Invisible Mushroom Spore Broken?
same issue, working on dark harvest, got update for bo…
well guys If I may ask you as I’m working toward Yggdrasill that also needs that spore….
did you have said collections unlocked that got progressed with it?
[because the only specialisation collection I have is Yggdrasill and I’d be really irritating if I started to update collections I haven’t even unlocked….]
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
As you can see in description of Invisivle mushroom spore on wiki, that item has 9 diffirent codes (game links).
So, probably it is intended that 1 spore counts only for one collection.
It needs confirmation but probably if you have only one collection active, mushroom spore will be for that collection
Unfortunately I have 4 active but I want it for bo as it’s almost complete
So, there are 9 different invisible mushroom spores but they all have the same exact name, description, and icon? And if you get one at all, it may not be the particular one of the 9 identical items that you need for your particular elite specialization? That seems…poorly designed. I can understand not wanting to update all 9 collections with just 1 spore, but handling it this way just feels like it’ll frustrate players. It would be more sensible to make the spore a usable item, and when the player uses it they then get to choose which specialization collection it applies to.
So after daily reset it killed that dumb health sponge again, and finally it updated bo. Got my machined staff finished too so I just need another 2 mil xp for stealth gliding and I’m done.
they need to fix this it is completely ridiculous
Yeah this really bugs me as well. While it may seem a bit excessive, they need to have the item unlock for all collections instead of randomizing what collection it goes to.
Alternatively, they need to allow us to set a collection to active, so all collectibles you find for it will go towards that specific collection instead of being randomized. I’m having the same problem now, and it is frustrating to have to constantly sit there going “Did I get it this time? Did I get it this time?” and see the item going to different collections that I haven’t even begun to start.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Not sure if it’s just coincidence, but I’ve observed with one of my friends that they’ve been dropping in alphabetical order, skipping any specializations that haven’t been unlocked yet.
Berserker → Chronomancer → Daredevil → Dragonhunter → Druid → Herald → Reaper → Scrapper → Tempest
Well oops, I have unlocked everything but Herald. Not that I have the stealth detection yet anyway but if Nar’s observation holds, I’ll have to kill the thing three times to get Bo.
I had all the specializations unlocked and the first mushroom I killed gave me credit for Bo :/
I think it might be random. I got my Herald’s on like the fifth mushroom I think
This is the most amateur design I’ve seen in ages. How on earth could you decide that alphabetical order to be the best way to judge this?
Not sure if it’s just coincidence, but I’ve observed with one of my friends that they’ve been dropping in alphabetical order, skipping any specializations that haven’t been unlocked yet.
Berserker -> Chronomancer -> Daredevil -> Dragonhunter -> Druid -> Herald -> Reaper -> Scrapper -> Tempest
This checks out for me, I have Beserker → Dragonhunter → Druid unlocked and my first 3 spores have gone into those collections in alphabetical order.
Reddit post confirm it’s alphabetical order skipping locked specs.
This is… Poor design to say the least. If they’re going to make it that way (one per) it would make sense if they were at least named differently to indicate which one you need. It would be best design to just let you chose which you want if they don’t want it working as one for all. It’s kinda annoying since I’ve only seen/heard about them after DS meta succeeds.
I wanted dark harvest but I guess I got 6 more of those kittens to kill. I feel bad for scrappers and tempests. It’s like were being punished for our elite specialisations names.
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
you can kill 4 per day and only need 9 in your whole lifetime...its not much of a grind
The spores definitely need to be renamed based on which one it applies to. Also the descriptions should be changed in the same manner. Instead every one of them is identical with no way of knowing. Not that you get a choice in which you get, but it still would clarify things.
An example for the Necro GS could be like “Dark Mushroom: Used in the construction of Dark Harvest”
Or “Thorned Mushroom: Used in the construction of Yggdrasil” for Ranger Staff
I think the invisible mushroom are all the same. There are not different, proffession specific spores AFAIK. What people have been crashing into is the way those identical spores distribute themselves, going first to the active specializations by alphabetical order, instead of going to the actual character used to kill the mushroom.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Just got back from Dragon’s Stand. Killed two invisible mushrooms. Didn’t get credit for any collection achievements (I have several active).
Anet please.
Just got back from Dragon’s Stand. Killed two invisible mushrooms. Didn’t get credit for any collection achievements (I have several active).
Anet please.
You certainly wouldn’t have for the second one, as it’s one per mushroom per day. If you killed one in DS last night after reset, your first one today also wouldn’t give you the collection item.
Yep, I can confirm that Nar’s theory is correct. As someone who has all 9 Elite Spec weapon collections unlocked, it has indeed been dropping the spores in alphabetical order. I’m currently up to “Reaper”, so tomorrow it will be “Scrapper”, then “Tempest”.
The mushrooms could also have their HP halved or so. There’s nothing difficult taking them down, save perhaps the VB one because the area is filled with veteran mordrem cavaliers with their one-mile aggro radius. It’s just tedious.
Ehhh, I dunno about that. You don’t want to make them too squishy otherwise by the time someone calls out in map about them, it’s dead in under a minute before players can get there. That would just result in players camping the Mushroom spawns and not participating in other events (which results in them both getting annoyed, and raising the ire of players who are trying to get the meta going and getting no help).
I do agree the aggro range of the Mordrem Cavaliers is utterly ridiculous though. Thankfully they are still incredibly dumb about trying to charge at me while I’m standing on a rock/tree branch and safely out of reach. :P
The treasure mushrooms respawn about as fast as any other mobs in HoT, which is really fast, so “not making it to the event” is pretty moot. You will need to have stealth detection anyway to get credit for the event, so you can always start the event again after less than a minute since the last one was killed.
Combined with the fact you can only get the bonus once per mushroom per day, I don’t see much camping happening.