[Idea] Stats simplification suggestion

[Idea] Stats simplification suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gwarrior.4952


Since we have more than we can handle stats variety in the game, mainly the boon/con duration and others, I think if the stats get some simplifications in HOT would be better for new gamer to understand the stats system and for the veterans to custom their character in more convenience place.

Here are some thoughts:
1. Simplify all stats into six stats:
Power (former Power and Ferocity, combine Power and Ferocity since they provide the same thing, or design it into a more power, more crit damage it will provide, or just delete the crit damage effects from stats and only provide it from traits/runes/sigils/foods)
Precision (as usual, since too many effect are trigers by crit, so it’s not a too weak stats here and crit percentage could be design not so easy to get 100% as current situation, to make this stat more precious)
Condition (combine, condition damage and duration here, since nobody use condition duration in their gear. Could design a certain number to obtain certain duration.)
Vitality (same as the old, but could provide some condition reduce?)
Toughenss (same with the old, but maybe some justification to make it more obvious for player to notice that he/she has more toughness when equip certain gears)
Healing (combine healing power and boon duration. Could design a certain number to obtain certain duration. numbers are flexible to justify)

2. Every piece of gear provide three kinds of stats except celectrial ones which makes us have 20 kinds of stats combination and with one main stat, two secondary stats, it will be 60 kinds of stats combination except celectrial. So the number of stats combination would not be overwelming to players. Actually the current daily Laurel vendor’s ascended gear category is a little overwhelming to me. There are just too many choices for one combination and too many words on the gears name. Very easy to make player to purchase something they don’t want.

3. Make the stats really matters. Such as condition duration, boon duration, I know that only handful player would use gear with such stats, most people don’t care or think much about what stats their builds would really need. For pve, we have berserker meta with only a few viarety between different profession from chosing Assassin gear instead. Also in PVP and WvW, most profession has their suitable way of stats they could use, although provided a very large range of choices, only a few were selected by players, so I do hope designer would design some gear that player really consider and really happy to try out to use for their different builds.

Basically, that’s what in my mind about the current stats system. Thanks for reading, but English is not my first language, if any misunderstanding or ideas to share, plz let me know. Thanks again for your time!

Grind, grind and more grind.

[Idea] Stats simplification suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


I would argue that stats need to be de-emphasised, and make their synergy to traits more meaningful. The problem right now is that stats only stack in certain functions, but not others… and their relationship to traits only extends to how much of a flat % bonus it can give to a derived last mile value (like damage).

[Idea] Stats simplification suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arewn.2368


1. Stats are already very simply and not that numerous in GW2.
They each do a single specific thing, there’s no overlap, good synergy between stats, and each stats can be useful to every profession.
This in contrast to many other games that often have setups that include Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, each effectively doing the same thing but for use exclusively by specific different classes with slightly different secondary effects.
2. For max level gear, there only exists 26 different stat combinations.
You’re proposition actually makes the system more complex and increases the number to 60, by your counts. You’re confused because you’re not taking the time to understand. If you don’t want to learn the names, that’s fine. Just look for the thing with the stats you want and you won’t have a problem.
3. Outside of PvE, stat choice matters incredibly. If it doesn’t to you, it’s because you’re doing it wrong. Each stat is important to different builds. Yes, that means some are more important or popular then others, but there’s literally nothing that can be done about it.
In PvE, you’re partially right. In dungeons, berserker is the meta for groups that know what they’re doing, and is in generally very popular and effective. New players? defensive stats can be of benefit, someone who can heal well being in the group can help too. World bosses? solider gear. Great Jungle Worms? going to need some people in condi setups. General open world stuff? that’s really up to you, pick the stats that allow you to play with the most freedom for your play style.
Additionally, they’re progressively adjusting new content to encourage the use of stats sets other then berserker, so they’re already in the midst of fixing your problem.

[Idea] Stats simplification suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gwarrior.4952


2. For max level gear, there only exists 26 different stat combinations.
You’re proposition actually makes the system more complex and increases the number to 60, by your counts. You’re confused because you’re not taking the time to understand. If you don’t want to learn the names, that’s fine. Just look for the thing with the stats you want and you won’t have a problem.
3. Outside of PvE, stat choice matters incredibly. If it doesn’t to you, it’s because you’re doing it wrong. Each stat is important to different builds. Yes, that means some are more important or popular then others, but there’s literally nothing that can be done about it.
In PvE, you’re partially right. In dungeons, berserker is the meta for groups that know what they’re doing, and is in generally very popular and effective. New players? defensive stats can be of benefit, someone who can heal well being in the group can help too. World bosses? solider gear. Great Jungle Worms? going to need some people in condi setups. General open world stuff? that’s really up to you, pick the stats that allow you to play with the most freedom for your play style.
Additionally, they’re progressively adjusting new content to encourage the use of stats sets other then berserker, so they’re already in the midst of fixing your problem.

Sorry I didn’t state my opinion clearly to make u misunderstood, current number of max level gear is made that way in 26 combinations, but the potential for designers to extend it is massive, my suggestion is not detailed yet more a direction to simplification. The details and the numbers are open to determine, and my point is the overall potential numbers would be 60 according to the current system.

And for 3rd, u got the point that the stats and gear does not related to each other, it doesn’t matter much weather each piece have what kind of stat, but it makes people wonder why not make pve and wvw have the same system with pvp which all the gear with skin alone provide skin and no stats, and one jewery provide whole stats combination for the character. I am sure, things like AR and others in pve could redesign into one Jewery provide whole stats for character.

Grind, grind and more grind.