I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Furious.2867


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


Yes, because giving a company your money isn’t enough, they need constant praise as well.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Everyone is a winner, even the losers. That’s what the generation before me decided for my generation, remember? Of course Anet’s and/or NCsoft’s marketing division deserves praise for this decision! How else would they feel pretty without their blue ribbon?

I’ll buy the new standalone game GW2:HoT … when it inevitably goes on sale for $30 or $40. Heck, the game might be released in time for Black Friday specials and only be $10-$20 instead. It’s definitely worth it then.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Horrible to have these customers that spend loyally on fluff to support the game. Best to get rid of them.

Really, unless they’re cleaning my house and wiping my kitten (while keeping quiet of course) I don’t even WANT their filthy money!


Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gryph.8734


Everyone is a winner, even the losers. That’s what the generation before me decided for my generation, remember? Of course Anet’s and/or NCsoft’s marketing division deserves praise for this decision! How else would they feel pretty without their blue ribbon?

I’ll buy the new standalone game GW2:HoT … when it inevitably goes on sale for $30 or $40. Heck, the game might be released in time for Black Friday specials and only be $10-$20 instead. It’s definitely worth it then.

Ugh. That might be a few months. But that would probably do it for me. I’m kind of hoping that Anet resolves this before the general release though.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Furious.2867


Huh? Not a single praise for anet on my post. Learn to read and comprehend.

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Someday.3650


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

You’re an anti consumer. So let’s be clear here, WE are thankful you are nowhere near our games.

Then again, why are you adressing us? who are you to tell us what we should or shouldn’t do? if you’re okay with their actions then keep playing the game. We weren’t adressing you with our complaints and no need to enlighten us with this.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Yeah, I’m sure that A-net hates the fact that I take up space on their servers with my 15 (yes, 15) characters and the skins I’ve bought for them. I should be excited to pay yet anther $50 + $10 for a slot so I can make character number 16 a Revenant. Somehow I’m just not feeling it. Sorry to be so ungrateful for this ‘opportunity’.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MMOGamer.6175


As a business I would HATE costumers that give you honest feedback especially in a very competitive market too.

As a business I would LOVE costumers that run to my forums praising dishonest and deceptive marketing.


Glad ArenaNet isn’t a car dealership.
You would have to rebuy your old car packaged with your new car.

(edited by MMOGamer.6175)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

Worthless post. If you were a business you would love to have customers like us.

1. We buy everything you sell
2. We love the product
3. We want the company to succeed

But as a customer I’m not purchasing this product until it’s offered on better terms. I own a business and I’d love the clients Anet has.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simzani.4318


Np. I don’t consider myself an arenanet’s customer anymore.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

Like how you think that a company that makes an average of 20 million USD quarterly and 80 million USD annually isn’t profitable.

Anet has sold over 3.5 million units, even with their discounts. Selling 3.5 million units = a crap ton of money.

As consumers, we have expectations from a well established merchant, if that merchant fails to deliver or meet our expectations, we’re entitled to a degree of complaining.

Though, the complaints came out before anyone could really examine the product in question. That’s also more to do with Anet’s marketing team dropping the ball, not on the consumers.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: selan.8354


wow op. do u really expect to have discussion with a title and post like that?u defend anet by putting yourself in their shoes, but u fail to even put yourself into a veterans shoes. no one here wants to hear an opinion that insults others when u u dont even want to understand and then who are u to tell me as a veteran how im supposed to feel? whats your point of this thread?u want to flame people? u need attention?u wanna forum warrior or do u expect anet to pat u on the shoulder? i think u just want to forum fight!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vapour.7348


Good chance this is nothing more than a well disguised troll post.

My problem is the lack of communication and feedback from Anet. When it comes to launching a product of this magnitude, it’s not a good idea to keep your prospective customers in the dark ESPECIALLY when they are alarmed/concerned.

I think the pricing structure is a complete mess and not well thought of. It would be less offensive if it was something like $50 upgrade for long time supporters and $60 for the bundle.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MMOGamer.6175


Good chance this is nothing more than a well disguised troll post.

My problem is the lack of communication and feedback from Anet. When it comes to launching a product of this magnitude, it’s not a good idea to keep your prospective customers in the dark ESPECIALLY when they are alarmed/concerned.

I think the pricing structure is a complete mess and not well thought of. It would be less offensive if it was something like $50 upgrade for long time supporters and $60 for the bundle.

Good point on the pricing.

Glad ArenaNet isn’t a car dealership.
You would have to rebuy your old car packaged with your new car.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: csebal.5936


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

Deal, with that attitude, I would not shed a tear for “your company”, then again, you never will be in the danger of having to make such a decision with said attitude.

Key of good business is ensuring win-win situation for all parties involved. Current situation is very VERY far from being win-win.

Personally, I do not care that much for ANet myself. I said my piece on the subject more times than I care to admit and even the first time it was pretty much like talking to a brick wall. I don’t mind. That time wasted is on me, and I had some to waste.

What I do mind however, is the sad state of the gaming industry, where people are getting so used to win-lose situations and the constant abuse they get from large companies, that they “protect them” even through ridiculous actions like what we’ve seen here, claiming that this is “normal business” and people should accept it. Hell, people should be happy, that said companies make games for them to begin with. As if that would be some sort of privilege.

It is a world upside down for some reason and I would really love to see the people responsible for making it so suffer for it. I want them suffer, because they are taking advantage of young adults, who simply do not know better and accept this as the norm. Not just that, but they also twist the view of said young adults, ensuring that they also try to make win-lose deals once they get into a position of decision making.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Miri Fala.5813

Miri Fala.5813

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

Like how you think that a company that makes an average of 20 million USD quarterly and 80 million USD annually isn’t profitable.

Anet has sold over 3.5 million units, even with their discounts. Selling 3.5 million units = a crap ton of money.

I have no idea what Anet’s finances are like, but just because a company is pulling in a lot of money doesn’t mean it’s profitable. That same company may also be spending a lot of money.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

Just a quick interjection. Ideally a nonpartisan one, although I have no idea if it will be interpreted as such:

I think the TC’s primary complaint has nothing to do with either side. I think he’s just observing that we – all of us – are raising such an unholy stink over this that – no matter which side we’re on or how much we enjoy the game as it already exists – we’ve become a seething mass of “that customer who absolutely must complain to the sales clerk, then the customer service department, then the manager, and THEN demands to talk to the district supervisor”. And demanding that each of them come to wait on them, while they are holding up the line.

Arguments have been made. On both sides of this issue. And for the past five days, we have just been repeating them in louder voices.

So, yeah. That’s how the original post reads to me. Like a critique of our continuing behavior, not a judgment on the issue itself.

Naturally, the only logical reaction is to suddenly declare the TC is on whichever side you oppose, and is now a valid target for your ire. Good job proving TC right.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

So what about the other groups that just want Value for there money? Like my self, I’m not getting HoT till I know more about what I’m paying for. Do I think the price is too high? I don’t know. As I don’t have all the details of what HoT will include. So I can say it too high, as I don’t have all the facts. At the moment for what I know is included/seen/ talked about by the devs, I don’t think its enough for the asking price. Do I think people should not order there game now? No that’s up to them. If someone wants to buy me HoT, I’m not going to tell them not to wast there money, but I’m not ready to spend my own just yet.

I’m.not saying I’m not getting HoT, its just a matter of when I get it. Before launch, on launch, after launch, or a sale a little down the line.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe.

Do you some new information to support this idea that ArenaNet is struggling financially in some way? NCSoft’s Quarterly earnings report, which you can pick up for free from NCSoft’s IR website, shows Guild Wars 2 bring in nearly $80 million US last year!

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s not in any way unique to GW2 players.

I work for a charity (non-profit for the Americans) where my entire job is to arrange for people to be given services that normally cost hundreds or thousands of pounds completely free. There is no application process (beyond contacting us) and no entry requirements beyond needing the services we offer. On top of that our system is usually quicker and easier than the paid alternative.

And yet my team of 12 people consider ourselves lucky if we can go the entire day without anyone getting yelled at or threatened with legal action for “not doing enough”, for not being able to do things which are impossible or illegal simply because someone has decided they want it, and they want it today. I don’t think we’ve ever managed an entire week.

Compared to that being annoyed that (depending on your perception) you’re being charged for a game you’ve already got if you buy the upgrade or you’re missing out on one of the big bonuses by being an early adopter sounds quite sane and reasonable. Even if I don’t agree with either assessment.

(For the record I actually love my job and I care a lot about the people who call us, they genuinely do need help and we are often their only real option, I just think I need to be a bit of a cynic to do it.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

You’re an anti consumer. So let’s be clear here, WE are thankful you are nowhere near our games.

Then again, why are you adressing us? who are you to tell us what we should or shouldn’t do? if you’re okay with their actions then keep playing the game. We weren’t adressing you with our complaints and no need to enlighten us with this.

You don’t have to be an anti-consumer to feel against much of the arguments around here. Just work customer service for a few years, know how there are so many customers out there who lie, cheat, steal and wouldn’t bat an eye at a mistake that was to their advantage and you’ll see that the activity of business is a warzone and the casualties are the good, civil, reasonable customers whose only salvation is at the good will of the producer or the courts.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

No offense to this, but your post come off as very shill like. Saying something Anet cant say out their mouths.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: olTThreelo.6710


Don’t feed the troll.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

So, what you are currently trying to say is that new players won’t be able to access the core game maps, events, dungeons, and WvW maps?
Whoa, what a scam for new players :^)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Any company would not always like it when customers who speak thier mind about a product in a negative way be it, justfied or not. A net is an bussiness they expect things like this to happen from time to time. Even if the core of said bussiness is made of up people like us, which every bussiness in reality is. they knew the risks and profits they would come accross. In my eyes feelings of cameradirieship for the customers(if they have any) and money are never to far apart in a bussiness. And ofcourse thier own love for thier jobs would also come into play but that still does not invalidate the driving force behind it all. Which in most cases is still money.. It does not make them worse or better persons by default. It’s just something you have to deal with. It’s a bussiness. And a bussiness is dependent on people actually consumating thier wares. So yeah having consumers that actually tell them what they like and don’t like is something essential for a bussiness work properly. amidst all those ’’whiners’’ you have a group of people that actually make valid points. sometimes you don’t need to write a well thought out essay. something some concerns of the consumers are simply an act of telling company what they prefer. They are rival companies ofcourse so, having nobody to keep you on your toes is not going to work out in the long run, even if you have to cut your way through a lot of childish rants.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

wow. it’s almost like… we paid for that…

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Let’s see. As a potential new customer, I pay $50 and get both the game and the XP. As an existing customer – irrespective of how long I’ve been one, I pay $50 and just get the XP. Anybody who cannot see the discrepancy here needs their head seeing to.

People are rightly complaining because they are expected to stump up the same cash for what may be less than half a product (we don’t even know what we’re getting). This isn’t “entitlement” or whatever other anti-consumer buzzword deluded fanboys and industry shills like to throw around to shut down discussion. This is a legitimate complaint that any smart consumer should be making, and this is the thing – we need to start thinking like consumers and less like fans. Our relationship with Anet/NCSoft is a business arrangement only based around a financial transaction and nothing more. A smart consumer knows a bad deal when they see one and they can either voice their concern (legitimately, and without making stupid personal threats), or walk away and do their business elsewhere.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

(edited by uknortherner.2670)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

wow. it’s almost like… we paid for that…

Yep. And if we’re supposed to take that into account to justify the difference between the new player deal and the veteran deal on the expansion, as people keep suggesting, it’s actually confirming that we paid twice for something.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sharkstein.2109


I also wish Anet would shut down everything and put this bleeding animal that is GW2 out of its misery. Alas the beast needs to be on life support to milk the last ounce of its dignity for cashola.

“Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness”.
— Every heartbroken Guild Wars fan on GW2

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Albadaran.1283


…Keep the customer satisfied. No matter what it takes. Old rule. The customer is Always right!

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


To be fair, I would certainly prefer to have customers that don’t think and just obediently hand me money. :D:D:D

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tere.4759


So you’re saying that because I and many others thought the ultimate edition is a good deal we are blindly handing Anet money? I and many others believe in supporting a company whose game gave us over a thousand hours of entertainment.

Guild Leader of The Black Court, we’re small, friendly and active.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tirien.1326


These people live in a dreamworld. They have little to no idea how the real world works.
I wish they were right, man i would love it, infact, today i’m gonna call the store that sold me my current computer around 4 years ago, and ask if i can get my money back.

It costed me around 2k -2,5k and is on sale today for 1k – 1,2k, not only that but you get more for that price, a mouse & keyboard and a decent sound system (Better than i have now).
Which means, these noobs that go in and buy that today will get a better price than me?! Even tho i shop there frequently!

Seriously, don’t they hear themselves?

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


…Keep the customer satisfied. No matter what it takes. Old rule. The customer is Always right!

not so much. The Customer is always Right can lead to a whole bunch of issues.

The Customer should be treated with a reasonable amount of respect and fairness will do for me.

don’t get me wrong, there are people complaining about dumb stuff here, and there will be people complaining about dumb stuff long after this all peters out (one way or another) and sometimes companies need to just ignore the obnoxiously loud idiots among the community.

but this isn’t that. this is a fairly sizeable chunk of the existing playerbase, with a number of legitimate concerns, and I think here and now Anet needs to be honest with us.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


These people live in a dreamworld. They have little to no idea how the real world works.
I wish they were right, man i would love it, infact, today i’m gonna call the store that sold me my current computer around 4 years ago, and ask if i can get my money back.

It costed me around 2k -2,5k and is on sale today for 1k – 1,2k, not only that but you get more for that price, a mouse & keyboard and a decent sound system (Better than i have now).
Which means, these noobs that go in and buy that today will get a better price than me?! Even tho i shop there frequently!

Seriously, don’t they hear themselves?

That example doesn’t fly.
When I go to the computer shops asking for building a better device, they of course charge me the same wether or not I have a pc.

Point is, I do have a pc.
And it might be 4 years old, but is still running. I could probably sell it at one tenth of it’s original value, since, while it’s quite old and perhaps cannot run the latest technology, it’s still good for anything else and 4 year old games.

Otherwise, i can just use it as backup.

Which is something isn’t happening with this expansion, here the outrage.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

“You whiners”

“I am so upset at all the people whining about whateverthehell that I decided to make a post whining about them. Whinewhinewhinewhinewhine. Whiiiiiiiiiiiiine”

Thanks for wasting everyone’s time.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: choban.9027


Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

Nope…if they just bundled 800 gems or char slot for existing players, no1 would complain (apart from those who bought the game when HoT faq said that you have to have base game to play the expansion). 50$ is totally fine if you ask me, but people just want to be treated fairly and that’s all about it.

I support this move to bundle HoT with base game because community will grow, but it’s unfair because existing players are feeling like they are not getting the same deal as new players are. I totally understand that and I don’t see the reason why would someone think that’s unreasonable request.

Anet owe us nothing, but it would be nice of them to give existing players same or similar treatment like they did with potential new players…

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


OP have you considered the possibility that this is precisely why you don’t own a game studio? Or a supermarket. Or anything that deals with customers directly. Oh snap.

Also lack of intelligence is not a disease <O>

(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Straylight.7529


In the end it all boils down to the simple fact that a minority of players are unhappy with the price.

Some of them have the decency to say it directly as in “I think $50 is too much for HoT, I’d rather pay $40” but most have some long winded-version of it talking about “not getting enough value for their money” or “the price would be ok if they thrown in a character slot” or “it would be ok if new players get less in comparison” or “it would be ok if they added gems” and so on. But clearly it’s not ok for them since all those criteria are not met.

It’s basically the most boring discussion you can have between a developer and a customer. If you don’t like the price of HoT, don’t buy it. That simple.

(edited by Straylight.7529)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: KGS.9842


I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

actually your logic is flawed because we have already paid for that content, that was the deal that we took to begin with. Anet does not owe us anything in terms of content, and we don’t owe them anything as well
however every buyer has the right to be treated equally, regardless of past purchases, precisely because they have no bearing on the current situation

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

well anet have certainly adopted the scammy bit

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


In the end it all boils down to the simple fact that a minority of players are unhappy with the price.

Is it a minority, though? Obviously we don’t have sales figures available yet, but “Don’t Pre-purchase HoT” is far and away the MOST upvoted GW2 Reddit thread of all time, and that took less than 24 hours to happen. Do you have any sort of figures to back up that statement? I would be genuinely interested to see what % of active and/or new players are buying the expansion so far. NCSoft’s estimate was that they should have at least 50% the number of sales that they had of the core game, or roughly 2 million expansion pack sales. I wonder how close they are…

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Giland.4507


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

The logic of having to buy again is of course as you say it flawed, but again you don’t point out the full reasoning why people are unhappy you have taken a small skewed image of the reason they are upset and used that to call people names. Wheres the logic in that?

Also people keep say that new players will not enjoy all of the same content that we did. One 98% of the content they will, with the exception of the living story season one which even lot of Veteran layers did not see fully or at all. They can still play all of Living story, Season two, they can be Zaitan, all of the Seasonal event are basically the same every year so this argument hold little water.

I am pretty sure they are making a decent profit, Most of their employee probably make as much if not more than I do and I am pretty sure with a little research you can find out what their quarterly profit i since I am sure that it needs to be publicly disclosed, I could be wrong on that, but saying they need money justifies giving less than value worth is likely baseless.

Please feel free to respond and provide constructive criticism I am happy to read it.

“In the end, we are all just killers and we couldn’t be bothered to care.”

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Im not an Anet fan/supporter. In fact, I don’t think too highly of them for how they settled past issues with me. Oh and my forum posts get deleted for being too honest.

Putting myself in their shoes, you whiners are impossible to satisfy and would rather shut down the company than serve you.

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

Unless you are Blizzard, the MMO business isn’t as profitable as you believe. Scammy free download mobile gaming apps make more than large developers

No offense to this, but your post come off as very shill like. Saying something Anet cant say out their mouths.

No offense to this, but your post comes off as very shill like. Saying something Bethesda/Zenimax/Square Enix can’t say out of their mouths. See how easy that is?

People can have opinions without being shills. Happens all the time.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


As a business I would HATE costumers that give you honest feedback especially in a very competitive market too.

As a business I would LOVE costumers that run to my forums praising dishonest and deceptive marketing.



I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


Yes, because giving a company your money isn’t enough, they need constant praise as well.

And our money, in advance, for what up till now looks like a half baked expansion with no launch date but, hey! You get to test the game for them! (Shouldnt they be paying someone to test the game instead?)

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


Please feel free to respond and provide constructive criticism I am happy to read it.

This not gonna happen.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Furious.2867


OP have you considered the possibility that this is precisely why you don’t own a game studio? Or a supermarket. Or anything that deals with customers directly. Oh snap.

Also lack of intelligence is not a disease <O>

But I do have an MBA from an Ivy League. I’d hate to own a supermarket because the vertical is stupidly competitive but margins hover only at 2-3%. Kinda hard to respect anyone whose scope of business knowledge is limited to high competition, low margin industries.

I don’t own a game studio because I’d hate to have customers like you.

I’m an extremely well paid consultant and I have no shame turning down clients I feel would be difficult to work with.

Was amused by the rhetorical questions you asked me. I doubt that you own a game studio or supermarket or even deal with customers.

My question to you isn’t rhetorical…

Are you a high income, debt-free, self-made multimillionaire?


Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: joneb.5679


To the OP and Giland, taking out the sense of entitlement there is nothing good about Anets price for current customers and the way Anet have created a no win scenario to make their overpricing the best option against losing your characters further advancement and paying a fortune more for LS content later. That’s not good customer service. So the only good argument is its business take it or leave it. If GW2 is adversely affected by losing many more players you will all find the game won’t die but its growth will.

I use forums to give my opinions but I mostly avoid discussing over
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


OP have you considered the possibility that this is precisely why you don’t own a game studio? Or a supermarket. Or anything that deals with customers directly. Oh snap.

Also lack of intelligence is not a disease <O>

But I do have an MBA from an Ivy League. I’d hate to own a supermarket because the vertical is stupidly competitive but margins hover only at 2-3%. Kinda hard to respect anyone whose scope of business knowledge is limited to high competition, low margin industries.

I don’t own a game studio because I’d hate to have customers like you.

I’m an extremely well paid consultant and I have no shame turning down clients I feel would be difficult to work with.

Was amused by the rhetorical questions you asked me. I doubt that you own a game studio or supermarket or even deal with customers.

My question to you isn’t rhetorical…

Are you a high income, debt-free, self-made multimillionaire?

can you make a reasonable argument without going several layers of ad hominem?

and if this is true, why do you even care?