I simply don't feel inclined to play HoT

I simply don't feel inclined to play HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Also block and blind!?

Are you telling me that you literally altered your builds to incorporate block and blind for one single mob!? No person in any MMO should ever have to alter a build for the sake a single PVE mob.

Um, no – I usually play WvW and bothj are quite helpful there and I found it makes for easy mass aggro in PvE as well. Especially so with a condition necro. Select the toughest, run around and collect as many as will follow you, all the while stack bleeding on the guy, if they are a bit shy drop blind well and stay in it – when enough have gathered hit signet and spread the love – continue kiting. After about 5 secs the affected 5 mobs are dead (bleeding and poison runs for over 6k damage/second), fire signet again, spread love again – once the vet or elite goes down F1 and 4 followed by 5 and then look where the next enemy group is.

I know that most PvE players just stack damage everywhere – armor, weapons, traits and skills – GW2 core is usually ok with that (unless you go fractal or dungeon unless you are in a very good group) – but with tactics and setup like that you neither survive PvP nor WvW for really long. And that is why none of my characters are 100% damage-only traited. And while a block is pure defensive – a reflect is not Depends on the class, though, what you have available.

Necro is a bit poor on blocks or reflects but a well timed fear will sometimes work wonders too – especially in some WvW/EoTM cases.

Edit: And – of course I do! When I am in a condition heavy environment I pack condi removal. When I am in an area where a lot of cc happens I pack stunbreakers that I’ll not use when in an area where cc is marginal. I also adjust my food depoending on where I am. NOT, I agree, for a single enemy – but block and blind (or reflects) have so many uses that I usually run one or more of those skills on my bar anyway.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

(edited by HtFde.3856)

I simply don't feel inclined to play HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: octagon.6504


GW2 was a great casual game. It’s latest dlc is trying to be hardcore like every other game out today. Why they would want to give up their uniqueness to become part of the general mmo hardcore pack is beyond me as the hardcore mmo’s are struggling. If I want to die a lot and spend time struggling to level through gated content there are plenty of mmo’s that already provide that pleasure. Once I get my elites on all my characters I probably won’t go back to HoT.

I simply don't feel inclined to play HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Andred.1087


Since they destroyed WvW at the same time HoT was released, GW2 has become a sad joke.

Interesting, because last I checked there are about 7 million people laughing.

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