I just want the water dragon!!!
Underwater was a selling point it was something that literally set this game apart and people flocked to this game for this unique style of gameplay.
Over four years later they removed it from pvp, pvp lobby, and underwater legends were canceled well before the normal legendaries. Half our skills still don’t work underwater and class balance remains more broken under the water than above it. Underwater didn’t fit in with their esports plans and it’s been systematically weakened time and time again.
We even had an expansion completely devoid of water outside of a cramped tunnel in TD which wasn’t even combat related. Underwater is like clone death for mesmer though the devs couldn’t simply delete underwater from the game like they did with clone death. The game is over 4 years old there stance on water is clear the trailer for new maps showed swimming in two short segments and two fish most likely akin to water in fire islands being a coastal area so there forced to have some water.
I’d like the water dragon too but Anets stance on water changes my opinion the water dragon will probably beach itself in the desert or get killed by another dragon just so anet doesn’t have to fix and balance underwater.
If we ever fight the water dragon, we’ll either use a fishing pole to get it up here, or they need to redesign UW-C
Then Anet need to redesign the underwater battle! >:)
Over four years later they removed it from pvp, pvp lobby, and underwater legends were canceled well before the normal legendaries
Not to mention WvW.
Ah the days of 50vs50+ underwater fights in the Quaggan lake.
I would love for ANET to make a UW update with content… but unfortunately most of the mayor content creators (Specially WP) hate UW and they never give any recommendations on how to fix it, or they just want to focus on all the other components of the game.
Not acknowledging all the awesome cultures, lore and possible event that can become part of the GW2 universe.
Can’t we just drop candy corn into the ocean and kill the water dragon with syrup?
Water dragon won’t come until they figure out how to make UW combat work.
Better let them have time, than to rush it in the current system.
(In the end, we will have one supreme dragon… Steve.)
Underwater was a selling point it was something that literally set this game apart and people flocked to this game for this unique style of gameplay.
I don’t think people “flocked to this game” for UW combat — I certainly didn’t.
If you search around the forums I’m sure you’ll find posts from years ago asking to remove it.
Underwater was a selling point it was something that literally set this game apart and people flocked to this game for this unique style of gameplay.
I don’t think people “flocked to this game” for UW combat — I certainly didn’t.
If you search around the forums I’m sure you’ll find posts from years ago asking to remove it.
It was and when I say selling point I mean pre-launch meaning your not going to find the proper posts on this website. Post-launch people wanted under water to be balanced and after asking for it for so long they started to ask for its removal. Gw2 launched over four years ago and back then the only game with even an ounce of effort in underwater was WoW and GW2 seemed to be surpassing WoW in this category. Thus of everything GW2 had to offer the thing that stood out the most and made this game stand out above all the other MMOs and thus a point of discussion was Underwater.
You had people coming from gw1 and people coming for underwater the others who came for combat were split between because of other games trying to reinvent combat like Tera. This was also one of the few games that started without a sub while other had to drop their sub which got people in. Basic point is water combat was a very clear point of entry and a very clear marketing point there was no competition.
As for the other posts in this topic it’s been over four years and it’s beyond obvious the Anet has no intention and probably loathes underwater beyond all else. All people wanted was balance but when Anet started with thief destructive Esport kick underwater was one of the first casualties because like with them toning down our visual skills it’s not easy for the esport related crowds to watch. So it was never balanced or skills added and was removed from PvP. I’ve never seen a company show the level of disrespect for their own product that Anet has shown underwater.
It’s better to imagine an underwater dragon fight in which you had free roam in 3D space than have Anet get involved and ruin it.
(edited by Doam.8305)
The Deep Sea Dragon will probably turn the whole Unending Ocean into a tentacle ridden canyon and we’ll fight him inside a deep, dry abyss of Lovecraftian hentai. You read it here first!
I been wishing underwater combat would move forward instead of backwards for the longest. It was one of my favorite features but instead of fleshing it out and making wet versions of all the skills (so many of my Thief’s are unusable) they just seemingly gave up on it.
The Deep Sea Dragon will probably turn the whole Unending Ocean into a tentacle ridden canyon and we’ll fight him inside a deep, dry abyss of Lovecraftian hentai. You read it here first!
Not everything related to the deep sea needs to be about hentai tentacles. (just most of it)
I been wishing underwater combat would move forward instead of backwards for the longest.
It was one of my favorite features but instead of fleshing it out and making wet versions of all the skills (so many of my Thief’s are unusable) they just seemingly gave up on it.
The Deep Sea Dragon will probably turn the whole Unending Ocean into a tentacle ridden canyon and we’ll fight him inside a deep, dry abyss of Lovecraftian hentai. You read it here first!
Not everything related to the deep sea needs to be about hentai tentacles. (just most of it)
Jokes on you, we already know DSD makes tangest horrors of tentacly shadows.. although thats just a description so we dont really know what it is
I’d love it if they “fixed” UW combat…or at least, if they showed a little interest in maybe looking into keeping it on the table when the time’s right…
UW combat, the possibility to explore the underwater regions of the world, makes the game feel more “alive” or “real”. I understood when they kicked UW out of PvP and WvW. But in PvE, where balance is a far less delicate issue? I was really disapointed when they announced that there would be no UW regions in HoT.
So yes. Give us Steve/SBubbles. Give us lakes and oceans with underwater caves and cities. Give us the Largos. Give us an impressive/flashy legendary harpoon gun. All that.
- : Mounts, ViP-Player systems, HoT-like Xpacs
Have a nice day.
Underwater combat sucks. Always. In every game.
I would love for ANET to make a UW update with content… but unfortunately most of the mayor content creators (Specially WP) hate UW and they never give any recommendations on how to fix it, or they just want to focus on all the other components of the game.
Not acknowledging all the awesome cultures, lore and possible event that can become part of the GW2 universe.
I watch all of WP’s video’s. He has never stated this to my knowledge, and has hoped they would bring it back for some time( Just watch his videos on the new pvp maps, and raid on the capricorn). Don’t go around name dropping unless you can confirm your claims.
I would love for ANET to make a UW update with content… but unfortunately most of the mayor content creators (Specially WP) hate UW and they never give any recommendations on how to fix it, or they just want to focus on all the other components of the game.
Not acknowledging all the awesome cultures, lore and possible event that can become part of the GW2 universe.
I watch all of WP’s video’s. He has never stated this to my knowledge, and has hoped they would bring it back for some time( Just watch his videos on the new pvp maps, and raid on the capricorn). Don’t go around name dropping unless you can confirm your claims.
Then we are watching different WPs. Cause he constantly talks smack of quaggan, skritts and UW content.
I am a WP follower, and what I do on content droughts is rematch old videos in order, I’ll advice you to do the same and see what I’m talking about.
If there will be 100% underwater rework maybe then…
As for now it’s “broken” to say the least and i would be eleven out of ten dissapointed if i would be forced to fight that underwater hobo with this current system.
I have a feeling either it will be allied with us or some other group will defeat it (Largos maybe)
Underwater combat sucks. Always. In every game.
It is even worse in GW2 as it’s trying to be an action combat ON TOP OF BEING UNDERWATER. Just no lol.
It was the worst ever experience in Orr and other places getting 1shot by who the kitten knows what when you can’t see beyond the insane particle effects and stupid 3D environment.
99% of the time people just range everything because the melee skills are absolutely broken, make zero sense (prime example:thief can’t even have access to stealth) and mobs are not balanced in the slightest.
It is very clear that they stopped underwater combat development probably half way and just said screw it when they released the game. I mean they basically did that with the game itself, it is just now getting to be where it’s a full fledged MMO. Raids, QoL improvements that should have been at release, etc.
If they ever release that water dragon, they must be willing to go 100% on underwater combat. I just cannot see that happening, or they will make some excuse on why the dragon is on land instead. Or we’ll fight in a bubble of air or something weird.
I really like the water aspect.
Even if they just keep the water exploration aspects in the game for those that enjoy it and leave it at that i would be happy
UW combat/ exploration is the sole reason I spent money for GW2. No other game has truly delved into it- GW2 could have been the 1st.
Hopefully Anet will see that this can help market their game and set standards for other games when it comes to UW combat and anet will fix it.
I can see the Sea dragon being part land/cavern part UW. If anet decides to not fix UW combat once the sea dragon is revealed, then I’m giving up haha.
UW combat/ exploration is the sole reason I spent money for GW2. No other game has truly delved into it- GW2 could have been the 1st.
Hopefully Anet will see that this can help market their game and set standards for other games when it comes to UW combat and anet will fix it.
I can see the Sea dragon being part land/cavern part UW. If anet decides to not fix UW combat once the sea dragon is revealed, then I’m giving up haha.
It’s the reason I started playing as you said underwater didn’t exist back then it was new and made the game stand out. Combat and other things could be debated since all the new games started to take a more action oriented approach. Though GW2 had underwater something new to try even now many years after launch the combat component of GW2 has already been surpassed and their struggling to find a sticking point when the most obvious one is the original inclusion of underwater.
These days the only thing close is WoW in regards to water representation they obviously never gave up on underwater since their still adding underwater mounts, quests, and areas even world bosses in the water.
I’ve heard plenty about the other five dragons. I’m interested in this mysterious water dragon.
Also for the possibility of water environment skills, items, interface, ect. all being completed. Right now underwater mechanics are unfinished.
This part of the game needs a lot of attention. Please give underwater some attention and love Devs! You’ve given us the skies. You’ve given us plenty of land-based gameplay. Now it’s time to explore the depths of the oceans and all the types of creatures and things that could be under there!
i want secret areas along the coasts.. underwater sea caves in old maps. Throw a bunch of champ sharks or new “sea monsters” (Krakken, Loch ness with stealth abilities! haha) blocking the entrance that aggro on you if u come close if u get past them there are new adventures inside (mini games or other bosses to fight for kewl loot) yeah they won’t be secret for long, but maybe randomize it or rotate locations weekly?
It just would be fun to swim along the coast cause ya know some like to explore or glitch hunt and stumble across a herd or frenzy of champ sharks that suddenly see an new snack swimming towards them… YOU! lol
I want the feel of “SWIM AWAY! QUICKLY AHHHH! ITS”S GUNNA GET ME HAAALP!" not the current “Oh look a champ . meh.”
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
I <3 UW-C!
So I’m looking for Steve!
For those of us that have a legendary UW weapon, which might as well be t*** on a bull, do we get a refund if Steve hops on land?
Crystal Desert