I love this game, I’ve played every class at least a little, explored the world, crafted armour, weapons, jewellery and food, worked to unlock achievements. Of course I was excited about the new expansion. And then I read the announcements linked from the start-up and with each one my heart sank a little more, it seems my kind is no longer welcome, because I am an introvert.
I’d like to think that it’s not deliberate, that all that emphasis on teamwork and socialisation is meant to be inclusive not exclusive and that whoever is responsible for writing those articles honestly doesn’t know how very, very far from the truth that is. I’d like to believe that, mostly I do, but at this point I would not be entirely surprised to read an announcement that all accounts with fewer than a hundred friends are to be suspended.
At this point I know what the next question is going to be, if I’m an introvert why do I want to play an MMO? Well to put it as simply as possible, because I’m asocial not antisocial. I like knowing that there are other people around, I like knowing that whenever I buy something at the trading post, someone, somewhere got that little bit closer to being able to afford their dream weapon (or whatever else they’re saving up for). I like being part of group events, feeling like I’m doing my part. I like healing and/or rezzing other players, one of my happiest Guild Wars 2 memories is of being against a world boss, popping an AoE heal/regen over a group of downed players and seeing every single one get back up and carry on fighting.
One of the things I like best about Guild Wars 2, that always made me feel included, is that I don’t have to be in a group to do any of those things, I don’t have to make any kind of social commitment I can just be there, lend a hand and be on my way again. Sadly I’m starting to feel like that was some kind of accident, not a feature intended for those of us who prefer to be on the fringes but more of a gateway drug to all that friendship building and stuff all the announcements are about. If that is the case then please consider this, socialisation is tiring for introverts and forced socialisation can be actively harmful to our mental well-being. I’m something of an extreme case, but there are plenty of days when that casual ‘thank you’ / ’you’re welcome’ on rezzing a random stranger is all the socialisation I can handle but I still appreciate the feeling that I helped someone, even if it was just a little bit.
I’m not asking for a ton of new soloable content (though a little would be nice), I’d just like an assurance, a few brief words from on high that the lurkers and the loners are still welcome at this feast. And for players, whether in large guilds or small, or no guild at all, if at sometime you were taken down by more skelk than you knew existed and someone you never saw before or since crossed half the map to fight them off and put you back on your feet, remember this, you may just have witnessed an introvert in the wild and you’re welcome.