(edited by Hylox.9746)
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
what the heck happened to exploration?
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
why not give all existing maps explosive content?
why not give a good reason to revisit all the areas in the game and not just the new areas?
why can’t solo content be just as good as zerg content?
why not make weapon and armor skins look awesome for a change?
why oh why do the classes get nerfs while in PvE [in pvp the nerfs make sense] while the enemies get buffed?
is there ever going to be a way to switch to a basic HUD that takes up much less of the game screen? [this game looks epic and having this feature would reduce clutter all over the screen so you can enjoy the scenery much more. i like to hit ctrl+shift+h to get rid of my HUD cuz this game looks so good, but then i can’t see my health and dmg]
I’ve not had much of an issue soloing content on PvE maps like the Silverwastes, you’ll have to group up for some content, but you can definitely solo a bunch of it.
The mastery system may bring new content to the old maps.
I like the look of a lot of the armour and weapon skins.
Content is getting harder because with the current zerker meta, people are stacking and rushing through content that is supposed to be slightly challenging.
Can you take a screenshot of your hud? I’m playing on a 1920×1080 screen and don’t find my screen cluttered. You can also turn the party window to a “raid” mode that only shows healths and names, remove the “story” window from the top right and make the chat transparent and make the minimap smaller to make you more room if you desire.
it sounds like they are going to make much smaller maps with explosive content and challenges that require massive amounts of players to complete…
what the heck happened to exploration?
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
There will be less maps but they are supposedly massive. I get your qualm with exploration though. It seems like the world will be so full of stuff which is great. They do seem to be less inclined to design maps that have a little breathing room. That was a nice part of the design of the original game. I have no reason to dislike a map with a ton to do in it. At the same time I also like a map that has a lot to do in it but also offers some spaces in between the action. I am sure we will see this in a different way in these new maps. I think the exploring will come from us gliding in the air. which is cool.
The thing I lament as an explorer myself is that we won’t be getting varied climates. It’s all jungle with hints of desert. Sure, the forest floor will be different than the canopy, but it’s all jungle. I would have rather the expansion been all over the map and included an icy map, a desert map, a jungle map, a fiery map, a coastal map, etc. Variety is a big deal for exploration.
We will just have to wait and see. They are taking a risk by designing it this way for sure. They are gambling that we won’t care about variety as much as things to do with a ton of other people around. I love Silverwastes, but if this game were all maps filled with zerging group content and lacked dungeons, fractals, and maps that I could run around in solo and just take the sights in, I wouldn’t have played for as long as I did, that’s for sure.
What happened to exploration?
Maybe you’re a veteran like me… So you’ve just explore everything you gotta explore. But in fact HoT is advertised in a manner that it will provide 3 layered map so that 3 time exploration for each map. And yes maybe with the new masteries système we will be able to enjoy some new perspective in the “old” maps.
Is soloing going to be forever screwed/ solo content best at zerker?
while I understand what you mean about the zerker thing (yes zerker is easy mode for PvE content sadly) i also see with silverwaste content that they tried to let us enjoy more condition damage. So maybe thay got some plan to give us more use for defensive stat to. Also, I hardly had any issue doing the whole 2nd season solo.
Why not give all map explosive content?
I wonder. We ve got map that clearly lack content (snowden drift, lornar pass, gendarran field, kessex hill or ashford plain).
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185
I heard The Witcher 3 is going to be awesome and it might be released before HoT!
I say this because it has all the solo content you will ever need with over 100 hours to enjoy.
No more exploration? That’s because you have explored all the game currently has to offer.
current 1360×766 or whatever the second number is
to something like this maybe smaller
i would switch the HUD size to small but the text is bugged
(edited by Hylox.9746)
Just put on Zerker gear and spend more gold, don’t worry about anything else, it’s all just in your head…
That’s what most will tell you when it comes to that. There were so many plans that were being mentioned from BWE3 – Launch day that were suddenly canned that even though they increased the size of their developing team tremendously still couldn’t churn out. Remember mobile apps?
I completely agree with you OP I do. I thought this game would be rewarding, I thought exploration would have updates, I thought open world would be the focus (until I kept seeing instanced five mans for LS), and these thoughts didn’t come from nowhere, they weren’t my ideas they were all based on what the prelaunch interviews were saying all the way up until launch day so it’s not like this was a concept from 7 years before launch or something.
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
manifisto vid —-—→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKtGxVj3msM#t=35
there are mass events for groups and lots of things you can do alone on all maps. Has been like that since launch. So what exactly are you rambling about?
yes all the maps have big events but once you hit the cap for that area why would you return once you hit level 80? yes teq has a 0.0001% chance to drop a random ascended chest that most likely won’t help at all, but do the other mega bosses do? maybe the shatterer has a 0.0001% to drop one as well but all mega bosses have a 99.999999% chance of always dropping POOP LOOT i have better things to do than kill over 9000 mega bosses just to get something valuable that i can sell or even more bosses to get something i can actually use… no thank you. give me a better reason to go to the other maps. id have to say about 80% of the maps are abandoned, and that’s me being nice
(edited by Hylox.9746)
1. There is alot to explore.
2. You can solo almost everything in the game, people have been asking for more challenging group content for ages.
3. Do you await Anet to revamp their entire game?, also, none said they are not going to do additions however it makes 0 sense to change exicting maps when the old content start to disappear, we have seen in with LS1 and with WoW, people HATE when the developers replace content, it just means that new players will miss half of it.
4. Weapon and armor skins and their looks is subjective.
5. Because PvE is too easy and you can faceroll everything.
Also, for your information. GW2 has some of the most populated early-level maps in the MMO industry and no that’s not because of the mega-system but rather because how the game works.
(edited by nGumball.1283)
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
I don’t have any issue with soloing stuff – except dungs – still can’t solo dungs :/
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
current 1360×766 or whatever the second number is
[IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/1764h3.jpg[/IMG]to something like this maybe smaller
[IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2ebzdwi.png[/IMG]i would switch the HUD size to small but the text is bugged
Ouch, that’s pretty bad, can your monitor go up in resolution?
Mine currently looks like this (first image) and can be changed to (second image)
if i increase my res i get massive hit to fps… could be due to 1 to 2 things maybe both.
1) i have a geforce 430 gt
2) i’m using a Vizio 32" led TV cuz i also have a xbox 360 and nintendo wii hooked up… my pc is hooked up via hdmi
if i increase my res i get massive hit to fps… could be due to 1 to 2 things maybe both.
1) i have a geforce 430 gt
2) i’m using a Vizio 32" led TV cuz i also have a xbox 360 and nintendo wii hooked up… my pc is hooked up via hdmi
Any chance you could lower your in game graphics to compensate for the fps drop when increasing the resolution?
unfortunately no… even if i put everything on low while in 720p or 1080p the best fps i get is 15~18 while i can get up to 40 fps on my current settings and most things are on medium setting while a few are on high at my current res
like i said, i would change interface size to small but the text is all messed up
unfortunately no… even if i put everything on low while in 720p or 1080p the best fps i get is 15~18 while i can get up to 40 fps on my current settings and most things are on medium setting while a few are on high at my current res
Darn, then I’m afraid your best option is looking into upgrading your computer and monitor setup since your hud issues are stemming from that.
yeah i thought so… really don’t want to spend $100 or more just to fix a HUD on a game i hardly play anymore… maybe anet should fix the text for the smaller interface sizes, couldn’t be that hard to fix the text, could it?
yeah i thought so… really don’t want to spend $100 or more just to fix a HUD on a game i hardly play anymore… maybe anet should fix the text for the smaller interface sizes, couldn’t be that hard to fix the text, could it?
The text issue could be tied to your TV, I plugged my TV into my computer at one point and the text was horrid no matter what I changed.
What is this really about? You just need to ask people on the forum for playstyle advice if you’re having trouble soloing most PvE content. Dungeons are specifically meant for groups, and other things like world bosses are meant for groups also.
Most of PvE should be solo-able. Instead of asking broad questions, what issues specifically are you having with soloing PvE?
I haven’t seen one thing yet that implies you can’t play HoT solo.
umm… what’s wrong with soloing? i still do 99% of my PvE soloing. yeah, i come across other people and we naturally band together, but i don’t form a party to go around exploring.
ARENANET PLEASE READ AN RESPOND TO EACH OF MY QUESTIONS ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE HUD QUESTION… i would ask these questions at PAX but sadly i do not have the money to travel, much less buy a pass to PAX.
it’s great to play with friends and guildies. However, there are times i want to venture forth by myself and explore and experience the game that is Guild Wars 2. At launch Soloing was quite rewarding, but now with the changes since launch… this game punishes a solo player with crappy drop rates and crappy drops in general even with your magic find maxed out. GW2 was originally based more on exploration, well that’s the impression i got during the beta weekends[yes, i bought the collectors edition]. Now, after reading the new Heart of Maguuma thread anet just posted, it sounds like they are going to make much smaller maps with explosive content and challenges that require massive amounts of players to complete…
what the heck happened to exploration?
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
why not give all existing maps explosive content?
why not give a good reason to revisit all the areas in the game and not just the new areas?
why can’t solo content be just as good as zerg content?
why not make weapon and armor skins look awesome for a change?
why oh why do the classes get nerfs while in PvE [in pvp the nerfs make sense] while the enemies get buffed?
why does the council watch chest have clipping issues with leg armor while the guild watch chest, which is virtually identical to the council watch chest, doesn’t?
is there ever going to be a way to switch to a basic HUD that takes up much less of the game screen? [this game looks epic and having this feature would reduce clutter all over the screen so you can enjoy the scenery much more. i like to hit ctrl+shift+h to get rid of my HUD cuz this game looks so good, but then i can’t see my health and dmg]
Stop demanding Anets response for your unconsidered questions.
It is a whole kitten expansion for you to explore, it is a jungle duh. In multiple zones. In different biomes. In different layers.
Dude did you even read yesterdays blogpost? Adventures are kitten solo content.
Maybe you missed that mastery points will be added to the whole world? I am starting to think your ability to read is the reason for your failure here.
And maybe you missed the new legendaries coming?
And nerfing classes in PvE? Yea its not like everyone are facerolling zerker already, we need to get STRONGER! Not…
Really, the amount of childish dissapointment posts are too kitten high.
what the heck happened to exploration?
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
why not give all existing maps explosive content?
why not give a good reason to revisit all the areas in the game and not just the new areas?
why can’t solo content be just as good as zerg content?
why not make weapon and armor skins look awesome for a change?
why oh why do the classes get nerfs while in PvE [in pvp the nerfs make sense] while the enemies get buffed?
why does the council watch chest have clipping issues with leg armor while the guild watch chest, which is virtually identical to the council watch chest, doesn’t?
1) Apparently it will come back in force and be totally kitten. And yet it was never really gone, SW has a huge branching JP, and there were always the Llama Achievements and the coin achievements in SW and Dry-top. You were just as rewarded for exploring on the new maps as on the old ones. the main difference was that now you have to explore not just around, but up as well.
2) I don’t get this question. I mean except for heavily scaled champions, world bosses and dungeons i’ve soloed everything. I’ve done all the LS parts i’ve participated in (i skiped a few in LS1, sadly) alone, i’ve soloed more champs than i can count, even before they dropped the champ boxes, for the heck of it. kitten , i even tackled world bosses by myself or a couple other guys (and failed miserably) when they weren’t as popular.
3) Cause then it wouldn’t be explosive anymore. If everything is the same, then nothing is unique. Although far and wide, most maps have their awesome content. Sure, arena net kinda disappointed when they didn’t add more hearts and events to all old areas, but the new ones do make up for it, and its not like any map is a wasteland of empty content. I’ve never gone around without seeing several other players around.
Sure new stuff has more people, but that’s cause its NEW.
4) I agree with this, and i hope i read wrong, and that the masteries actually do this. But new regions are also refreshing, and while “hey we added 3 new events to Queensdale” won’t bring many people back, EXPANSION is.
5) I prefer the solo content. Sure the chance to get a ascended box is pretty much null, but hey. Why not do both?
6) All my characters look kitten without a single gemstore skin. So yeah, idk what you’re talking about. Now legendaries… There’s some i wouldn’t touch with a very long pole (Disco Ball mace, really??)
7) Cause they’re too easy? Thats pretty much the gist, nowadays most content is done simply with tank and spank. Balance isn’t just necessary on the competitive side. You need balance everywhere, otherwise you’ll become Runes of Magic, which is a nice game but so badly balanced that everyone simply plays with which ever class is the most OP at that time (plus tank and healer).
8) Can’t comment, no idea what that issue is even.
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
why not give all existing maps explosive content?
why not give a good reason to revisit all the areas in the game and not just the new areas?
NO NO NO NO NO NO and a billion times NO!
That’s exactly what they did in season 1 and it sucked. We want NEW maps! New places to explore! Not different stuff in the same maps we have seen a thousand times already.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: silvermember.8941
manifisto vid —-—-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKtGxVj3msM#t=35
So? The video says stuff that is no longer relevant to guild wars 2. You can use the video all you want, it wont suddenly make guild wars 2 the game you IMAGINED it to be.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Stop demanding Anets response for your unconsidered questions.
It is a whole kitten expansion for you to explore, it is a jungle duh. In multiple zones. In different biomes. In different layers.
Dude did you even read yesterdays blogpost? Adventures are kitten solo content.
Maybe you missed that mastery points will be added to the whole world? I am starting to think your ability to read is the reason for your failure here.
And maybe you missed the new legendaries coming?
And nerfing classes in PvE? Yea its not like everyone are facerolling zerker already, we need to get STRONGER! Not…
Really, the amount of childish dissapointment posts are too kitten high.
He seemed content with the answers he got, you could have just let the thread die instead of shouting at the guy.
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176
I have no idea what the OP is on about….I solo almost all of my playtime and only party up for World Bosses (in case I get DCed).
I guess I’ve been screwed for the last 2.5 years and just don’t know it.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Honestly, this game is one of the best MMOs I’ve played for Soloing and Pick Up groups. I can just wander around, do my own thing, occasionally joining a group taking down a nearby event.
I see no reason why this would change, or indeed, not get better in the expansion.
…And I dunno, if you really want to play a game 100% alone without going into world bosses, dungeons or the Silverwastes or something… why play an MMO?
1. There is alot to explore.
2. You can solo almost everything in the game, people have been asking for more challenging group content for ages.
3. Do you await Anet to revamp their entire game?, also, none said they are not going to do additions however it makes 0 sense to change exicting maps when the old content start to disappear, we have seen in with LS1 and with WoW, people HATE when the developers replace content, it just means that new players will miss half of it.4. Weapon and armor skins and their looks is subjective.
5. Because PvE is too easy and you can faceroll everything.
Also, for your information. GW2 has some of the most populated early-level maps in the MMO industry and no that’s not because of the mega-system but rather because how the game works.
1: not after you’ve explored it, the rewards are terrible and never change.
2: You have more challenging content without trying to ruin it for the casuals who are responsible as the group who funded this game and were the reason why they had to pause online sales.
3: Anet themselves have admitted as a sales pitch that open world event systems are easily upgradeable and to manipulate because of that fact they are able to do things more quickly change things and upgrade them easily. The fact that they haven’t speaks volumes about the integrity of the situation or lack thereof.
4: No they are not, it’s true that not everyone is interested in fashion but it’s a well known fact that people never want to look bad even virtually, ie wardrobe, it would have never been put into the game if they were ignoring the psychology of people. However, the psychology they are ignoring is the aspect of mmo gameplay that requires a reward structure, it’s absent from this game.
5: Yes if you’re in all Ascended gear which requires grinding.
I have no idea what the OP is on about….I solo almost all of my playtime and only party up for World Bosses (in case I get DCed).
I guess I’ve been screwed for the last 2.5 years and just don’t know it.
We’re all glad you have one of those speshal accounts that actually gets drops on your characters when you solo something, most of us don’t however which is part of what the OP is discussing.
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Also, for your information. GW2 has some of the most populated early-level maps in the MMO industry and no that’s not because of the mega-system but rather because how the game works.
It’s a shame all the other maps are becoming more and more barren.
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
GW is starting to feel a little like Fable in that way.
Lots of great promises and then failing to deliver on them.
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: silvermember.8941
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
GW is starting to feel a little like Fable in that way.
Lots of great promises and then failing to deliver on them.
Hyperbole at its finest. If you have to start comparing a game that has none of the features it hyped about to guild wars 2, then you clearly have issues being honest.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
GW is starting to feel a little like Fable in that way.
Lots of great promises and then failing to deliver on them.Hyperbole at its finest. If you have to start comparing a game that has none of the features it hyped about to guild wars 2, then you clearly have issues being honest.
Yes, I disagree with you, so I’m clearly being dishonest.
You’re so right and I am so grateful that you’ve shown me the light.
Is Soloing going to be forever screwed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: silvermember.8941
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
GW is starting to feel a little like Fable in that way.
Lots of great promises and then failing to deliver on them.Hyperbole at its finest. If you have to start comparing a game that has none of the features it hyped about to guild wars 2, then you clearly have issues being honest.
Yes, I disagree with you, so I’m clearly being dishonest.
You’re so right and I am so grateful that you’ve shown me the light.
Hyperbole doesn’t necessarily mean being dishonest slick. It just means exaggerating information. (the fact you brought it up probably means you know you were being dishonest).
In any case, like with all arguments on a forum, my goal isn’t to convince you to see my side. Let’s be honest, how many times have you seen someone say “I was wrong”.
My goal is to simply ensure someone who is reading this doesn’t get a half-baked terrible hyperbole filled post.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
(edited by silvermember.8941)
yeah sometime i feel like watching anet’s manifesto video and when i do… i feel like i’ve been lied to cuz most of the features talked about in that vid never made it into the game
You know that’s the case with, pretty much every game in development, right? There is always things that don’t go as planned.
Not on this scale however. This game in comparison to the other AAA titles that have both been released at the same year, and that have been released SINCE have at least had almost all of their features they mentioned just prior to launching during their own beta. They didn’t cancel the sheer number of projects this title cancelled suddenly after launch. Most of them have had their launches have technical issues yes but what they were saying about what people would be able to do remained intact. This title however not only went through a period just after launch where several really great projects suddenly went down the toilet, but they also didn’t update the game as they had mentioned in interviews, and they had a second round of promises 10 months ago that never made it into the game where they only fulfilled 1 (the precursor coming in the expansion). There IS a difference here. There IS a problem with honesty here.
GW is starting to feel a little like Fable in that way.
Lots of great promises and then failing to deliver on them.Hyperbole at its finest. If you have to start comparing a game that has none of the features it hyped about to guild wars 2, then you clearly have issues being honest.
Yes, I disagree with you, so I’m clearly being dishonest.
You’re so right and I am so grateful that you’ve shown me the light.Hyperbole doesn’t necessarily mean being dishonest slick. It just means exaggerating information.
In any case, like with all arguments on a forum, my goal isn’t to convince you to see my side. Let’s be honest, how many times have you seen someone say “I was wrong”.
My goal is to simply ensure someone who is reading this doesn’t get a half-baked terrible hyperbole filled post.
No, but saying someone has issues with being honest does.
I’ll gladly say I’m wrong about something.
There just has be something that, you know, shows that I’m wrong.
Which, so far, has not happened yet.
And again, yes, me having a different opinion than you means I’m posting half-baked hyperbole. Just like the tons of other people that have been voicing their issues on here.
You truly are the genius voice of a generation and I bask in your truthiness.