How to learn if you enjoy a class?

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: HellraiserMachina.4215


Here’s a slightly deeper question I’ve been thinking in recent days to do with enjoying a class, and learning that you want to keep going with it to 80.

I am a slow leveller. I have had GW2 since Dec 2012 but my highest char is a lv.46 Thief, this is the highest I’ve gotten with one because I thoroughly enjoy the Thief’s playstyle and I think it fits me.

However… I have not had the same luck with other classes, and I want to know how I can tell when I am ready to try and push for 80 on another character the way I do with my main Thief.

I’ve gone with the Ranger, but got quickly bored because of the skillsets (you’re just shooting arrows, slashing with swords, etc. Where’s the fun?) and discarded that.

Then I ran with a Necro and had the time of my life in PvP, but could not motivate myself to play one in PvE for some reason.

Those are my examples. I now ask you, how can you guys tell if you enjoy a class or not, and what makes you try to level them to 80?

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Well for starters, make one of each class. Just pony up for the slots, its worth it if you like the game. Then simply level them up to 80. Even if I dont like certain classes, I still level and play them every now and then – if only to learn their flaws and how to fight them.

If you like a class in PvP but not in PvE… well dont play it in PvE then. Personally I force myself to learn all modes out of cheer laziness. All my good bags and tools are on one character, the main that does everything. The rest are usually in reserve.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: HellraiserMachina.4215


^So… The extra character slots are worth it? I am saving until 100g to get one, but that sounds like a tough move.

I would definitely not be worrying about indecision if I had all the slots. Is buying it worth it, then?

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Balsa.3951


go into spvp and see which class annoys u the most

thats the class u may love when u play it urself

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Here’s a slightly deeper question I’ve been thinking in recent days to do with enjoying a class, and learning that you want to keep going with it to 80.

I am a slow leveller. I have had GW2 since Dec 2012 but my highest char is a lv.46 Thief, this is the highest I’ve gotten with one because I thoroughly enjoy the Thief’s playstyle and I think it fits me.

However… I have not had the same luck with other classes, and I want to know how I can tell when I am ready to try and push for 80 on another character the way I do with my main Thief.

I’ve gone with the Ranger, but got quickly bored because of the skillsets (you’re just shooting arrows, slashing with swords, etc. Where’s the fun?) and discarded that.

Then I ran with a Necro and had the time of my life in PvP, but could not motivate myself to play one in PvE for some reason.

Those are my examples. I now ask you, how can you guys tell if you enjoy a class or not, and what makes you try to level them to 80?

This is a tough one to tackle. It’s REALLY easy to level in this game. So easy, in fact, that it seems like you should have accidentally leveled to 80 in this time, even if not on purpose. I currently have one of every class at 80, and multiples of some. I don’t cater to the idea of carrying around multiple sets of gear and respeccing on the fly. If I want to play a different build I’ll make a character of that build. The problem, though, with leveling the way you are is that some characters don’t get fun until much higher level when their traits start falling in line, and their gear is better.

My least enjoyed character was by far my staff elementalists. The last one on my list here, that I just got to 80. I absolutely love her now. It turns out she’s really good in dungeons, and a lot stronger than I gave her credit for when I first started.

If you like your Necro for PvP, play your necro in PvP and don’t worry about the rest of the game. Find the niche for your characters and play them where they’re enjoyable.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

^So… The extra character slots are worth it? I am saving until 100g to get one, but that sounds like a tough move.

I would definitely not be worrying about indecision if I had all the slots. Is buying it worth it, then?

It’s only worth it if you actually want to play those characters. If you’re not sure you even enjoy them, then no, it really isn’t worth it.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Carlin Sanders.3587

Carlin Sanders.3587

personally i found that i began to like each class after playing with just about every skill – weapon, utility and otherwise – and tinkering with it until i got something that i could be happy with. for instance i found that i had a good bit of fun with a wells necro and dual daggers when i tried making a ‘vampire’ build – the #2 skill basically becoming as good as my utility heal skill. so i say try working outside the norm of what is expected of the class. yes you’re a mesmer, doesn’t mean you can’t charge into battle next to a warrior or a thief. yes you’re a warrior, doesn’t mean you can’t decide to simply be an armored marksman by using range weapons only.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Question: How to learn if you enjoy a class?

Answer: Play it? I know within the first five levels how I feel about a class.

Gone to Reddit.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tristan.5280


play engineer since i started to play. It’s my main and i play it in pve, pvp and wvw.
For pve i’ve got the meta dungeon gear (berzerker+R. of the Scholar)
I can tell you that i tried the other classes, but this one is the only that like, because
-it’s quite effective in pvp, once you learn the correct chain of skills
-in dungeons it’s funny, because tbh, i used to play a war, but i was loosing my brain spamming GS#2, axe#F1…

to reach to level 80, well, go to the edge of the mist, with an exp booster, or play pvp and gain tome of knowledge

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: HellraiserMachina.4215


Well, thanks for the input, everyone. I’ll be getting those char slots with gold, but I’ll definitely be experimenting more with all of these. Exploration is key. Thank you!

Question: How to learn if you enjoy a class?

Answer: Play it? I know within the first five levels how I feel about a class.

And yet I’ve got all of them to 20 and still don’t know, + sPvP.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Question: How to learn if you enjoy a class?

Answer: Play it? I know within the first five levels how I feel about a class.

And yet I’ve got all of them to 20 and still don’t know, + sPvP.

(laugh) You must be hell on a date. The menu choices alone must be death. But, regardless, I respect your opinion. Everyone has their own pace at everything.

Gone to Reddit.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


My best advice is to just play the class and decide.

Now first, generally, what I like to do is go to like or something and just theorycraft a build. Get me an endgoal of what I want, to start off, I have an idea of what I like and I can see what my stats will be at the end and I can see without doing anything. But the tricky part comes to actually playing it:

I get karma gear, saves money and karma is easy to come by with a level 80. You should know anywhere between level 5 and level 50 if you like a class or not. You can try out different weapons and stuff I generally propose that when you’re trying a class to play in open world instead of ktraining and farming for experience, you can then farm for experience when you know you like the class to make it a quicker journey to level 80. Um…but probably the most important advice I can give:

If you’re playing and telling yourself that you absolutely loathe what you’re doing…here’s a hint: it won’t get better. So don’t keep playing in denial that “maybe with traits or gear I’ll like it more.” You won’t. Trust me, you won’t.

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


If you are just at level 50, you are not getting all the content you could. Its hard to really know if you like a class until you reach its full potential: I reccomend to test them all in sPvP, just to test all the skills and weapons, and then just pick that class that you feel more comfortable with.

That one, level it to 80 just playing. What means “just playing”? Simple: run across the map and do anything that comes up. If you get bored at ANY point, do something else. Explore the map, kill things, complete hearts, dance to some cows, do dungeons, whatever. Complete your personal history, do a few Jumping Puzzles, collect all the POIs. Just PLAY.

If PvE becomes too easy, switch to WvW: follow the zerg, fight to get the vistas. Or switch back to PvP and became good at it. Just PLAY.

If, after that, you are not in the mood to fight anything, then CRAFT. Use a guide, if you must, and look how your experience rises.

You will not even notice when you get to 80. Only thing to take on account is to change armor and weapons every 10 levels or so… wich will be really easy if you simply PLAY.

TLDR: the best way to learn if you enjoy a game is to play it. Same goes for classes, races and modes.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VodCom.6924


Personally, when I 1st picked a class in GW2, I did it out of the fluff and concept.

And truth is, the concept of a mage capable to spit fire on a victim was very appealing.
When it was the time to pick an alt, I also looked at the concept and lore and the guardian got my attention.

Nowadays my guard is gathering a bit of dust while my ele and necro see a lot of use. Why ? Mainly because I don’t play the guardian well. I know I have to give aegis to my group but I always do it too late. I’m a very bad guard.

Known as Reegar Else, Linda Else, Xiana Else and Thorgall Breakstone

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Myrden.2456


It was my experience that I wasn’t able to tell if I liked a profession until at least level 31 (when you get the elite skill). By that time, I was able to tell if there was a particular play style or build I enjoyed.

You’ll know whether or not you enjoyed it by whether or not you can stand to look at the back of his/her head for 30 levels. Sounds like you enjoyed thief. Maybe try a warrior. I feel they have the closest playstyles — even though they aren’t too close.

PvP and PvE are vastly different. I love my Mesmer in PvE, but HATE playing it in PvP. If you want to play PvE for leveling, I would not worry about trying PvP. It will confuse you.

Just my two cents. Happy hunting!

How to learn if you enjoy a class?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Thats a really good point. I do reccomend to use PvP as a way to know beforehand the spectrum of skills available for each profession, but the modes are highly different, so yes, dont think what you try on PvP will work the same on PvE.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”