(edited by Narrrz.7532)
Improving the TD meta
More ideas:
The Hive Queen spawns chak eggs constantly and less frequently summons larger Chak lobbers and blitzers. The eggs have little health but must be killed fairly quickly to prevent being overrun by a swarm of Chak.
When the queen emerges, she shatters the leyline pillars and the disturbance disrupts the ley-flows, reedirecting the ley lines overhead, carrying fragments of the ley-pillars up with them. Periodically, she will shield herself and flood the ground level with chak acid (it creeps out slowly enough to run out of). While shielded, chak will begin rushing the cannons from the lanes and the queen will focus on one cannon, bombarding it after a delay and rapidly (but not instantly) destroying it.
To prevent her doing this, some players must take to the disturbed leylines overhead, catching the ley-infused rubble from the pillars and raining it down on her to distract her (break her breakbar). The order of whispers will begin recharging the cannons during this phase; only one must survive to break her shield, every additional one over that will just deal heavy damage to her.
I would be ok with making the chak gerents easier but having a final bigger boss spawn at the center. That would make this event a lot more interesting and epic.
If they do not want to go through that trouble a temporary easy fix would be increasing the player cap for the map, with just 5 to 10 more ppl per lane this event would be in the realm of realistically doable.
Yeah that would be awesome.
Actually the first time through I expected the Gerent phase to be only the starting part of the event, since the large central leyline confluence kind of screams “world boss here” :P
Yeah, with the way the camera zooms out i thought for sure there would be a huge boss battle there (Which i kinda feel this expac is lacking? The Dragonstand fight is a little too structured to feel like a proper boss battle, not nearly chaotic enough).