I Don't Understand This Rage

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201


And this is coming from a guy who is in NO way a shining white knight of ANet. Seriously, look at my post history, I’ve posted some angry stuff and have even been infracted a couple times on here. (I let my passion show too much)

Now we have Heart of Thorns, and really, besides a couple of bugs that I’ve heard mention of this has been a really smooth launch, unlike other MMO’s where lag abounds, I haven’t seen a hint of lag since this xpac launched, so good on you ANet!

But what I am seeing is a multitude of people whining and complaining because they, get this….. have to play the game……

Now, if anyone should be up in arms, it should be me. I had my week of vacation from work DENIED. So there goes any time I wanted to devote to this xpac. I have probably only been able to play this xpac for like maybe 6 hours so far, and you know what?? I LOVE IT!

I don’t understand at all what this “rage” is about, play the game, enjoy it, experience it, feel like a noob all over again! I have no idea what I should be going for next in my masteries, or where I should go next in the zone to explore but man, it’s just all so fresh and new and fun!

What did you all expect? Insta elite spec? Insta ALL masteries? (which are ACCOUNT WIDE if you didn’t know) Did you want to log in to see the final cutscene of the game? Cmon guys, just settle down and go play this expansion we have waited so long for!

And to the team at ANet, I hope you don’t take these petty complaints to heart, please leave it as it is, it’s a nice system of progression and I am looking forward to mastering everything IN DUE TIME. Now go take some much deserved time off and enjoy this xpac too!

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pecar.1236


enjoy what bad design empty maps? or expansion what dont bring something new? only good thing they add things to fractal thats all.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201


Empty maps? They’ve all been pretty populated to me so far, are you in Dragons Stand already?

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201


And “expansion what dont bring something new”? There is a ton new in this game now. Little confused on that statement.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: knh.9378


you dont get the rage because you clearly dont understand the complaints people are making. its almost as if you didnt even read any of them.

What did you all expect?
Insta elite spec?

not instant, but certainly not as long as it takes. i dont want to do all of the content so i can have my spec i shouldve been doing the content all along with.

Insta ALL masteries?

i havent seen one person say this. dont make things up just to try and make your uninformed point stronger.

come on man. why complain about complainers if you dont even know what theyre complaining about? just because people are complaining about the grind doesnt mean they want everything immediately. there are inbetweens you know… shocking that you strawman this and completely ignore valid criticisms and discussions just like everyone else.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201


The game has been out for a DAY, and you don’t want it to take “as long as it takes”…. So you wanted it complete in one day? That’s pretty quick, I know what the complaints are but they all seem like they’re coming from people that want everything within a day, which is an unrealistic expectation.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pecar.1236


so There is a ton new in this game now. list something .

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaron.1987


The game has been out for a DAY, and you don’t want it to take “as long as it takes”…. So you wanted it complete in one day? That’s pretty quick, I know what the complaints are but they all seem like they’re coming from people that want everything within a day, which is an unrealistic expectation.

with your sentence
the game has been out for a DAY, and you don’t want it to take “as long as it takes”..o you wanted it complete in one day?
you excactly show us that you DONT know what the complaints are. you completly failed sir.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pfanne.9783


you dont get the rage because you clearly dont understand the complaints people are making. its almost as if you didnt even read any of them.

What did you all expect?
Insta elite spec?

not instant, but certainly not as long as it takes. i dont want to do all of the content so i can have my spec i shouldve been doing the content all along with.

Insta ALL masteries?

i havent seen one person say this. dont make things up just to try and make your uninformed point stronger.

come on man. why complain about complainers if you dont even know what theyre complaining about? just because people are complaining about the grind doesnt mean they want everything immediately. there are inbetweens you know… shocking that you strawman this and completely ignore valid criticisms and discussions just like everyone else.

Why complain about complainers complaining about complainers if you don’t understand that he doesn’t see their issue of stuff taking too long as an issue at all, because he is of the opinion, that it doesn’t take too long but just the right amount.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: knh.9378


The game has been out for a DAY, and you don’t want it to take “as long as it takes”…. So you wanted it complete in one day? That’s pretty quick, I know what the complaints are but they all seem like they’re coming from people that want everything within a day, which is an unrealistic expectation.

thank you for proving my point pretty much exactly. way to go.

once again, for the one hundredth time.

Not taking as long DOES NOT MEAN WE WANT IT INSTANTLY. It’s a sliding scale for each individual thing, not only X or only Y for everything. How is this so confusing?

Strawmans for days in here. Comprehension is too kitten hard I guess.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


they’re a lost cause, OP….they’re going to rage even when what they are saying is nonsense . its almost comical at this point.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: knh.9378


they’re a lost cause, OP….they’re going to rage even when what they are saying is nonsense . its almost comical at this point.

Go ahead and explain what you think is nonsense.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fizzee.1762


Nice strawman…

People expected to be able to play the expac in the way they are used to playing GW2.
For some people that is advancing through the story quests.
For others it’s doing events.
Others it’s dungeons.
For me it’s WvW.

I don’t see anyone asking for instant masteries, in fact most people like them (although possibly a little too much xp required)
I certainly have not seen anyone wanting instant end cut scene… that’s kittened.

What people DO complain about is:

  • Story is artificially slowed down behind mastery meaning people who just want story are unable to continue without doing stuff they don’t enjoy.
  • Elite specs are heavily gated by masteries and group content, which means people who want to play their new classes can’t for possibly months (depending on method to aquire, number of characters and time to play each day).
  • XP rate is possibly a little low, people are having to repeat events over and over to be able to progress. You shouldn’t have to “grind”.

For me, the only complaint is the Elite spec one.
As a WvW player, Builds including elite specs are kinda important. WvW is after all a competative gametype. Not being able to run druid for example is pretty major in a group composition. This is why PvP doesn’t get affected by levelling etc.
The situation I am found in is that I am probably going to be unable to kick back and have fun with my server and guild in a GvG and WvW environment for a very long time. Unless I go PvE like mad… which I have been doing and it’s pushed me almost to the verge of quitting the game, getting refund and buying FO4 instead… that can’t be an ideal opinion for ANet’s bank balance….

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: knh.9378


Nice strawman…

People expected to be able to play the expac in the way they are used to playing GW2.
For some people that is advancing through the story quests.
For others it’s doing events.
Others it’s dungeons.
For me it’s WvW.

I don’t see anyone asking for instant masteries, in fact most people like them (although possibly a little too much xp required)
I certainly have not seen anyone wanting instant end cut scene… that’s kittened.

What people DO complain about is:

  • Story is artificially slowed down behind mastery meaning people who just want story are unable to continue without doing stuff they don’t enjoy.
  • Elite specs are heavily gated by masteries and group content, which means people who want to play their new classes can’t for possibly months (depending on method to aquire, number of characters and time to play each day).
  • XP rate is possibly a little low, people are having to repeat events over and over to be able to progress. You shouldn’t have to “grind”.

For me, the only complaint is the Elite spec one.
As a WvW player, Builds including elite specs are kinda important. WvW is after all a competative gametype. Not being able to run druid for example is pretty major in a group composition. This is why PvP doesn’t get affected by levelling etc.
The situation I am found in is that I am probably going to be unable to kick back and have fun with my server and guild in a GvG and WvW environment for a very long time. Unless I go PvE like mad… which I have been doing and it’s pushed me almost to the verge of quitting the game, getting refund and buying FO4 instead… that can’t be an ideal opinion for ANet’s bank balance….

Theres really no point in explaining it yet again. They can’t read and have a major lack of discussion skills.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pfanne.9783


they’re a lost cause, OP….they’re going to rage even when what they are saying is nonsense . its almost comical at this point.

Go ahead and explain what you think is nonsense.

Getting those hero points is really not that hard. Some may not be instantly achievable, but hey, there are other ones on other maps. Try your luck over there.
Getting the first few masteries doesn’t really take long either. Now you can traverse alot more and discover alot more places. Do other events/adventures and gain some more xp. Oh and btw have you done any of the story missions yet? Try one of those. Or just fight random mobs. Some of them can be quite the challenge.
This is how I’ve been playing the game and it has been a lot of fun.
That is why I have a hard time understanding why people cry about having to grind all those masteries.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


so There is a ton new in this game now. list something .

new maps that are explored very differently, like a platformer game
new story instances
competitive pve events called “adventures”
customizable guild halls
guild arenas for casual 1v1 dueling
new earnable/lootable weapon and armor skins
legendary crafting
new food/item recipes
new mob-types w/ new and improved mechanics and behaviors
new bosses
more gear stat combos in all modes to allow for more customization
new collections for those that like that kinda thing
a new profession
a new traitline in each profession w/ new skills and expanded weapon selection

i can go on…but you get the gist. whether you like something new, doesn’t change that its still a new thing.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: knh.9378


they’re a lost cause, OP….they’re going to rage even when what they are saying is nonsense . its almost comical at this point.

Go ahead and explain what you think is nonsense.

Getting those hero points is really not that hard. Some may not be instantly achievable, but hey, there are other ones on other maps. Try your luck over there.
Getting the first few masteries doesn’t really take long either. Now you can traverse alot more and discover alot more places. Do other events/adventures and gain some more xp. Oh and btw have you done any of the story missions yet? Try one of those. Or just fight random mobs. Some of them can be quite the challenge.
This is how I’ve been playing the game and it has been a lot of fun.
That is why I have a hard time understanding why people cry about having to grind all those masteries.

Because those are all opinions. And so are ours. Doesnt make you wrong and doesnt make us wrong. You dont have to agree, you just have to recognize the different viewpoint instead of saying its whining nonsense. Of course there is a lot of useless complaining from both sides, but there is absolutely posts with great critique and even suggestions.

If there are a lot of people complaining about something, maybe there is some kind merit to it, ya know? Things can always be improved and criticism is good for the game. sucks that its so negative and not constructive most of the time but it still brings things to attention.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pecar.1236


you forgot say most thing what is locked behind masteries so i must farming boring low exp reward event for unlock another farming?

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Liewec.2896


What did you all expect? Insta elite spec? Insta ALL masteries? (which are ACCOUNT WIDE if you didn’t know) Did you want to log in to see the final cutscene of the game? Cmon guys, just settle down and go play this expansion we have waited so long for!

what i personally expected was to log in, and hunt down 31 hero points over several hours (maybe a day or 2) to unlock my elite spec and then work through the story,
after that focus on masteries, instead what we have is…
you can’t unlock your elite spec because the HP locations need MASTERIES to get to.
you can’t progress your story because you need MASTERIES to progress.

what are MASTERIES?
a million+ xp grind.

i’m now in the same boat as everyone else, stuck behind a five million xp grind before i can continue to enjoy the game…

“grind free philosophy”
“play your way”
honestly i think Anet are trolling us with these “masteries”.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


they’re a lost cause, OP….they’re going to rage even when what they are saying is nonsense . its almost comical at this point.

Go ahead and explain what you think is nonsense.

see my previous post replying to the “nothing’s new” guy or black and white silly nonsense, such as having to earn your elite spec being outrageous “grind”.

wasn’t referring to those arguing in the the grey area:

i can see a rational argument for delaying the need for masteries to progress through a map until a later map….or that 400 HP might be too much to earn you skils/traits….or that maybe you should be able to choose which aspects of the elite to put you HP in……………i get all that (and agree with some of it).

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Relshdan.6854)

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


you forgot say most thing what is locked behind masteries so i must farming boring low exp reward event for unlock another farming?

you can get gliding and mushroom jumping in an hour or two just playing the game……what “unbearable grind”.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Y’know, you’ll probably make a greater impact and actually stand a chance of being read by the Anet team if you phrase your complaints without the rage.

Otherwise it’s read the first few lines, see the nerd rage, skip to next post.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


More strawman threads.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soon.5240


But what I am seeing is a multitude of people whining and complaining because they, get this….. have to play the game……

How does one respond to such a ludicrous, straw-man argument?

No one is complaining about what you, incorrectly, say they are.

For fifty dollars, I want something that will motivate me to do another 4,600 hours of gameplay. I don’t see it.

(edited by Soon.5240)

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayne.9251




L’enfer, c’est les autres

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sharkstein.2109



Your fanboyism is incredibly nauseating.

“Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness”.
— Every heartbroken Guild Wars fan on GW2

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pecar.1236


glinding and mushroom is easy leveling but other levels what you need for hero points? without massive exp farm cannot unlock mastery and without mastery cannot earn hero points 400hp i only hate when game force me stay in magua zone beacause there is no way how earn hero points in tyria for unlock only bad idea is separate tyria and hot mastery when in tyria and hot you do same kill mobs and do events

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Labjax.2465


But what I am seeing is a multitude of people whining and complaining because they, get this….. have to play the game……

Sigh… why does every “in defense of Anet” post in the last 48 hours make this same ridiculous argument? If you look at the complaints, most of them are about elite specs, most people are happy with where masteries are, and most people who are complaining about the elite specs are enjoying the rest of the xpac.

The common denominator here is the system for elite specs and people are happy to invest hours and hours into the game. What they are not happy with is the idea of burning themselves out trying to unlock the elite specs and having no fresh content left to use them in. What they are not happy with is the idea of having to go through most hero challenges on 6-9 different characters, for challenges that require a party.

The complaints are pretty simple and if you look at the big thread on elite specs, people seem to be on the same page about it, for the most part. Which doesn’t happen all that often.

Yes, there is a handful of people who are complaining about anything and everything pertaining to the xpac, but they are few and far between. The only one fueled by a 50+ page thread on the subject, with 10x more detail and collected thought than most complaints ever get, is the subject of elite specs.

What you don’t understand is what the primary complaint is.

Or words to that effect.

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayne.9251


But what I am seeing is a multitude of people whining and complaining because they, get this….. have to play the game……

How does one respond to such a ludicrous, straw-man argument?

No one is complaining about what you, incorrectly, say they are.

For fifty dollars, I want something that will motivate me to do another 4,600 hours of gameplay. I don’t see it.

You got 4600 hours of gameplay out of your first $50. And that was three years ago.

It’s a good game or people wouldn’t be losing their minds over simple stuff. They actually care about it.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I see your complaints.
However, it’s Day freakin 2 of HoT.
It’s so enervating about all those complaints that they will be gone in two weeks. In fact, most of you will complain about getting new content as fast as possible because you already finished most of it.
Patience isn’t the worst thing to have.

I got 214 hero points at the start. That is enough to get a playable elite profession since 60 points are enough, technically. You can play them on HoT maps and upgrade them from time to time after getting new hero points.
However, you could say “I didn’t start with 214 hero points, my char has only 5% world completion”… well, why bothering with end content then? I can understand the complaints from WvW’ers, but if you wanna use them in PvE, you shouldn’t complain that you have to play the core PvE first (what isn’t needed, since there are 400 hero points in HoT maps)

I Don't Understand This Rage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


I see your complaints.
However, it’s Day freakin 2 of HoT.
It’s so enervating about all those complaints that they will be gone in two weeks. In fact, most of you will complain about getting new content as fast as possible because you already finished most of it.
Patience isn’t the worst thing to have.

I got 214 hero points at the start. That is enough to get a playable elite profession since 60 points are enough, technically. You can play them on HoT maps and upgrade them from time to time after getting new hero points.
However, you could say “I didn’t start with 214 hero points, my char has only 5% world completion”… well, why bothering with end content then? I can understand the complaints from WvW’ers, but if you wanna use them in PvE, you shouldn’t complain that you have to play the core PvE first (what isn’t needed, since there are 400 hero points in HoT maps)

I had 60 or 75 on one of my toons, and 15 on one other. The 75 unlocked beign able to use one thing on the elite spec, but selecting the elite spec is completely pointless as all the skills are gated behind the other 340 odd HP points. And that’s for my most well off toon.

Most of them have 3% map completion, so it’s a nice hour or so of running through the core, 20-30 minutes of the same non click through chat (oops, story), and using wvw builds in pve as it’s too expensive to swap runes and armor around for 9+ wvw lvl 80’s.

Then potentially let’s say 4000 HP to unlock- and that’s after getting through the time/exp gates for each toon – toons I don’t want to be on or anywhere near pve with.

As a wvw player, combined with the new BL disaster, it’s put me off logging in at all- just the thought of all that grinding doing something that appeals not at all in my valuable leisure time is enough to make me log off and play something enjoyable.

That’s the rub- my leisure time is supposed to be enjoyable. If I wanted mindless gated grind I’d go back to a Korean MMO.