Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orion.8453


I’ve recently started the Nevermore legendary collection and I’ve come the last piece for volume 1 and found it undo-able, it’s the part titled “Protector of the Exalted” based in Auric Basin. The problem is hardly anybody wants to join in for the event, and the few that do just get eaten instantly and the boss just gets harder and harder. I’ve been working at this one piece on and off since I started the collection and talked to other people that also said they’ve been working at it for a while. The thing is no matter how much I try to get a group from map chat, or people from my guild, it’s not enough to defeat it on time. Even with 20 or so people we couldn’t even get close, and it had hardly eaten anyone within it’s time limit. Just posting this for anybody to respond with tips or something I may be doing wrong, or if other people also have problems with the event.

It’s gotten ridiculous, I’m not on somewhere between my 5th and 7th attempt at that boss and every failure is due to the complete lack of participation from anyone else on the map. The fact that a piece to a legendary collection is so reliant on the help from random people on the internet is a slap in the face.

(edited by Orion.8453)

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rivian.8435


Hi people,
I’ve been having the same exact problem with Nevermore. I’ve been trying all week to complete this first collection and have been unable to find people to do Vinetooth Prime or even solo my way through the Eastwatch events needed to activate it to then advertise on LFG. I’ve tried advertising on LFG to build support, but people just join group and leave if the Prime isn’t primed (lol). I even attempted a shoutout via a commander running a mass Auric Basin anchored defend Tarir event to try and rally support by reaching many players at once (hoping some of them needed Vinetooth too) and it was a no go.

I can understand that not everyone wants/needs to kill Vinetooth and
I’ll keep trying to help other players where I can with their bits and bobs. I’m just not sure what to do next. I don’t want to give up on Nevermore. :O Any ideas? Maybe there’s potential to tweak the collection so it’s not so tied up in multiple group events?

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: noahkraken.9175


I had similar issues with my fourth collection for HOPE, and it took ages to find a group willing to do Vinetooth Prime. A lot of the items you need are very reliant on champions or bosses that you need other people for. I had a lot of trouble obtaining an item from a random champion in Malchor’s Leap because it 1-shots, and it took me so long to convince enough people to help me. I think it might be good to exclude Vinetooth Prime on the list purely because of how many people you need and how long it can take to arrange, as well as how difficult it can be to successfully kill it. I appreciate anybody who takes the time to read this message

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


From what I’ve heard, VP is one of those rare creatures where it is easier to kill it with about 5 player who are good with their class than it is to zerg it down due to how it scales. Just be sure you are always breaking its bar as fast as possible

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zenith.7301


There’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to do Vinetooth in Prime hours on a populated AB map.

Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orion.8453


There’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to do Vinetooth in Prime hours on a populated AB map.

Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

there is a reason, it’s because people do northwatch, then southwatch, then they dip.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nsleep.7839


The fight comes down to breaking his bar and dishing the best possible damage during that time. With 8 or less people a Mesmer sould have no problem breaking his bar alone between Tides of Time, Diversion and Signet of Humility, you could use Mantra of Distraction but bringing wells for Quickness and Alacrity and Signet of Inspiration is better for the burn. There is a cooldown reset mushroom in the corner of the room too in case you need it.

That said, I did it with 7 people in squad: 2 friends and 4 pugs, that joined after announcing it in LFG,, one of my friends was playing a PS Warrior so we could guarantee a high damage burn to secure the kill.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Use LFG, you haven’t mentioned that. I did kill this boss many times (also for Astralaria, Nevermore and other collections).

At this very moment though your timing is extremely bad. Two points:
- a new patch released and everyone is doing new map/story
- they removed multiloot in AB with the same patch which results in much less populated servers

My advice is to try it in a few days/weeks and constantly check the LFG. Ask a commander to lead etc. It’s not that hard.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DragonHeart.7201


I’ve recently started the Nevermore legendary collection and I’ve come the last piece for volume 1 and found it undo-able, it’s the part titled “Protector of the Exalted” based in Auric Basin. The problem is hardly anybody wants to join in for the event, and the few that do just get eaten instantly and the boss just gets harder and harder. I’ve been working at this one piece on and off since I started the collection and talked to other people that also said they’ve been working at it for a while. The thing is no matter how much I try to get a group from map chat, or people from my guild, it’s not enough to defeat it on time. Even with 20 or so people we couldn’t even get close, and it had hardly eaten anyone within it’s time limit. Just posting this for anybody to respond with tips or something I may be doing wrong, or if other people also have problems with the event.

It’s gotten ridiculous, I’m not on somewhere between my 5th and 7th attempt at that boss and every failure is due to the complete lack of participation from anyone else on the map. The fact that a piece to a legendary collection is so reliant on the help from random people on the internet is a slap in the face.

Been trying the vinetooth event for nevermore as well the past week, sometimes multiple times a day, it didn’t get completed even once. Seems like an impossible collection to finish for now :P.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


And this is why you don’t gate items for collections behind group content like that.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

Wait, that’s still a thing? Didn’t they fix this kitten a while ago?

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nsleep.7839


And this is why you don’t gate items for collections behind group content like that.

The irony is that most of the other items of the same collection are also group content, the difference is that in this one you cannot complete with a bunch of people semi AFK auto-attacking and succeed.

The boss is really free if the bar is consistently broken.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

Wait, that’s still a thing? Didn’t they fix this kitten a while ago?

I was sure they did fix it at some point too.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orion.8453


Use LFG, you haven’t mentioned that. I did kill this boss many times (also for Astralaria, Nevermore and other collections).

At this very moment though your timing is extremely bad. Two points:
- a new patch released and everyone is doing new map/story
- they removed multiloot in AB with the same patch which results in much less populated servers

My advice is to try it in a few days/weeks and constantly check the LFG. Ask a commander to lead etc. It’s not that hard.

I’ve been trying for a week

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

Wait, that’s still a thing? Didn’t they fix this kitten a while ago?

I crafted Astralaria like 3 months ago. It was horrible. Begging people on map to let the event fail to no avail.

And that was after the horrible grind that is mining the orichalcum nodes hoping for the RNG item drop from them.

I’ve made Astralaria, Nevermore, and HOPE (on top of all the 1.0 legendaries).

Nothing has been as bad as Astralaria.

Astralaria even had the charged quartz crystal time gate ON TOP of the daily 12 Zinn’s student books.

Nevermore was by far the easies to craft.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Use LFG, you haven’t mentioned that. I did kill this boss many times (also for Astralaria, Nevermore and other collections).

At this very moment though your timing is extremely bad. Two points:
- a new patch released and everyone is doing new map/story
- they removed multiloot in AB with the same patch which results in much less populated servers

My advice is to try it in a few days/weeks and constantly check the LFG. Ask a commander to lead etc. It’s not that hard.

I’ve been trying for a week

Ouch… I feel bad for you. But try it in about 2-3 weeks when the hype of the update is fading. Probably players are returning to AB.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sledge Stone.9017

Sledge Stone.9017

I just tried this event with a squad of 15.. This event has some of the worst scaling problems. I’ve seen the legendary giant in Dry Top get defeated easier. For some reason the chance at it’s break bar lasts a whole 2 seconds and only happens after it does a jump attack that wipes half the zerg and then jumps to the other end of the cave. It wouldn’t be to bad if there wasn’t a timer set on the event. It still had over 25% HP when the timer ran out. Not many people even want to do this event and it’s needed for legendary crafting. I’m glad newer legendary weapons don’t rely on events like this.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


cough this is an event that requires attention to the mechanics. if half your players die to the jump attack, I’d suggest that you study the mechanics, then explain them to participants before the fight starts.

This is the approach used to get successful triple-worm kills, and is really the strategy to employ for anything that is, y’know, not just “run in, hit it some, win”.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sledge Stone.9017

Sledge Stone.9017

cough this is an event that requires attention to the mechanics. if half your players die to the jump attack, I’d suggest that you study the mechanics, then explain them to participants before the fight starts.

This is the approach used to get successful triple-worm kills, and is really the strategy to employ for anything that is, y’know, not just “run in, hit it some, win”.

And thats exactly what I did. But with a pug group everyone ignores the information presented to them and keeps tapping 1 with a ranged weapon expecting a win. -_- I’ll get this done I’m sure, probably with my guild next time they do AB at a time I can participate in.

I think the issue now is new players rushing in on the LFG trying to get a mastery point but still not knowing what a CC skill is or when to properly use it. Even if they know what it is they probably already smashed the button on cool down prior to the breakbar becoming available to break. When HoT was first launched I bet this boss was beaten all the time. But now a year+ later VP is generally ignored and doesn’t scale correctly for the size of groups that now attempt it.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DragonHeart.7201


I just tried this event with a squad of 15.. This event has some of the worst scaling problems. I’ve seen the legendary giant in Dry Top get defeated easier. For some reason the chance at it’s break bar lasts a whole 2 seconds and only happens after it does a jump attack that wipes half the zerg and then jumps to the other end of the cave. It wouldn’t be to bad if there wasn’t a timer set on the event. It still had over 25% HP when the timer ran out. Not many people even want to do this event and it’s needed for legendary crafting. I’m glad newer legendary weapons don’t rely on events like this.

The fact you even had people with you to do the event already is a miracle, I haven’t seen any attention for it since the patch tbh.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DirtyDan.4759


Nevermore: Telling people to fail Grenth event was pain in the butt

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sledge Stone.9017

Sledge Stone.9017

Well I lucked out with a pug just a few minutes ago. A squad had just finished the AB meta and then did vinetooth after. It was listed in LFG and it took 34 of us to beat it. I would have taken a video but my capture software decided to not work. But I got a screenshot at the end. Breaking it’s breakbar is vital to defeating this boss. Once broken I was doing 150k damage hundred blades to it. I still think this boss should be scaled to be easier in smaller groups because getting a decent lfg group for this is not happening often. And honestly.. now that I’ve beaten it, like many others, I’ll probably never do this boss again. And now that these 33 others got it.. thats probably 33 more that will not be rushing out to lfg to do it again either.


Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


It’s been done regularly, I have beaten this boss like 10 times. Nothing special… but then again, this was 1 year til a couple of months ago.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DragonHeart.7201


Well I lucked out with a pug just a few minutes ago. A squad had just finished the AB meta and then did vinetooth after. It was listed in LFG and it took 34 of us to beat it. I would have taken a video but my capture software decided to not work. But I got a screenshot at the end. Breaking it’s breakbar is vital to defeating this boss. Once broken I was doing 150k damage hundred blades to it. I still think this boss should be scaled to be easier in smaller groups because getting a decent lfg group for this is not happening often. And honestly.. now that I’ve beaten it, like many others, I’ll probably never do this boss again. And now that these 33 others got it.. thats probably 33 more that will not be rushing out to lfg to do it again either.

Well crap, I was online at that time. Sadface

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Foefaller.1082



I got a successful Vinetooth the first time I tried it after unlocking HOPE Tier IV.

Totally shocked. I did it before for Nevermore I and the Revanant armor set, and those took 5-6 times before I got a successful group. Based on the chat right after it was killed, that was not true for the vast majority of those doing it…

I still join in on an attempt once in a while if I notice a group coming up, but I won’t deny I’m very, very relived that I shouldn’t need a successful attempt ever again.

There’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to do Vinetooth in Prime hours on a populated AB map.

Try Astralaria and NEEDING THE TEMPLE OF DWAYNA EVENT TO FAIL. Like, you need the DE chain where you kill the priestess, not the one where you defend it.

And yet nobody will let the event fail because they want the temple to stay accessible. Took 2 days and countless map swapping to get that done.

Yeah, after Vinetooth the Orr ones are the most annoying, as it always seems to happen when you are not there. Wish Anet would have a couple of devs go back to Orr and tweak some of the temple stuff (reduce difficulty of Balth approach, shorten time to defend event after success, make defend event hard enough to fail more than once in a blue moon) to make attempts on the main chains more frequent.

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


cough this is an event that requires attention to the mechanics. if half your players die to the jump attack, I’d suggest that you study the mechanics, then explain them to participants before the fight starts.

This is the approach used to get successful triple-worm kills, and is really the strategy to employ for anything that is, y’know, not just “run in, hit it some, win”.

And thats exactly what I did. But with a pug group everyone ignores the information presented to them and keeps tapping 1 with a ranged weapon expecting a win. -_- I’ll get this done I’m sure, probably with my guild next time they do AB at a time I can participate in.

I think the issue now is new players rushing in on the LFG trying to get a mastery point but still not knowing what a CC skill is or when to properly use it. Even if they know what it is they probably already smashed the button on cool down prior to the breakbar becoming available to break. When HoT was first launched I bet this boss was beaten all the time. But now a year+ later VP is generally ignored and doesn’t scale correctly for the size of groups that now attempt it.

Mmmm. My solution to things like that is to ask for help from my guild, which usually gets me enough people to clear the thing. (That’s how we got the Balthazar HP, too, which is also … not fun.)

Good luck. I hope you get it in the end!

Legendary Vinetooth and Nevermore Volume 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sledge Stone.9017

Sledge Stone.9017