Is the 64 bit Client Safe?
Just before the ragers and other need-to-hate-the-world people start commenting meanness Anet asked met to change my password and it was bugged ever after that.
“Safe” is relative. It is currently a BETA client.
That said, moving to the 64 bit client has greatly improved my gaming. I have about 95% less crashing (post-HoT) since I moved to the new client. I haven’t had any problems setting it up, getting into the game, or connecting.
So the 64-bit client is a totally separate .exe file that you just put in the Guild Wars 2 folder alongside the normal client. It uses the same GW2.dat file and everything.
I’ve been using it and there haven’t been any problems. If you used it and you encountered issues, you could bug report it or just stop opening the 64-bit .exe file.
If worse came to worse and your 32-bit client stopped working for some very odd reason, you would just want to delete everything in the Guild Wars 2 file EXCEPT the GW2.Dat file and redownload the client. Then you’d have to reset your graphics settings and re-input your email and password if it’s saved in the loader.
If you’re really that worried, make a backup of everything in your Guild Wars 2 folder and revert to that if your 32-bit client stops working for some reason. But really the 64-bit client shouldn’t affect anything except itself in terms of whether or not it breaks.
Thanks peeps!
I needed to hear this. I’m a real software phobic person. It seems like if there is a tragedy that can happen with software I get to experience it at least once. I’m like a rat now. I can’t throw up so I’m really cautious about what I touch.
But okay, it’s not that I need to clean install my Guild Wars 2 from my computer. I think I’d rather crash constantly than go through support again trying to get back on the game.
Thank you
You went 12 months without the game because of a problem? You could have just uninstalled and reinstalled if it was really an issue. Worst thing that happens is you spend a few hours downloading the game again.
I play with it since one day after release and its the absolute godsend thing Anet could finally do to give the game the right performance boost, that it needed, not only to get rid of all these OOM Crashes, but also to enable people in general to play also in situations like Tequatl Battles, in WvW ect. the game now litterally absolutely everywhere with Max Settings High/Ultra everywhere.
I can play now the expansion without having to fear about it, that the slightest action on the map gets me crashed where only with potato settings it was possible to play on the maps.
With the 64bit client I’m able now again to play the game pretty much the whole day long if I want and that with everything on maxed out settings!! Without a single OOM crash, cause my PC has 16GB RAM and was before bottlenecked due to this ancient old 32bit crap to approx only 4 GB, where also all the VRAM helped not much if the cleint allows maximum only 4GB and crashes at the moment where the game needs more RAM to keep the game running, than it allows itself to handle… this kind of performance was always like the snake biting itself in its tail.. it worked as long you don#t are in super crowdy high action situations… but the new maguuma maps with their massively bigger and more voluminous designs just simpyl were way too much for 32bit and it should have been from begin on in my opinion a no brainer for ANet, that they should have introduced directly with HoT also a 64bit client and not wait on the situation first again ,until everythign escalates for everybody before they react!!!
Hopefully they do in the near future now more for game performance, before situations become so worse again like this time.
An upgrade finally to at least DX11 Support would be now finally a big step into the right direction, after they integrated better the 64bit client first to become an automatic startup progress and finetuning it better into the game now, so that it becomes officially integrated and not just a “Beta”
After that it would be awesome, if Anet could work on something that improves the shaders of the game, practically somethign similar, so that you can sy that they basically integrated “SweetFX” into the game, so that nobody has to use this anymore as some kind of “3rd party program”.
I’d be ashamed as a Dev, when I see, that 3rd party programs make my own game look much better, than what the own integrated shaders ect. can do.
So I think theres alot room in that department, where anet can improve their game visually also, so that nobody needs to use anymore these 3rd party programs…
Theres also other features and stuff coming from apis like the OverWolf Ui changes ect. where I ask myself, why doesn’t these thigns exist in this game as integral features?
Why do we need to use such 3rd party programs and apis ect. pp to get these thigns for the game, when it could work also als integrated part of the game directly???.
But thats a different topic now.
Personally I’m just happy for now, that GW2 finalyl received that important 64bit client, that it should have had imo already 2012 at release date from begin on, when you think about it, that 64bit clients became in the years 2007 about mainstream for high performance/gaming pc’s and we wasted unneccessary 3 years with outdated technology