. Something like 5,000,000 planks, 10,000,000 ingots, 5,000 ectos, 1000 lodestones, 100 PvP potions, 25,0000 leather, 500 mystic coins and 500 T6 mats (per guild member) should be a good start.
and thats exactly what your doing get started building stuff mate.
It’s easy enough. Just donate a few supplies for repairs. Something like 5,000,000 planks, 10,000,000 ingots, 5,000 ectos, 1000 lodestones, 100 PvP potions, 25,0000 leather, 500 mystic coins and 500 T6 mats (per guild member) should be a good start.
I think you forgot to add another zero in there somewhere
So there is actually NO way to fix this stuff? Wow…
Leveling the guild level should have some slow progress on repairing the hall and your trees exist as decorations
I’m sure the option will appear on the Gem Store eventually.
I have not noticed anything changing on leveling other than the crystal throne. The cracks and ruins are still there, the weeds are still there, and the bridges are still busted up.
It would be nice to have one Proprietor that makes only visual changes to the guild hall and perhaps another for QIL improvements such as training dummies, more waypoints, mobs for grinding etc.
NSP | Os Guild Master |
Very slowly stuff does start to get cleaned up. Debris gets moved. Some rocks and such move out of the way. Things do very very subtly change as you upgrade.
In Lost Precipice I’ve noticed the rubble clearing up while upgrading the hall and gaining levels.
However it would be nice to have the option to ‘clean up’ some stuff ourselves
[EU] Piken Square
Representing: ‘The Only One’ [One]
I’ve noticed a similar trend but not tied to level or time, but rather specific upgrades. I feel like 1 proprietor with just cosmetic upgrades and changes might be nice. It literally creates no balance issues so all the upgrades could be expensive.
NSP | Os Guild Master |