Improvements I’d like to see in the expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Truthbearer.9708
Here’s a bunch of QoL improvements that I think would make life easier while playing GW2.
Remember this? :
The Guild Wars 2 Live Response Team decided that it was time for a change when it came to the various tokens and badges clogging up your inventory bags. Wouldn’t it be nice if they all existed in one location, shared amongst all the characters on your account?
What happened to that idea? Ever since the wallet got released, none of the new currencies made use of it. Tokens like Found Heirlooms, Geodes and Bandit Crests all ended up taking valuable inventory space, where the wallet was created to combat this issue. I’d like to see the wallet reintroduced in HoT and get updated automatically with any new currencies.
(Guild/Party)Chat history
An issue for people that have ever been in a party and a big problem for altoholics in guilds. There’s multiple occasions where the game decides it’s time to clear your party or guildchat. Party chat getting cleared happens after leaving a party and going to the login screen or changing maps and if for some reason you wanted to read what was said, you’re out of luck.
The worst part about it is the guild chat. You never know if you missed anything important while switching characters or someone you were talking to didn’t see it because they were switching. I don’t see why party and guild chat can’t just stay on screen like mapchat or whisper.
Use all/open all option
Bags bags bags, a bag in a bag in a bag, etc. I’d really like to see a use all option for the expansion. The amount of clicking just to open a few boxes and perhaps use the stuff that comes out of it is really frustrating. A big part of the time spent playing the game, I’m just opening stuff and managing my inventory. On a related note, an undo sort button would be nice as well.
Raid UI
The commander tag became account bound some time ago, a bunch of new colours were added, but still no dedicated raid interface. I think if we’re going to get challenging content, we should at least get some organization tools.
More UI customization
I would like to see more options regarding the UI. I’m thinking about free movement of certain UI-windows, like the chat window. Also the ability to turn off specific parts, like the daily checklist.
Tone down the effects of level up tomes and skill point scrolls
Nothing against people using them, but I find it incredibly annoying when someone near me starts spamming those things. The effects are really obtrusive and I’d like an option to hide them partially or completely.
Downed state information
Currently there is no way to tell if you have any conditions on you while downed. You could be having a bunch of confusion stacks on you and auto-attacking yourself to death without knowing. It would be great if we had the ability to see our conditions in downed state.
Human female animations
Sneaked this one in here. I hope the expansion brings back the animations that were removed about half a year ago, but I doubt it’ll happen. Just like the change to the running animation a long time ago sadly.