How much is HoT worth?
Totally worth. I like it very much.
I would say that one way of looking at this is by comparing to MMOs with monthly subscription. How much have you gotten out of the base game so far compared to if you would have been paying a monthly subscription? Like, how many hours have you played with just the price of the base game and how big of a difference in cost would it have been if you’d been paying a subscription the whole time.
My personal situation is that I had over a thousand hours in GW2 before HoT was even announced so I didn’t feel bad paying for the Ultimate edition of HoT since I felt I had already gotten way more entertainment out of GW2 the past 3 years than what I had originally paid for.
And I still think it was worth it. But, then again, I’m not one of those people who just blaze through all the content. I have a dozen characters of different professions and races so I have a lot to do and won’t get bored very soon.
Depends how much of the base game have you already finished. There is a lot to do even without buying HoT. Have you explored all the tyria maps? Have you maxed up all the possible classes? Have you done wvw, pvp, dungeons and fractals?
Depends on what you like.
I like that it made leveling after level 80 relevant again. I like the small perks that come with pact commander, the in city speed boost and the auto loot that puts items in my inventory so I never have to wonder if I’ve left loot behind.
I love gliding and one of the most fun things so far was being lofted high into the air so I was gliding along with everything far below. Muchroom jumping is great also. Get on the mushroom and go way up into the next level.
The fighting in the new zones is harder, but so far not too hard. The events can’t (mostly) be solo’d. That is a negative. So far I’m still in the first map, having spent a lot of the time in Halloween content and unlocking the old map on my new Rev, but the videos I’ve seen of the other maps look interesting, especially the big battle in Dragon’s Stand. The other mastery lines such as where invisible enemies become visible also sounds interesting.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’m loving the new content. It’s harder than existing content. I wasn’t sure I’d like more challenge, but after this the old world seems mundane. There’s no thought to surviving in the open world pretty much anywhere. Here you have to think and react. I find it refreshing.
I’m the kind of guy who likes things to do in an MMO. This gives me lots of things to work towards.
For example, in the first zone there are five outposts. Each outpost as an event chain that’s quite long that tells the story of that outpost. I just finished the fifth outpost chain in the first zone. I’ve done all the events now. They’re good, hard events. The rewards, a much needed mastery point.
Our guild claimed our guild hall only yesterday and we’re working through the process of upgrading it.
If you like to see progression, the expansion is a good deal, because right now, whatever experience you get at 80 goes to waste.
I’ve been using it to unlock masteries.
Wait until it’s $10.
Wait until it’s $10.
That’ll never happen again. It’s unlikely to drop below 50% officially since a new expansion will be announced by that time. Like the core game, they’ll probably end up giving HoT away for free to everyone next expansion solely to keep the numbers up in the old areas. Besides, if you wait that long, you’ll probably be missing 2-3 seasons of the living story, which is around $32-48 in gems.
25-30 dollars for me, Number pending assuming they fix the drop rates/make rewards higher.
Also if they add more living story.
If they don’t do any of that well…It’ll drop down to 15-20 for me.
If they do maybe it’ll reach up to 50, but only if they really work at it.
Been playing since launch, bought HoT too, and I’m an avid fan (just my credentials. ).
IF you are an F2P player, then yes.
IF you already bought GW2, then not so much.
Why? Cause compared to the core game HoT ads very little content. The story is poorly written, you will probably only use 1-2 of the elite specializations. You will enter a guild hall to use the scribe station.
Its not that you shouldent buy it, but its not worth the asking price, in my opinion.
If your not in a rush, maybe wait for a discount.
Been playing since launch, bought HoT too, and I’m an avid fan (just my credentials.
IF you are an F2P player, then yes.
IF you already bought GW2, then not so much.
Why? Cause compared to the core game HoT ads very little content. The story is poorly written, you will probably only use 1-2 of the elite specializations. You will enter a guild hall to use the scribe station.
Its not that you shouldent buy it, but its not worth the asking price, in my opinion.If your not in a rush, maybe wait for a discount.
Actually most people don’t say the story is poorly written. Many people have praised it. It might be worth watching Wooden Potatoes review and make up your own mind.
To me, this is the best written any Guild Wars 2 story has been. It’s short though, and there are a few things that weren’t fleshed out, but the writing and particularly the delivery is pretty high compared to the rest of the story in the game.
I had a lot ‘oh snap’ moments, like the Wyvern Patriarch or the Mouth of Mordremoth. This alone for me is worth the investment.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I bought 2 piece at gameshop at Oct 22.
The box are nice and shiny. In the box there is a serial key and a CD (only a setup application it what you can dowload from the offical site)
I was happy anyway.
Next day, Oct 23. In the morning Servers are slow, downloading speed 0-10kb/s… oh god…
BUT i could play at the evening finaly.
Everything new. Didnt know what to do where to go ect.
But now, after unlocking some misteryes…the game is too amazing! I can not exit xD keeps me playing, and when i teleport out to a non hot map, i forgot that i cant fly and i just jump off and ooops, die :’)
SO, TOTALY WORTH IT!!! (Also you can require a refound if you not p)leased
HoT is worth every penny. It is absolutely beautiful and the nooks and crannies of the maps are tremendously fun to find and explore for yourself if you enjoy exploration.
The end game of GW2 being what it is (essentially creating your own goals between content releases and living story updates) there is a ton here to occupy your time. Collections and achievements out the wazoo.
The story is fantastic (don’t expect it to take as much time as a full AAA game would, as every feature of the Xpack was enhanced, not simply a single focus on the story.) It is beautfully crafted, gets darker than the base story at times, and will lead into more living story content updates down the road.
Masteries and elite specs are wonderful (just don’t force yourself to do mindless repetitive junk to power through them and keep in mind that the masteries for HoT are only for navigating those maps more successfully… in other words, if you don’t feel like playing on a HoT map or have burned out on it for a bit, stop grinding masteries there and come back later when you’re feeling it again).
There is so much to do.
I paid $100 for the Ultimate version and so did at least 3 others that I know of. None of us have felt like we did not get our monies worth. We are having a blast and enjoying the game quite a bit actually, both playing in the HoT areas and in core Tyria where 3 of us are leveling a Rev the slow way, lol.
The story is fantastic
Yeah… No.
Well it was not wroth the 50$ allot of ppl are just in denial and don’t want to admit they overpaid big time
Been playing since launch, bought HoT too, and I’m an avid fan (just my credentials.
IF you are an F2P player, then yes.
IF you already bought GW2, then not so much.
Why? Cause compared to the core game HoT ads very little content. The story is poorly written, you will probably only use 1-2 of the elite specializations. You will enter a guild hall to use the scribe station.
Its not that you shouldent buy it, but its not worth the asking price, in my opinion.If your not in a rush, maybe wait for a discount.
Actually most people don’t say the story is poorly written. Many people have praised it. It might be worth watching Wooden Potatoes review and make up your own mind.
To me, this is the best written any Guild Wars 2 story has been. It’s short though, and there are a few things that weren’t fleshed out, but the writing and particularly the delivery is pretty high compared to the rest of the story in the game.
Correct. The story is much better written than previous stories. However, the length of story, the significant omissions and a 2 year build up for a very quick culmination, saddened me.
I do not regret paying for the collectors edition of the game at all, but for all the positives, I have probably more criticisms than I do about the core game.
- i like the challenging difficulty
- i do not like the reliance on metas which result in too split a population
- i like the masteries
- i actually would have preferred more gating behind them. I admit to being a minority here
- gliding is awesome
- obtainable gliding skins in game is non existant
- well written story, with vastly improved dialogue and VA
- well under half the length id have expected an expac story to be
- loving elite specs
- graphically it is the most detailed area
- graphically too intensive, meaning changing settings between core and expac
- some interesting new lore
- not enough focus on existing lore
- Guild Halls are a welcome addition
- Not well tailored to small guilds imo
- Precursor collections are welcome
- Many are bugged (should get fixed over time though)
- Raids bring a new dimension to play
- too early to criticise, altho I hope no significant story is locked behind them
Just some points to consider. They are not gospel and do not reflect the opinions of all.
Best thing that ever happened to gaming..and also the Best Looking and Best Sounding.
Epic challenging content, if you are not having fun in HoT..your doing it wrong.
Love it..Love it..Love it
Well it was not wroth the 50$ allot of ppl are just in denial and don’t want to admit they overpaid big time
We disagree with you so we don’t want to admit it? lmao. Okay there.
Sigh, just justify it like this. I went to the movies last night and spent $25 for two and a half hours. Now, I already have 80 hours on HoT.
Valky is complaining about the price when the majority of us will put hundreds of hours on the expac even before the raid drops.
How much would you spend on a hundred hours of entertainment in the real world?
Far more than $50.
Crystal Desert
I can see, ultimately putting hundreds of hours into HoT. I love the new zones. Is that worth $50.
We unlocked our Guild Hall yesterday and we’re building it up. I haven’t seen the guild this excited in ages. Everyone is thrilled with the discovery of new things. And yes, it’s expensive, which is why I’m glad I have so many dedicated guildies who are happy to help contribute.
We’ve built the mine, the workshop and the tavern so far. The guild hall isn’t like anything I’ve seen in other games it’s an entire map. Fantastic.
And that’s not counting the other stuff I’ve doing. There’s so much I want to do, it’s hard to know where to begin.
I think I like the way the progression is laid out, particularly the masteries.
I still haven’t purchased the game and it’s mostly because of the price point. Don’t get me wrong, I can afford to spend $50 on a game. But is Heart of Thorns worth it?
Shop around, I did, got my pre order for almost £10 cheaper.
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Wait until it’s $10.
That’ll never happen again. It’s unlikely to drop below 50% officially since a new expansion will be announced by that time. Like the core game, they’ll probably end up giving HoT away for free to everyone next expansion solely to keep the numbers up in the old areas. Besides, if you wait that long, you’ll probably be missing 2-3 seasons of the living story, which is around $32-48 in gems.
I would just like to add that it is not a “probably” but a “definitely” with regards to bundling the future expansions. Their new pricing model blog post explicitly stated that all future expansions will include the core game and all previous expansions for “free”. You do only get Living World additions if you log in and own the current expansions though, so that’s still a perfectly valid reason to buy them on time.
I have found it to be well worth the $50. I’ve already spent more time playing it than I would your typical console game.
Depends on what your playstyle is and what you like. Half the people think it’s worth the $50, others say it isnt even worth $15.
If you are a WvW player then it definitely isnt worth it.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
HoT is worth $20-30 to me, so I’m glad I Preordered the Ultimate package. After removing the value of the “bonus” items the base game breaks down to $20-30.
My opinion…
So I have come from playing all sorts of MMOs. I have played world of Warcraft and all of its expacs. I have played Starwars: The Old Republic up to shadow of Revan, and Wildstar.
I have flip flopped between them all and this one. I bought this game when it first came out. I played off and on until the scarlet Living story and I just recently came back and bout HoT.
I have to say it was worth every penny.
And here is why….
For comparison’s sake…
Warlords of Drenor came out and it cost 50 bucks. That is a ton for a wow expansion. That expansion did not really add a lot. We very little in ways of patch content comparred to what they have done in the past. Now I am not saying that WoD was a bad expansion I liked it. But it totally was not worth the 50 bucks.
Now HoT comes out. We ahve a total revamp of traits. Which when I first started playing the traits where a mess. We have a new way to get weapon skills. Admittedly we still get them early. But it is nice that they are level based and not kill based. We have a better slot skill system. I just got all my slot skills open at level 49. I have never had a level 80 toon since the open of GW2 and I am now just getting into the groove to get 80s.
We have a whole new huge zone. Not just few little areas a massive map. Plus a new class. The rev is a great addition to the game. I love it. But I find my self wanting to level an older class. I just like how the game has evolved so I choice a necro and I have not looked back since.
Not only the new class but a subclass for it as well. Not to mention 8 other subclasses that alter how the orignal 8 work. Amazing.
So we got 1 full class, 9 ‘hero’ classes, a huge zone, evolving mechanics and more to come… NOT to mention the raid… A raid in gw2. HOLY CRAP!
Yeah totally worth the 50 bucks.