"Leave it to Me"
I cheesed it with consumables.
Fire elemental powder and an ogre pet whistle go a long way. Also, you don’t have to kill every single wolf -I ran straight to the vet, popped stealth, activated my consumables, and watched them kill the vet.
Edit: the berries can be used without any masteries as far as I know, and all the adrenal mushrooms do is refresh all of your skills.
It’s a stupid achieve but like the person above said, fire elemental powder and ogre pet whistle can cheese this pretty good. I had one other person from LFG we both used those items and the vet wolf melted.
Stupid tactics for a stupid achieve, go figure.
LOL, thank you.. hadn’t thought of that. I’ve learned you can also do “Leave it to me” with a party. the instance owner stays put. The rest of the party runs in and wipes the boss.
LOL, thank you.. hadn’t thought of that. I’ve learned you can also do “Leave it to me” with a party. the instance owner stays put. The rest of the party runs in and wipes the boss.
Anet loves shutting down exploits as soon as they see them but the fact that this well known trick has kept going since HoT launch tells me even they realize how awful this achievement is to get the “right way”.
I remember fire elemental powder getting me through It’s about time. I thought eight minutes was way too little since I was burning everything down and still never making it. Then I bought fire elemental powder then knew exactly why it was eight minutes. The devs probably programmed those achieves assuming you’d use it.
How are you sposed to do this now when the mobs get their HP back once everyone dies as Rabbits?
How are you sposed to do this now when the mobs get their HP back once everyone dies as Rabbits?
No one becomes rabbits if the instance owner doesn’t enter the room. Come with 5 people, the instance owner throws some buffs and then the other 4 go in and kill wolves
Are you sure that wasn’t patched? When I tried it a few weeks ago there were no wolves until the owner (and thus the whole party) was rabbits.
It was an annoying achievement to get, that’s for sure. But it is theoreticly possible not to die as much if you are in the right rotation with attacks and evades. I still died a lot though.
Consumables still work as do utilities if used before transforming (spirit weapons, Fire Ele, etc). The veteran boss’ HP does not reset. If it does then it’s a bug. It cannot be pulled to the start. The other wolves will have their HP regen but they can be brought to the start.
Are you sure that wasn’t patched? When I tried it a few weeks ago there were no wolves until the owner (and thus the whole party) was rabbits.
It was an annoying achievement to get, that’s for sure. But it is theoreticly possible not to die as much if you are in the right rotation with attacks and evades. I still died a lot though.
Maybe, been a while since I did it
There’s a rock pile next to the wall to the left of the door where the veteran is. The pile has two levels of rocks next to the wall. Pull the veteran to rock on the right. When it gets close to you and pauses to attack, press #1 to dash into the wall, which will evade the attack, then hop to the upper left rock, then back down to the right. This hop will cause the vet to path down, then back to you, where you can then easily repeat the process.
All the old cheese other than consumables and spawned minions have been patched. I suggest just asking for help from guild or in LA/AB – there will certainly be plenty of other people who haven’t finished this achievement because it was a pain. In a group of 3-5 however, it is very easy and fairly quick.
Just did this last week, took me hour and a half… used ogre pet, fire ele, mortar turret and seed turret, may have been better off not using the mortar and turret, ended up pulling agro from 1-2 other wolves and would lose everything so had to wait the 1/2 hour cool downs to run out, but got it done otherwise painlessly.
There was a forum topic on this one already: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/Achievement-Leave-it-to-Me/first#post6254717
Here’s how I did it a few months ago. Here’s what I did:
1. Kill the nearest wolf to the respawn point by luring it right inside the doorway. It’ll kill you 3-4 times, but you’ll respawn right on top of it. Finish it off.
2. Lure the alpha to the respawn point, by picking at it, running a bit, then repeat. You’ll likely have another wolf tag along.
3. Using the same principle, slowly nibble away at the alpha. I managed to get rid of the spare wolf by fighting just outside the doorway and using my feints to disengage combat, then pick at the alpha to keep it’s attention while the other wolf walked away.
Pull the alpha completely inside the doorway and spend a couple dozen deaths picking away at the health. Took me about 8-10 mins, start to finish. Be careful not to accidentally jump back out to Auric Basic with your respawn click.
I always had horrible luck with the wolves aggroing me, so I just bought a bunch of fire elemental powders and basically Akitten my way through there. Took me a while, but admittedly I was more focused on other things and only checked every so often to resummon the elemental and aggro another wolf.