How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mr Finesse.9036

Mr Finesse.9036


How much favor will it cost to start a Guild Hall Expedition? And also how much favor do the Guild Missions in the new system give towards this?

I’m trying to get a committed date for my guild to go through the expedition together but without knowing how much favor is required I can’t get them a solid decision on this until after launch.

Wayward Blade [WB]

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordvroom.1274



As seen in a screenshot I took during one of the live streams, 100g and 150favor. They said you should be able to earn that amount in a week.

From what I believe it’s 300 favor for an easy mission, 400 – Med, and 500 – hard with an unknown weekly cap.

Leader of The Backup [CREW]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by lordvroom.1274)

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Didn’t they say on Guild Chat that guilds could possibly have their halls in the first weekend? I thought it was just 100 gold to start the mission.

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mr Finesse.9036

Mr Finesse.9036

This is what was said:
Q: How feasible is it for guild to claim their guild hall first week after launch
A: Very feasible. You need to run some guild missions first to gain enough favor to run the expedition. You should be able to get enough favor in the first week but if not definitely the second week.

So my question is more along the lines of what size guild is this example coming from?

Wayward Blade [WB]

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mr Finesse.9036

Mr Finesse.9036

Thanks! /15chars

Wayward Blade [WB]

How much favor to start a Guild Expedition?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MatHack.4316


I’m wondering if you should postpone the guild missions for the week of the 19th (using the new resettime) until after HoT is released. The old and the new system might save the guild mission reward earned indications in the same way. This way you can get the favor in that first weekend and do the expedition in that same weekend even (barring any bugs).

Far Shiverpeaks