I am buying HoT

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


Ive been seeing alot of feedback about the upcoming expansion and its pricing, I’ve also seen about a hundred different posts defending the pricing. I wanted to make a post to say, your both wrong, and your both right. 50$ is alot to shell out for an expansion Industry standard or not, and I can see why some feel its overpriced, or outright refuse to buy it. I can even see why many believe the core game is tacked on to the price but I find that doubtful.

You can make as many arguments about shady practices as you like. But honestly this looks more like trying to give new players a decant deal than trying to nickle and dime veterans. If I where to be releasing an Expansion for an MMO especially one as expensive as 50$ you can bet Id tack the base game on for free hell actually I think I’d sell a 60$ bundle so newbie’s better be glad I’m not in charge.

Don’t get me wrong I still feel uneasy and a bit overlooked, I mean I’ve played sense Beta and now 50$-100$ after I already payed 60$ on the game plus at the vary least 100$ in gems. But I bought the base game 3 YEARS ago, and I’ve gotten lots of living world content to play with, it may not ave always come out as fast or as plentiful as I would have liked, but if Id been playing WoW I would have payed alot more and gotten more of less quality.

Do I still think Vet players should get something to compensate them for their loyalty, Yes, yes I do. Tack on an extra character slot and maybe some gems and I’d be happy as a Harlequin, do I Vet’s need these things no, and with the way most of these posts read I don’t think they deserve them. This game has one of the most entitled and fickle communities I’ve ever seen!

The fact is I don’t have the money right know, but when I do I will be buying HoT, well unless the upcoming balance changes leave the game unplayable. Which is doubtful. Do I hope the price goes down a bit after the Xpack goes live, Yes VARY much so, but I’m poor so yeah.

What I don’t like about how this is being treated , is that Anet seems to be ignoring the problem. Or from some of the posts Ive seen from players are to be believed, Anet is sulking? I’d like to see Anet address this reasonably, to bring it up, and honestly address the players about their reasoning, Maybe give us a thank you for our loyalty, and show us a bit more of what were gonna get for our money, not just the Xpack but future living world stuff, If such a thing will ever be. For some this would be an insulting pat on the back but for me it would go a long way.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoul.1087


Posting these posts accomplishes nothing honestly.
Do you think someone will read this and find perceived value that wasn’t there before?

Your willingness to pay, does nothing for other people. Your value in the game does not effect anyone else. These posts are very pointless.

Lots of MMOs are f2p and Wow charges a fee. So the value is completely based on people’s perceived value. Which for the money a lot of people don’t think its worth it.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Johaocarl.5430


I bought the 99 bucks package. I don’t care what the haters think.

João Carlos

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: steve.2945


I bought the 50$ the next day after it was announced, and i will be using gems to upgrade. doesn’t really sound all that bad, now that i think about it.

Proud TTS member

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Posting these posts accomplishes nothing honestly.
Do you think someone will read this and find perceived value that wasn’t there before?

Your willingness to pay, does nothing for other people. Your value in the game does not effect anyone else. These posts are very pointless.

Lots of MMOs are f2p and Wow charges a fee. So the value is completely based on people’s perceived value. Which for the money a lot of people don’t think its worth it.

I have to disagree with this, because posting this sort of thing accomplishes something, even if it doesn’t change anyone’s mind. However, you’re making an assumption that all people are free thinkers, and everyone is a critical mind. Not everyone does. Which explains disco and bell bottoms. Sometimes, the peer pressure is real.

Maybe there are people out there who actually don’t think it’s so bad, but they see all this bad press and they second guess themselves. You think that doesn’t happen? I see it all the time. I have people in my guild who said, I didn’t think it was a big deal but I see all these comments. They gain doubt. They’re not so sure.

Then they see a good post, someone that has a reaction, who thought it through and reinforces the fact that they’re not alone. Some people really do need to hear that.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I bought the 99 bucks package. I don’t care what the haters think.

Thanks for painting everyone with such a large brush. Some players have legitimate complaints, have voiced them the only way they can, and that makes them haters? Forgive me if I don’t jump to conclusions so quickly as you. Some of us aren’t sheep.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


I bought the 99 bucks package. I don’t care what the haters think.

Was that your birthday present from mom?

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CynicalFred.9135


Posting these posts accomplishes nothing honestly.
Do you think someone will read this and find perceived value that wasn’t there before?

Your willingness to pay, does nothing for other people. Your value in the game does not effect anyone else. These posts are very pointless.

Lots of MMOs are f2p and Wow charges a fee. So the value is completely based on people’s perceived value. Which for the money a lot of people don’t think its worth it.

By that logic all posts are pointless because nobody cares about anyone else having an opinion and all value is subjective.
If people didn’t share their opinions than nobody would ever get behind them and Anet would have no idea what to think about its player base, but you just saw a post you didn’t like because it’s telling you you’re likely an entitled POS and so you decided to call it redundant.

I’m in defense of the pricing, as it is just to let new players get in more easily, although having bought the game at/near launch i’m not sure i spend enough time in game to justify a 50$ purchase right now… still i’ll be playing it more as the clock counts down and if it turns out that i can get re-hyped then i’ll certainly pay for the expansion.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Mega thread,,,,,,,,,

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Posting these posts accomplishes nothing honestly.
Do you think someone will read this and find perceived value that wasn’t there before?

Your willingness to pay, does nothing for other people. Your value in the game does not effect anyone else. These posts are very pointless.

Lots of MMOs are f2p and Wow charges a fee. So the value is completely based on people’s perceived value. Which for the money a lot of people don’t think its worth it.

I have to disagree with this, because posting this sort of thing accomplishes something, even if it doesn’t change anyone’s mind. However, you’re making an assumption that all people are free thinkers, and everyone is a critical mind. Not everyone does. Which explains disco and bell bottoms. Sometimes, the peer pressure is real.

Maybe there are people out there who actually don’t think it’s so bad, but they see all this bad press and they second guess themselves. You think that doesn’t happen? I see it all the time. I have people in my guild who said, I didn’t think it was a big deal but I see all these comments. They gain doubt. They’re not so sure.

Then they see a good post, someone that has a reaction, who thought it through and reinforces the fact that they’re not alone. Some people really do need to hear that.

The OP’s post is a fair summary of what a lot of people think, and put rather mildly, so I’m with Vayne on this one, even when I’m on the other side of the fence.

I still think it’s a bad idea to shell out without knowing what you’re getting in full, and that as it is now, you’re not getting value for money.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GranspearZX.5624


I bought the 99 bucks package. I don’t care what the haters think.

You get more out of the $99 than you do out of the $50, so technically you came out ahead. Good for you.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: uriel.2597


I think I’ll very likely get it too.
In a similar manner as I got the base game (for 15 quid), but for different reason.
When I was buying base game, I didn’t really know what I was getting, so I went for a cheap option not to regret it later and avoid falling down an investment spiral in a Warcraft-like manner.
HoT as an xpac is actually worth about 15 quid from what I saw so far.
Also, to express my appreciation for ANet’s pre-purchase policies, I stopped all gem purchases until further notice.
I believe this is the only appropriate reaction. Trying to bargain will only give white-knights excuses to keep on yapping. Nothing more.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I bought the 99 bucks package. I don’t care what the haters think.

This is the package I plan to get, as well. When I’ve seen people in-game talking about which one to buy, the Ultimate is usually the favorite. I’m just waiting a bit to see if anything changes. I do wish I knew how long this one will be made available, whether until release or sometime earlier.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teon.5168


My wife and I got the base expansion. Looking forward to it!

Frankly, I am far more concerned with Tuesday’s patch.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


My wife and I got the base expansion. Looking forward to it!

Frankly, I am far more concerned with Tuesday’s patch.

And you going to ask for a refund on Wednesday after tomorrow’s mega nerf. =)

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Mega nerf to whom exactly?

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teon.5168


Posting these posts accomplishes nothing honestly.
Do you think someone will read this and find perceived value that wasn’t there before?

Your willingness to pay, does nothing for other people. Your value in the game does not effect anyone else. These posts are very pointless.

Lots of MMOs are f2p and Wow charges a fee. So the value is completely based on people’s perceived value. Which for the money a lot of people don’t think its worth it.

This post might have actually made some sense without your last sentence. That last sentence adds ‘perceived value’ to a supposed argument that states those sorts of posts are pointless.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


Mega nerf to whom exactly?

to everyone but Engineer

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teon.5168


My wife and I got the base expansion. Looking forward to it!

Frankly, I am far more concerned with Tuesday’s patch.

And you going to ask for a refund on Wednesday after tomorrow’s mega nerf. =)

Lmao!!! No…..am just concerned about the resulting imbalance issues.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Mega nerf to whom exactly?

to everyone but Engineer

Guess it’s a good thing I have one then. lol

I am buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


Mega nerf to whom exactly?

to everyone but Engineer

Guess it’s a good thing I have one then. lol

I do too but I don’t main engineer =(