I just want to play Rev.

I just want to play Rev.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Porcupine.5461

Pink Porcupine.5461

Dear community managers,

I know there’s a lot of furious threads. I’m a little less furious so here are some gentle, albeit snarky, words. I’m aware there are other threads and I usually advocate for tidy, concentrated topics, but this is actually worth stepping outside the box for.

Here’s the problem: I have to fork out 10 bucks, buy a CE or dump a sack of gold into gems to play a new class. It just seems a little strange to get me all riled up to play with magical laser hammers, only to remind me that I can’t actually do it without forking over extra dough or blowing up one of my beloved characters. Subsequently, new players automatically get their chance at the new guy without any restrictions.

I mean, I get it, using tomes is clearly a bad thing here. There needs to be some strange, cryptic barrier that prevents me from glistening like the gilded city right next a poor neonatal Rev who aspires to be as great as me. I mean, if he read more, he might be as awesome as I am, but whatever.

I do appreciate what you’re doing for new players. No sarcasm here. I nodded and said to myself, “I can take the hit on the price tag to get more new people into this game.” I can take this 50 bucks and pay for the brilliant dental work of Colin. I don’t mind a cohesive approach with the free base game. Ideally, I wish we could just trade that base for a character slot if we already have an existing account, but maybe I’m just crazy.

I just felt a little strange. Character slots were a welcome sight in GW1 standalones. I figured you’d do the same with this game. You still got the gems out of me to pay for enough character slots to play every class. I’m not exactly a whale here, but I’ve paid some of my dues.

Isn’t there a way we can both have the same silly thrill of having a hyped up, sparkling new class at the same price point? I know you’ll be short a lot of tens and twenties. Your accountants revile me and your bottom line is probably shrieking in dismay, but it’d be nice if you did a little pivot on the character slot.