Is GW2 demanding more and more time from us?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: phantom.8426
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: phantom.8426
So, short story I’m usually a completionist, have played gw1 and gw2 since release, however recently I’m starting to have a feeling of being left behind more and more. I’m ok with adding things but recently, adding pvp leagues (only 4 seasons to complete the back), adding raids overlapping the pvp leagues, new fractals coming up, new living story with events overlapping the ones above, collections, even more grind and making gold are becoming, for me at least, a chore. I’m not even mentioning wvw which should have been a main focus for this game in my opinion. Ok, I’m not forced to play all the content, however after so many years you either start doing it all (or most of it) or leave the game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DoctorDing.5890
I don’t think you can realistically be a completionist in modern games of this genre. You can try but if, as you say, it becomes a chore then just let some of it go. It’s a bit like going to Glastonbury and wanting to see every single band.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cephiroth.6182
Yea, pre-HoT I had pretty much completed everything I wanted to, but raids were a major turn-off for me, so I disregarded them, even if that meant not getting those AP. I see things alot more relaxed now. It was hard for a while, but now it works fine for me.
A good way to get more relaxed was to not start the game for several weeks (after logging in every day before apart from vacations).
(edited by cephiroth.6182)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089
GW2 is intentionally designed so that even your average perfectionist player can’t do everything that is there to do without unbeliavable dedication and time investment put into it, so you may well not try to do so.
It’s kind of… unsatisfying, coming from GW1, but it’s to be expected from a game that tries to appeal to too many different players at the same time AND relies on “spamming” the gemstore with new high cost skins for income.
It is only a chore if you want to do everything.
If you only focus on the parts you are interested in you will find enough to do, without getting burned out.
If you want everything, then yes, you will need to invest a lot of time.
It is an MMO, which gets updates once in a while.
It is its nature.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
If you’re a completionist, of course a game will take more and more time. Games always add to their set of achievements, collections, and daily tasks. You can try to keep up, as I used to do. Or, instead, you can re-focus on completing those aspects of the game that are important to you. I enjoyed GW1 much more after I gave up on the idea of ‘perfection’.
The game isn’t requiring more time from you. You’re requiring more time yourself. This game cured me of my completionist tendencies a very long time ago. I’m a better player for it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Danikat.8537
It’s interesting that you say that because other people have been complaining about a severe lack of content or anything new to do and expressed concerns that Anet need to dramatically increase the speed at which they release things or risk losing a lot of players to boredom.
Meanwhile I’m sitting here thinking it’s about right for me. I did feel stressed and overwhelmed by the game at various points during Season 1 of the Living Story because I wanted to play through all the new stuff and because it was temporary I had to do it right then. Now that the vast majority of stuff is permanent I’m not so worried about it. I want to play the raid at some point, and I will do…at some point. I’ve only recently started playing Fractals and there’s still dungeon paths I’ve not done, but I will get around to them.
I think it helps that I’m used to thinking of any game as a long-term commitment. Outside of GW2 I’m still periodically working on 100% completion in all the Zelda games (yes all of them) and Pokémon Peal and there’s a game called Creatures which was released in 1996 where I’ve got some new ideas I want to try out. I keep meaning to reinstall Warcraft 2 as well.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a completionist, but I do think you need to accept that MMOs are designed to never really be finished by most people. Some people who have both a lot of time and the focus to commit that time to completing goals efficiently will regularly run out of things to do. Other people will never finish everything that’s on offer unless the game stops being developed but remains online like GW1.
So on the downside you will probably never actually complete everything. On the upside you’ll always have a reason to log in and play. As long as that’s fun for you I don’t think it should be considered a problem.
If only every game had the problem of too much to do.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: OriOri.8724
The only things that I think are excessive in terms of completion are the skins and the miniatures, especially if you missed LWS1 for any reason and now have to buy those skins/miniatures instead of having had the chance to get them as achievement rewards. Just because of the shear amount of them, and the extremely high price for some of the older ones (of the ones that aren’t account bound in the first place) that are no longer obtainable except through buying it on the TP
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
GW2 is simultaneously receiving complaints about “not enough to do,” and “too much to do.” In the meantime, none of what there is to do is mandatory. Thus, the game is not demanding you do anything. At worst, it is offering things to do. It is your own desire to be a completionist that is doing the demanding.
My problem has always been there’s too much to do. That’s mainly due to my list of goals I want to finish in the game though like 100% wardrobe, all achievements, etc. Most of the core skins you could get by just throwing more gold at the problem, not so much for HoT where there’s a lot of map currency farming involved.
This has pretty much meant that I’ve always have had something to do in the game whenever I’m on and this is after more than 13,000 hours since launch.
For the players that don’t have as completionist goals, getting characters in full ascended if you want (exotics work fine in pretty much everywhere but high level fractals) and experiencing the majority of the content including raids, fractals, dungeons, both personal stories, and the open world stuff doesn’t take as much time.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
My problem has always been there’s too much to do. That’s mainly due to my list of goals I want to finish in the game though like 100% wardrobe, all achievements, etc.
A fellow completionist waves hello! Those empty wardrobe spaces are just calling out to me to be filled.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: OriOri.8724
My problem has always been there’s too much to do. That’s mainly due to my list of goals I want to finish in the game though like 100% wardrobe, all achievements, etc.
A fellow completionist waves hello!
Those empty wardrobe spaces are just calling out to me to be filled.
Honest question since I don’t know how long you have been playing. But if you missed out on any events in the past that gave out exclusive account bound skins (or hell something like you missed this past BL skin sale where they were all account bound upon buying) do those empty spaces in your wardrobe bother you? Do you just ignore them when trying to go for wardrobe completion since there is no way for you to get them anymore?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146
My problem has always been there’s too much to do. That’s mainly due to my list of goals I want to finish in the game though like 100% wardrobe, all achievements, etc.
A fellow completionist waves hello!
Those empty wardrobe spaces are just calling out to me to be filled.
Honest question since I don’t know how long you have been playing. But if you missed out on any events in the past that gave out exclusive account bound skins (or hell something like you missed this past BL skin sale where they were all account bound upon buying) do those empty spaces in your wardrobe bother you? Do you just ignore them when trying to go for wardrobe completion since there is no way for you to get them anymore?
I’ve only been playing just over a year and it doesn’t bother me. I think it becomes obvious from life eventually that many things just aren’t completable or attainable, so you got to take your enjoyment from the collecting itself. Every mini collected, ever dye, every skin is like a little christmas. In fact, finishing something can actually be a bit of a downer. I spent a year finishing exotic hunter and now it’s like.. oh, it’s over already?
Maybe completionist is a bit of a misnomer. More like.. completionaspirist?
And whatever you call it, the key is patience. You never know when something that’s out of reach might just slip into reach, even briefly.
Sadly you can’t get everything since some fractal achievements are now gone and the ls1 achievements are not achievable unless you took part. Also if you are not a pro player with a static then you may not get the raid achievements either.
I used to enjoy coming onto the game and working on my slayer and weapon master achievements but the game has taken a bad turn and now I only log in once in a while.
Honest question since I don’t know how long you have been playing. But if you missed out on any events in the past that gave out exclusive account bound skins (or hell something like you missed this past BL skin sale where they were all account bound upon buying) do those empty spaces in your wardrobe bother you? Do you just ignore them when trying to go for wardrobe completion since there is no way for you to get them anymore?
I have pretty much all of the gem store skins. For the ones that haven’t been available in a long time like some of the glasses, I’ll just wait patiently for them to get released again. They did it with bunny ears so we have hope.
For the black lion weapon sets, I don’t have Fused or Sclerite. I’m hoping those are released again similar to how the other ones were.
Some of the non obtainable ones like the old pvp skins I’ll just hope that maybe Anet will eventually have them become available.
Also if you are not a pro player with a static then you may not get the raid achievements either.
You don’t need to have a static team to get all the raid achievements.
If anyone’s wondering, this is my current wardrobe status according to efficiency: You have 3,738 of 4,143 (90.2%) skins in total.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
The answer depends on your outlook. I also achievement hunt. Go out of my way to gain them. But certain achievements (i.e. raids), I’ll never touch. Since I’ve done the majority of achievements in the core and expansion, my time isn’t as demanded.
I suspect this is also true for those players who stayed with the game. However, if you’re new and achievement hunting, this may feel like you’re chasing the proverbial carrot more. In actuality, you’re not chasing it any more than we did in the first place.
The difference is perspective. Since you have them all lumped together, if feels like more time is demanded. It’s not. It’s the same amount of time asked of veterans, yet more spaced out.
The question is whether you’re willing to put in the time for in-game achievements that really mean nothing of circumstance. If you are, then so be it. But, keep in mind: it’s a choice.
The game isn’t “demanding” anything. Again, the answer is what you’re “willing” to give. If your time is better spend on other endeavors, then choose those. Remember, it’s still just a game. Don’t get fooled into believing any in-game achievement is a requirement.
It’s not. Again, they’re carrots the game brainwashes you to believe are required for a better experience. Hardly. Please keep this in mind.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mez Koo.9510
I agree. The list of daily crap just gets longer and longer. I’ve been cutting down the daily grind, sure I don’t make as much gold, but the game is actually fun again.
You can’t raid with a pug 9/10 times.
I would suggest just working on the Vanilla game stuff, ignore wvw and pvp titles for now and then when you have alot of them done move on the other achievements like HoT.
It is mostly the HoT and legendry stuff that requires alot of grind, mobs and weapon kills you will just get as you play and if you play frequently for a long while then you will get them.
Hope you enjoy the hunting and good Luck xD
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