Items which should get into the Wallet too
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819
Not sure I agree 100% with all of them.
Besides if everything went into the wallet how would ANet fill your inventory with crap so you need to buy more bank/bag slots?
There are a lot of good candidates for the wallet. A crafting item isn’t, though, because you can’t drag wallet currencies into the Forge or use them in the crafting window. And the blueprints are currently tradeable. As someone who barely touches WvW, when I get blueprints from achievement chests I send them to a guildie who does play WvW, or sell them for a bit on the TP. Ditto on black lion chests, do you want to stop people buying those on the TP? I know I wouldn’t buy 25 keys in the gem store if I couldn’t quickly gather 25 chests to open.
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
Blade shards, forge stones, crystals, philosphers stones, etc are all “crafting” materials. They belong in the materials tab. Specifically, they need a ‘Mystic Forge’ materials tab to hold all of those.
They do not belong in the wallet.
@ Donari:
Who says, that chests can’t stay quickily buyable, just add them soemwhere as item to buy via karma and everythign is good, cause as long you have no key, they are worthless anyways. But they shouldt use up anywhere inventory or chest space.
I think it will make all WvWers happy if they don’t have to waste anymore Gold on blueprints to get their siege weapons for WvW, if blueprints would become a currency.
People which used blueprints to make money will quickly find some alternatives, or anet simply can add some alternatives.
There will be always more than enough crap ANet has already or will add in the future to ensure, that we will have bursting full inventories and chests to make us brign to the point, where we need to buy more bank/bag slots, don’t worry Dark. These changes will not stop this, it will only “slow it down” for a bit.
If you reach that point where you need more space comes now sooner, or later, is regardless.
But its just bad game design, if the game junks you so full with so many unneccessary items, that would be better designed to work as currencies, that to block off for you space in your inventory and/or account chest, when there exists with the wallet a much better and easier to handle system in the game that can help you to keep the game clean from such needless filler items.
PS: id be ok also with it, if some of my mentioned items, like mystic forge stones would get their own material tabs, this would also work and remove these filler items into an accountbased palce, the chest, where they would get at least counted (with upgrades) to a maximum of currently 1500 units.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I 100% disagree, the only suggestion on here that isn’t a crafting ingredient or item that you need to interact with is influence, and that belongs to your guild, not your individual account. Even the Black Lion chests/scraps/tickets are items for a reason as opposed to a currency.
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cocowoushi.7150
Absolutely don’t understand why you would change the Mist essences to currency. They are crafting materials. You already have Fractal relics AND Pristine Relics. If anything was going to be made for theoretical Fractal armor, it’d be Pristine relics.
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CrimsonDX.4821
I disagree. A lot of what you listed are crafting materials that should get there own bank slots on the material panel.
Yeah, I forgot pristine relics.
However, as i said in my lost posting also I’m absolutely fine also with it, when those mentioned materials get finalyl a material slot to be stackable in the chest to currently 1500 units there, so that the stuff vanishes from the accoutn chest nd inventory of our characters. Leads also to the goal of gettign simply more free space and removing needless items that block space and puttign them to the spots, where these items belong to.
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: skullmount.1758
Baubles and Bauble Bubbles from SAB are the only other thing right now that I would want in the wallet.
(and a new currency/token for teq and one for wurm, so that we can at least have something to work towards to actually acquire teq hoard/regurgitated chest, respectively).
Please give us a keyring…
@ skull: absolutely agree to this, somethign they should have done from begin on, when they redesigned tequalt, to add also a token for killing him, that you basicalyl receive for every kill of him ,so that you can at least slowly work towards the unique ascended items that you can get from him and their skins, if you are totally unlocky with RNGeesus, then you could be at least a patient player and earn your skins you want with the help of kill tokens. (but different topic)
Items which should get into the Wallet too
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
Operation Save Our Bags!!!!
Anything that can be Forged does not go into the wallet. Blade Shards for example. The wallet is automatic, you don’t manually add dungeon tokens to it, though maybe they could change that.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Baubles, SAB Continue Coins, Black Lion Tickets/scraps yes.
the other stuff OP mentions are all crafting materials, there should be a spot in collection materials for them (and foxfire clusters too).
I will find ways to clog up my bank on my own, I don’t need help XD.
I understand that in the new wallet we must have currencies, item that you can exchange to buy things from npcs
I guess those would be:
- Geodes
- Bandit Crests
- Festival Tokens
- WvW tournament claim tickets
- Black lion tickets & ticket scraps
- Queen’s gauntlet Entrance tickets
and other event currencies
Now about some other items I would love to see them having a spot on the bang.
Items like:
- Blade shards
- Obsidian Shards
- Philosopher stones
- Crystals
- Mystic Forge stones
- Mystic Clovers
- Vision Crystals
and other items used for crafting that they have no spot.
I liked the idea with the “Glory”, would be really fun to have an sPvP exclusive currency that we can gain through wins or even better through personal performance per match. We could use that currency to buy exclusive, unique items such as armors skins / weapon skins / back-piece skins / minis etc.
Obsidian shards have a spot in the bank, Jaetera.
Edit: i dont see glory on my currency anymore? So not sure what you mean by still existing(in the OP)?
(edited by Dante.1763)
Obsidian shards have a spot in the bank, Jaetera.
Glory used to be a currency in this game that you would gain from PVP awhile ago. They changed that and removed it. You could buy skins and such with it as requested, dont expect it back. You will probably see more reward tracks however.
Ah yes indeed you are right about Obsidian shards, I guess I have so many stacks that I forgot they actually have a spot
About the Glory currency, I saw a post above suggesting it and I had thoughts about it for some time now. I am playing the game for a bit more than a year and I wasn’t aware that such a currency once existed.
Well to be honest I cannot imagine the reason why they removed it but I guess they know… Although since I like sPvP a lot and I would like to see my progress there get rewarded with some more sPvP exclusive items (like the Balthazar back-piece or the Glorious armor skin) I will keep dreaming
About the Glory currency, I saw a post above suggesting it and I had thoughts about it for some time now. I am playing the game for a bit more than a year and I wasn’t aware that such a currency once existed.
Well to be honest I cannot imagine the reason why they removed it but I guess they know… Although since I like sPvP a lot and I would like to see my progress there get rewarded with some more sPvP exclusive items (like the Balthazar back-piece or the Glorious armor skin) I will keep dreaming
They removed in the same patch that they removed the PVP reward boxes from AP chests and introduced the reward tracks if i remember right, it at the time wasnt needed and probably wont ever be brought back(I guess it would be nice, i dont PVP often and so i take my time getting the chests we have anyways xD) More PVP exclusive items would be nice though, i actually played PVP for that backpack, but havent had the urge to sense i got it as the glorious armor does not look that great on Charr characters IMO. ^^