Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relidar.1062


I’ve been trying to play it, but i just can’t enjoy it. I’m mostly a WvW player, i occasionally do fractals or dungeons with friends for fun. I returned to the game and all my friends have quit.

I decided to follow the story mode into the new HoT zones. Once there, i became completely lost. I have no idea what to do, where to start or how to progress.

I started running around joining events that started on the map where i could actually reach them. (The map is impossible to read btw) And managed to get to mastery 4 after a few hours. Which unlocked gliding.

I can glide for around 10? seconds and then it’s over. Which does absolutely nothing, apparently.

I know how i sound, and i know most people will tell me to find a guild to help me. But shouldn’t expansions be easier to at least understand than this? I’m not asking them to hand me loot bags, i just want to be able to understand HOW i can join other people on the map.

No one in /map chat is willing to help either, for some reason. Everyone’s busy following commanders and getting events done.

I expect to get trolled and shamed, since this is the official forum. I just had no where else to turn. I’m just fed up with running around for hours trying to figure these maps out.

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

You did the right thing, coming to the forums. That’s what they’re for. We all struggle with something and you’ll find there are good people here willing to give advice and even in-game assistance. So don’t give up.

HOT can be confusing at first. It still confuses me but in time it’ll click and you’ll start enjoying it more. With gliding, do you have the updraft mastery track yet? It’ll let you fly into those rising columns of air which help you travel higher/further and replenish your flight time. Mushroom bouncing is the other essential mastery to get when you’re starting out.

Do you need a guild? It helps, but I’m happily running around the jungle solo and, with practice, surviving for longer periods of time, joining up with groups as I come across them, then running off by myself as the fancy takes me.

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TGI FRIDAY.6275


This wasn’t the best expansion despite the pretty good first day. If you don’t enjoy it, move on. I still enjoy PvP, as hard as that is to believe, and I haven’t even bought HoT yet. From what I hear, Anet ruined WvW. Take a break and find something else to do. Come back when everything is, HOPEFULLY, better.

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


You can do a lot even with basic gliding. Train bouncing mushrooms next. What do you like to do in other games? I love exploring, so I unlocked gliding first thing and tried to figure out how to get all of the hero points (you can get all but one in VB with only gliding). Bouncing mushrooms and updrafts made VB feel like a new map. There’s a ton to find and explore, so it can understandably be a bit much, but try and pick something and stick to it (hero points, story, vistas, adventures etc). I haven’t played a ton, so I’m only mastery rank 7 right now, but I know my way around the first two maps very well.

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


This wasn’t the best expansion despite the pretty good first day. If you don’t enjoy it, move on. I still enjoy PvP, as hard as that is to believe, and I haven’t even bought HoT yet. From what I hear, Anet ruined WvW. Take a break and find something else to do. Come back when everything is, HOPEFULLY, better.

My understanding is the population tanked due to new content (HoT and Halloween) combined with the new map people haven’t learned yet. Once people get their fill of HoT and learn the new map I think WvW will be fine. And how can you say HoT isn’t a good expansion when you haven’t even played it?

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


And how can you say HoT isn’t a good expansion when you haven’t even played it?

It’s amazing how many resources the internet contains with regards to information about video games.

Have you ever seen a video of people falling off of skateboards in various painful ways? If not, imagine you have. I don’t know how you like to spend your time, but I don’t need to have the corresponding experience of falling off my own skateboard in order to know that it’s not for me.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChopStixNA.4167


i was in the same boat. i didn’t like hot starting out. didn’t know anything bout the zone or how to train gliding. i remember that first jump off the cliff and the glider didn’t open. whats it been? 2 weeks since release? after that first death, i started playing dungeon defenders 2 for like a week.

i have two brothers who play so that’s what made me come back… to give it another try. ironically, i haven’t grouped with them during hot even once. i put some effort in to run with the crowd to do the metas and this slowly opened up the whole map. i slowly was learning to unlock the masteries. in about a week, i learned to enjoy the zone. what i didn’t understand, i googled or watched videos.

i’m now to a point where i am participating in t4 day/nights with higher success rate. today, ive been in at least 4 good t4 runs but i crashed out 3 times at the end, which is an entirely different frustration. but i have two bladed chest boxes so far and the 3rd is to come.

at first, the only boss i was doing was the legendary wyvern only because i didn’t know any better. now, i’m downing other bosses first and helping where need be. you’ll eventually get there if you really find it worth your time. i think for some however, like it was for myself, you have to find something about the game that makes it fun.

with any game i play, if I’m interested enough, i google the game and research it. one of my bros is totally opposite even if he really likes the game or has played it for years.

Just can't seem to enjoy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Electra.7530


I love that there are so many events on the maps that help us level up the mastery ranks. But, the maps are cleverly designed that you have to graduate your masteries in order to access more of it. I’m right now trying to find that mastery point that is above the canopy on some of the burning wreckage up there. There are places in all the new maps that I just can’t get to either because I can’t find it or I can’t survive the mobs. I’m a solo player and I’m reaching the limits of solo play.