Legendary Weapons in Heart of Thorns

Legendary Weapons in Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sesoni.2083


So I was thinking, if I can change the stats of my legendary weapons for free, why can I not change its upgrades for free? Is it not quite legendary enough for that? Should only its stats be what isn’t bound by the toils of lesser weapons? At the moment, when I wanted to change from a shout build to a condition build, I have to change the upgrades on my weapon to suit the new build. This can get really expensive really fast. I think a legendary weapon should be a weapon that can be changed entirely, on the spot, free of charge, whenever you shift to a different build to compliment your team because well… it’s legendary.

That’s all I have. Thought perhaps making everything about changing the stats, sigils and infusions free for a legendary weapon would make it truly legendary. “Hey, you put all this time into making this weapon, now you will never have to pay for altering (not including transmutation) its stats and upgrades. We don’t want it being treated like lesser weapons now do we?”

Just something to consider with all the changes coming with this new expansion.

Legendary Weapons in Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NoMaDhOoK.2958


I do think that is a very good idea (maybe binding the upgrade slots to the stat type or maybe even having its own drop down box allowing for maybe 3 or so different sets)