Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


This person diligently makes a nightly Hero Point run in the Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and, …The Tangled Depths.

I came across her by chance while desperate for a squad that would actually tackle TD for anything other than the meta events.

Her dedication is this:

Every evening, without fail, she will individually whisper every single soul who ever ran with her to join her on her run, with a modified verse of a song to fit the context of her run.

She also puts up LFG and map announcements, but the way she takes care of former runners while guiding the new ones is staggering.

At every stage, she explains, in detail, what to do and how to do it. She and the entire squad wait, or run back to regroup if even one of us strayed behind.

She asks for feedback on how to improve, and applies it. I only failed her run once. After that, we – looks like her runners are already a group, now – held together.

Oh, yes, it is not for the gold, either. Donations are not compulsory, and she does this night after night.

I love this person for what she is doing.

For this, I call her, ‘The Angel of Maguuma’.

I want her to gain some form of recognition for this.

Also, please help people like her to gain commander tags if they haven’t already.

Also, let them have some sort of marker for such people, such as a gold star icon (golden version of the personal history star) next to their names, that when they tag up on a map, people may gather.

To those who will argue that the Mentor tag is there for this purpose, it is not enough.
We all know why, but that is another subject entirely.

Let there be a gold star next to the names of people like Laura Dalviano, even if they use a Mentor tag.

I think it’s high time Arenanet established a Community Commendation scheme, if one is not active already.

This post is, in part, a repayment of a huge debt of thanks I have to this lady.

Thank you very much for your attention.


Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

(edited by Asumir.1978)

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NotOverlyCheesy.9427


Wow, that’s awesome. Respect.

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bbear.7830


Recognition/respect, both to Laura for being so dedicated to helping others and to Asumir for recognizing and appreciating in such a nice way.

Your exactly the kind of players that make the GW2 community so much better than ‘the other guys’.


Fire, Ice, Storm…Heart of, Cold as, the Breeze that comes before.

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Djahlat.9610


that is too cute and awesome i can’t handle it. Never ran into her, but if i ever do I’ll give her HP run a try, although i already completely explored Magus Falls

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drewbawb.1902


If anyone deserved to be Pact Commander, it was her

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


All this is great, and I congratulate you both for your kindness and effort.

However, I think is not the best idea to post player account, character names or any info that could identify them, directly in the forum. You are risking doing harm to your Angel if any envious or stupid bully decide to use the data to molest.

Be careful.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avster.1935


I’ll have to message her when I log in later on the night

Evelyn Whitehawk | Exalted Legend | Demons’s Demise | I Transmuted My Legendary Medium Coat

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


All this is great, and I congratulate you both for your kindness and effort.

However, I think is not the best idea to post player account, character names or any info that could identify them, directly in the forum. You are risking doing harm to your Angel if any envious or stupid bully decide to use the data to molest.

Be careful.

I had NO idea.
All I wanted to do was declare something wonderful.

I can’t just hide someone doing such a service to the community.

Besides, my game name is also loud and cle- oh.

If they molest, they will have to leave.

I would normally cut the name out, but I want her to be known.

She is doing everyone a massive favour.

Still, I will try edit my post. I wonder if I can redo the attachments.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


All this is great, and I congratulate you both for your kindness and effort.

However, I think is not the best idea to post player account, character names or any info that could identify them, directly in the forum. You are risking doing harm to your Angel if any envious or stupid bully decide to use the data to molest.

Be careful.

Edited images and title. I hate having to cripple her beautiful name or acknowledge envy could taint such a beautiful thing such as she is doing, but I grudgingly (against the possibility of bad things happening, not your good self) follow your sound advice.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thuras.4537


This is awesome!

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

How do you know it’s a girl?

Don’t get your hopes up boi.

MMORPG rule number 1: Everybody is a guilty of bieng a guy untill proven innoncent.

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fancypants.9705


Ha, a gold star, like kindergarten

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


How do you know it’s a girl?

Don’t get your hopes up boi.

Boi.. Ah, the beauty of dramatic irony.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


Ha, a gold star, like kindergarten

Is that what they do? Well, fine. If gold is not good enough, a Diamond star, shining.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


How do you know it’s a girl?

Don’t get your hopes up boi.

Boi.. Ah, the beauty of dramatic irony.

Triple that for me: “Asumir” in my lenguage (spanish) is like english “To Surmise”: To suppose something is true without evidence.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Asumir.1978


How do you know it’s a girl?

Don’t get your hopes up boi.

Boi.. Ah, the beauty of dramatic irony.

Triple that for me: “Asumir” in my lenguage (spanish) is like english “To Surmise”: To suppose something is true without evidence.

Well put! The word had come to me when I knew not a bit of Spanish. Except for the names of Velazquez, El Greco, and Goya. Plus the names of their paintings.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


All I can say is wow. Just wow. That player is insane. In the amazing way.

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


All I can say is wow. Just wow. That player is insane. In the amazing way.

Definitely. I love helping other players in HoT and do so regularly, but this is so far beyond that. It’s pretty impressive!

Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mari.6394


How do you know it’s a girl?

Don’t get your hopes up boi.

Boi.. Ah, the beauty of dramatic irony.
