Issues with Personal Rewards from Guild Treks

Issues with Personal Rewards from Guild Treks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: durend.6237


For missions this week, my guild had a guild trek. Some of the guild officers decided to experiment with it before our scheduled mission times since we had never done them before and discovered the following:

  • Guild members HAD to touch a point to receive credit
  • points seemed to stay around for a bit after being touched for the first time (to aid in getting personal rewards?)
  • after a point vanishes, it is not possible to get personal credit from that point
  • when all points have been interacted with, the trek will end (even if there is more time on the clock)

Putting this into practice at our normal guild missions today, we had all members wait on a commander at each point, with the intention of running in together to interact with the point in the window before it vanished. Unfortunately, on most of the points the small grace period we observed in testing did not occur leading to several guild members missing credit. Overall, this wasn’t a major issue, since with missions being free we were able to start the mission again until everyone got credit.

That said, I personally do not think there should be a reason that we need to run the same mission several times in a row to get members their personal rewards. What I propose is this:

  • The interact points remain in the world after being interacted with, only the guild menu updates to signify the guild has already earned credit for that point
  • Guild members have to interact with at least one point to earn credit
  • Like rush, the trek lasts its full duration – even if the guild would earn credit before then. This gives guild members time to get to and interact with one of the points for personal credit.