I volounteered to leave an empty map...

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zedd.3140


… in Verdant Brink, and lost all of my map progress.

You had one job Anet.


I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Yep. It’s one of the QoL features that has been requested since the expansion released.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thamriyell.5490


I keep leaving empty maps to join maps that are “more populated”, and all I get are emptier maps than before.

Something is wrong here lol

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Participation should be independent of the map you’re on. Game wide, not map specific. The game should also hold a slot for you on the map you were on if you crash, for a few minutes, releasing it if you log onto a character in another zone or exit the game normally.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nacario.9417


Expect to see this addition added in the third next major content depth patch comming in Q4 2016, and a blog post about it two weeks before release!

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

I keep leaving empty maps to join maps that are “more populated”, and all I get are emptier maps than before.

Something is wrong here lol

this happens too much asked within a few minutes after leaving one map to get the same message ticks me off the most wish they had some cure for it but i doubt it would so easy to fix

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I keep leaving empty maps to join maps that are “more populated”, and all I get are emptier maps than before.

Something is wrong here lol

this happens too much asked within a few minutes after leaving one map to get the same message ticks me off the most wish they had some cure for it but i doubt it would so easy to fix

It’s so easy to fix if they let us choose the overflow.
Anet refuses to do it, keep on destroying player’s enjoyment and encourage people to leave the game for whatever god knows reasoning.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The player-generated taxi system using LFG is how one gets to maps that are fuller and trying to get map metas done. Using the random assignment empty-to-theoretically-less-empty map mechanic is, alas, random. Unless of course it’s merging one emptier map into another and ignoring the fuller maps (which theoretically don’t need more players), then it’s design intent.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Melona.9217


… in Verdant Brink, and lost all of my map progress.

You had one job Anet.


There is a good reason here. If you can keep your participation instead swapping different maaps, it will be unfair, cause you didn’t help THIS maap.
If you could keep this participation, just go to empty maap -> get 40~60 % of participation by doing events (maap is empty, so all events are available for you -> then switch maap).

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

now unless i see the coding im going with this isnt an easy solution so aomine i disagree i dont see anet as trying to push people away they want a game that will keep us coming back and paying for future expansions o i see no reason for them to push us away

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Melona.9217


now unless i see the coding im going with this isnt an easy solution so aomine i disagree i dont see anet as trying to push people away they want a game that will keep us coming back and paying for future expansions o i see no reason for them to push us away

Its not pushing away, it is a «solution» against lazy people who just wait to get a good maap then they still wait for a new maap completed by others.
SW is the symbol of this problem.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


They have a job, making new €xpan$ion

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

now unless i see the coding im going with this isnt an easy solution so aomine i disagree i dont see anet as trying to push people away they want a game that will keep us coming back and paying for future expansions o i see no reason for them to push us away

Its not pushing away, it is a «solution» against lazy people who just wait to get a good maap then they still wait for a new maap completed by others.
SW is the symbol of this problem.

i didnt say it was a way to push people away the person i was responding too stated it was a way they were pushing people away i stated that it didnt make good business sense to push paying customer away

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hubal.8571


… in Verdant Brink, and lost all of my map progress.

You had one job Anet.


There is a good reason here. If you can keep your participation instead swapping different maaps, it will be unfair, cause you didn’t help THIS maap.
If you could keep this participation, just go to empty maap -> get 40~60 % of participation by doing events (maap is empty, so all events are available for you -> then switch maap).

But doing events in empty map is much harder than in populated one ? Really do try this for yourself sometime and compare how quickly you can get that participation by doing events alone, and when there is always a group of people.
There are no restriction on how many people can do a single event and you can do them both fast and easy.

And you did help THIS map. Just not in the particular instance. What’s the difference between people that did an event in some other corner of the instance that you are one, that you didn’t even see from the people that did the event in other instance .

I don’t see anything fair with punishing a player that suddenly finds himself in an empty map. And you don’t loose anything yourself. If he had participation he wasn’t apparently just leeching it AFK.
So why do you think it’s fair to take away from people that had bad luck, when you neither loose anything, and your only achievement is that you had luck joining a good instance.

Especially since it’s the GAME that prompts you to change the map.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soon.5240


Well, to be fair to Anet (lol) it’s only been since October 27 that they’ve know that there is a problem with the Megaserver and empty maps.


“Finally, we’ve discovered a setting that was creating some lower populations in maps in the Heart of Maguuma than we’d ideally been looking for with our megaserver system. We’re really happy with the difficulty of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns—our players have asked for more meaningful challenge from Guild Wars 2, and we believe Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is bringing that—but having lots of players to play with makes that much more fun, so we’ll make sure you’re always in maps with numerous friends (and soon-to-be friends) to play with.”

The maps are empty because the game is dying. It really is that simple. The HoT maps are so boring that they failed to attract enough player to populate the maps without extensive taxi play.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Well, to be fair to Anet (lol) it’s only been since October 27 that they’ve know that there is a problem with the Megaserver and empty maps.


“Finally, we’ve discovered a setting that was creating some lower populations in maps in the Heart of Maguuma than we’d ideally been looking for with our megaserver system. We’re really happy with the difficulty of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns—our players have asked for more meaningful challenge from Guild Wars 2, and we believe Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is bringing that—but having lots of players to play with makes that much more fun, so we’ll make sure you’re always in maps with numerous friends (and soon-to-be friends) to play with.”

The maps are empty because the game is dying. It really is that simple. The HoT maps are so boring that they failed to attract enough player to populate the maps without extensive taxi play.

And yet every day thousands of people complete the meta events and are playing the maps.

The maps are empty if you get placed unlucky in an empty map and can’t be bothered to use the LFG tool to find a populated one.

Then again, I’ve entered multiple maps of TD where the meta event was completed shortly after without having to use the LFG tool. Obviously some maps are more populated at different times. It has to do with the real time event cycle the maps have. Take a look at that. Entering a Verdant Brink 5 minutes after night has passed might not be the best indicator of how full maps are.

On topic, yes the megaserver system is not ideal with the way the new map rewards are designed. I’d also love for a way to turn in the participation early. Nothing worse than having 200% participation and having to wait over an hour until the meta event gets completed.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: polarbear.2497


The maps are empty because the game is dying. It really is that simple. The HoT maps are so boring that they failed to attract enough player to populate the maps without extensive taxi play.

Winner of Troll of the Day Award…