Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
I see it like this: other professions have about 20 utility skills which means, that the revenant will also have 20 utility skills. Now to have some kind of customisation with each legend, you need at least 4-5 legend-specific skills.
This means that we will see 4-5 legends, not more.
Legend A (skills 1,2,3,4,5 – you slot 3 of those)
Legend B (skills 6,7,8,9,10 – you slot 3 of those)
Legend C (skills 11,12,13,14,15 – you slot 3 of those)
Legend D (skills 16,17,18,19,20 – you slot 3 of those)
this seems to be really limited to customisation-options. You can’t equip skill 7, 14 or 20 when you’ve chosen legend A.
I think a option to enhance the build variety would be a 6th set of skills which work like Elementalist glyphs:
skill 21 A, 21 B, 21 C, 21 D (a different effect based on the legend you’ve chosen
skill 22 A, 22 B, 22 C, 22 D
now you could mix those skills 21 – 25 into the build, each skill still having ties to the legend.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
what I think they should do (revenant only): because of the limited choice in build-crafting (you choose sets of skills, not single skills) you have the unique option to choose from a pool of weapon skills.
(example: Hammer gives you 8 skills, you slot 5 of those)
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
whew, all that speculation, I should have waited until we know more… sorry!
I would definitely prefer to have fewer legends with more swappable skills, than to have more legends with a fixed set of skills.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
I would definitely prefer to have fewer legends with more swappable skills, than to have more legends with a fixed set of skills.
I agree since you only can switch between two at a time.
it’s better to have this option:
Legend A (1,2,3,4,5) take 3
Legend B (6,7,8,9,10) take 3
than this option
Legend A (1,2,3) you have to take those
Legend B (4,5,6) you have to take those
Well at least it doesn’t stealth :rolleyes: … it doesn’t stealth, does it?
I’ve thought about it some more, and here’s what I’d like to see:
- Each Legend has 1 heal, 3 utility skills, 1 elite skill.
- Each character has their racial skills, and anti-toxin spray. (If they unlock them, naturally.)
- The class itself has a set of about 5 skills (no heals or elites) unrelated to the main legends. (I’m going to stick to my suggestion of calling them “Crests”.)
You can swap in any of the non-legend skills for the legend skills in that spot. Yes, that means that you can run with NO legend skills, but some people can run without class skills right now, thanks to racial skills.
Crests: These should be named after people that didn’t make the cut as full blown legends, but they were still important enough to be remembered. The effects should be related to the mechanics of the Revenant class and give you some interesting options. One, for example, could take away 25 power (assuming the current level of 100 power with a regain of 5/sec), then 5 seconds later give you back 25 power. If there’s a cooldown on legend switching (and it’s safe to assume there is), then another could change you to your second legend for 10 seconds, then put you back into your current without affecting cooldowns on the change. Another could change you to your other legend without resetting your energy bar.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Well at least it doesn’t stealth :rolleyes: … it doesn’t stealth, does it?
I have feeling that actually he has some access to stealth Revenant looks like a mix of all existing classes
Hi Roy,
I was looking at the health section in the wiki last night and I’m curious why Revenant was given a medium health pool.
Currently we have:
High – Warrior, Necromancer
Medium – Engineer, Ranger, Mesmer
Low – Guardian, Thief, Elementalist
At a glance it seems like it makes sense to give Revenant a high health pool to spread things out evenly. In your testing did you find that this makes them too powerful?
In other areas you’ve balanced things across professions too.
With weapon swapping you have one light armor profession (ele) and 1 medium armor profession (engi) not have weapon swapping; now you’ll have 1 heavy armor profession (revenant) without it.
And of course Revenant is the third heavy armor profession giving all 3 weights 3 professions.
Health pool seems to be the odd one out. What were your thoughts on making it this way?
I’m not trying to judge or say it’s bad, just curious about a break in a perceived pattern.
^At some point i wont be surprised if specializations change our base hp.
But i think the reason why revenant has medium hp is due to the fact that guardian has low hp pool and warrior already have high one. Middle one seemed like a obvious choice for revenant
That pattern was broken with medium armor though. We have Engi and Ranger with medium health pools and Thief with low health pool. Light armor has one of each health pool though.
Personally I think it would be awesome if Engi got moved to a high health pool if Rev stayed medium….not that my pyrotank and I are biased in any way…not at all…
Well at least it doesn’t stealth :rolleyes: … it doesn’t stealth, does it?
I would be fully perma-stunned is we don’t see a stealth-capable Legend to invoke at some point. Maybe not at launch, but it’s pretty much inevitable.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
what I don’t quite get…
How can utility skills change a playstyle? Isn’t the playstyle mostly defined by your weapon skills?! Or does the Revenant change this considerably, having high-active utility skills?
When I look at the other professions, cooldowns of utility skills are quite high.
Skills to get you stealthed are mostly tied to skill 4-5, no? (Thief dagger 5, Mesmer torch 4, Thief pistol 5 smoke field + dagger 2 heartseeker)
what I don’t quite get…
How can utility skills change a playstyle? Isn’t the playstyle mostly defined by your weapon skills?! Or does the Revenant change this considerably, having high-active utility skills?
When I look at the other professions, cooldowns of utility skills are quite high.
Compare a banner warrior to a signet warrior. Now, imagine if during a battle that signet warrior could just hit a button and suddenly start dropping banners instead. Or a traps ranger, when faced with someone that knows to avoid his traps, suddenly changing to shouting commands at the pet to make it more useful, instead.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Well at least it doesn’t stealth :rolleyes: … it doesn’t stealth, does it?
that we know of, not yet. still a few legends to go though, and there’s bound to be a canthan guy (or gal) in there.
what I don’t quite get…
How can utility skills change a playstyle? Isn’t the playstyle mostly defined by your weapon skills?! Or does the Revenant change this considerably, having high-active utility skills?
When I look at the other professions, cooldowns of utility skills are quite high.
Compare a banner warrior to a signet warrior. Now, imagine if during a battle that signet warrior could just hit a button and suddenly start dropping banners instead. Or a traps ranger, when faced with someone that knows to avoid his traps, suddenly changing to shouting commands at the pet to make it more useful, instead.
and having to be forced to not bring shouts + traps because they need to slot a proper stunbreak, thus requiring survival to be one of the two slots.
and also notice that 90% of builds mix up at least two utility types. a shout warrior still brings a stance, the signet heal, and the banner elite. a trap ranger still needs a stunbreak, be it a signet or survival. thieves mix signets, deceptions and venoms in 90% of builds.
being forced into a single set at a time, with no room to branch out, mix and match, or just any kind of customization, is a poor choice, and my only real gripe with the concept of revenant so far.
(edited by BrunoBRS.5178)
How can utility skills change a playstyle? Isn’t the playstyle mostly defined by your weapon skills?!
It varies by profession and build. Engineer is the most obvious example, I think.
Equip no kits and you have a single weapon, 3 utilities and 4 toolkit abilities (one will be healing). So there’s no weapon swapping at all. No juggling cooldowns across multiple weapons.
Equip three kits and you can be the polar opposite. You now have 4 weapons with no swapping cooldown and you can be juggling cooldowns across all of them to maximise the long cooldowns.
Well I have though also about a solution of the customization problem ob the Revenant. So basicaly I´m a fan of the fixed skillsset for every Legend as it allows Anet to create a skillset that matched perfectly together and represant the historical Person it is named after. Like for example a LoL-Hero is created. I also would hate if that means that the Revenant is reduced to make three choices – 1 Weapon and 2 Legends.
So i thought of an rather radical way to solve this problem.
Make Weaponskills freely choosable for the Revenant instead.
Yes, that sound like a radical change, but hear me out.
As it looks like, the Design of the Weaponskills are not tied to Stil of the Weapon but is more like “cool ways to play with the mists”. So there is no stilistic reason why the anti-projectil-shield is only useable on the hammer or why you cant use scattering hits with an axe. Following the design of having an fixed, on the legend depending utility-bar und an freely customized weaponskill-bar allows Anet to focus on high-represantable legendary skills and simultaneously ensure enough flexibility for the player to choose his personal playstyle. Without increasing balancing work ( compared with other classes)
Just think of the last blogpost. The released skills of the axe and the mace seems to fit so well to each other, why not using them together? It would solve all the problems people have with the revenant without creating higher “maintenance”-needs for this particular class.
Would that mean that the Weaponchoice is purely cosmetic? Well yes, it would mean that. And that is probaly the only disadvantage i could think of for this kind of solution. You probaly can adjust to that by making the first (and spamable) skill dependant of the weapon your carry – but is it really a problem? The main build you use is determined by the legends you use and when i understand it correctly there are optical indicators what kind of legendacy you are currently have aktive.
I have to strongly oppose the idea of swapping weapon skills between weapons. It’s too easy to say that they’re not themed to their respective weapons when you haven’t actually seen them in action, but I trust they are just as properly themed as for any other profession.
If we go down the road of swapping weapon skills, I would prefer choosing from a set for each weapon. What I’m thinking is that you would always have a pair of options for each of the 2-4 skills.
When dual-wielding, you would have an option for each slot from each of the weapons. With the mace/axe combo, for example, each slot 2-4 would have an option from the mace, and an option from the axe.
Two-handed weapons like hammer would simply give 2 hammer-themed choices for each of those slots.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853
I see 2 potential problems with what we know of the Mallyx Legend (which may already be solved since we don’t know too much about them).
1. While in groups the Revenant is trying his hardest to gain conditions (so he can potentially spread them), whereas, the rest of the party wants condition cleanses. This causes a conflict of interest that greatly harms the Revenant’s dps. If there isn’t already a mechanic designed to prevent this, I would suggest giving Revenants a Trait which converts friendly cleanses to X seconds of resistance instead.
2. When you switch to a different legend from the Mallyx legend you will more often than not have a large number of conditions on you that suddenly change from being both a plus and a minus (hurts you, but increases damage output/control) to being just negative. I’m sure they already have a solution to this in place, but if not there should be a trait that either gives you resistance for X seconds/removes conditions/converts conditions into boons when switching from the Mallyx legend.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)
Honestly, the easiest way to do the Rev’s skills and Legends is to look at the legends as modifiers.
Revenants get the same number of utility, heal and elite skills as any other profession, and players are allowed to mix and match as they see fit, same as any other profession.
The Legend stances then modify how each skill works. For Example:
Utility skill A under Ironhammer Legend performs a short leap and then melee AoE knockdown, under Mallyx Legend the same skill is a long distance shadowy teleport and AoE launch at the point of impact. All governed by the Energy mechanic.
This is just a simple example. It would let ANet modify and balance the base skills’ relative strength, and then the Legends end up giving more utility to make up for the lack of a weapon switch.
Just think of the last blogpost. The released skills of the axe and the mace seems to fit so well to each other, why not using them together? It would solve all the problems people have with the revenant without creating higher “maintenance”-needs for this particular class.
Slight nitpick: The released screenshots show a Revenant holding a mace and an axe. I don’t know if they can be swapped in position or one is main hand and the other off hand only, but those skills are in fact usable together in the current iteration.
I do rather like the idea of selectable weapon skills but better theorycrafters than I would have to analyze the impact of that.
…well… from thinking about the rev… it sounds like a sort of “reverse” engineer that uses “legend kits” to replace his utility bar…rather then weapon skills and most likely isnt gonna have any controll over the utilities and the legend swapping is most likely also gonna have a cooldown too i assume. If its like i think it is… then im already uncomfortable with that class :\ There wont be much builds for it at all if its going where i think its going…shame…and it looked so good at first. Well atleast its gonna hit that pesky freedom of choice into the gut with a brass knuckle…like the story paths in the past…how kittening dare they to even exist….straight ahead and dont think too much on your own… also play the rev, dont worry we made your build for you…
Well in any other class we have the situation, that the weapon skills determine the core or stil of your gameplay and are fixed and the utility support them – in my way of handling the revenant it just would be swaped, so i dont think that there will be a major problem.
Basicaly we have 3 Options how the revenant can work.
1.) Weaponskills are fixed, Utilityskills are freely choosable and have an little nice extra dependend on the active legend
2.) Weaponskills are fixed, Utilityskills are fixed and highly determined to represent a specific type of gameplay
3.) Utilitskills are fixed and highly determined to represent a specific type of gameplay and the weaponskills are freely choosable.
I think most of us would value the first example highest, i dont think it will be implemended. Thats because it would mean more balancing work for Anet (all skills are influenced by at least 4 legends) and also there is the question how you can implemend that iconic character every legend shall have.
Second one obviously would be the one with the lowest individualisation (which is bad in my opinion).
So I think that the third one (or another one I didnt see) is the best one to choose.
I’m wondering how the potential limitation is going to work with traits. My thief can trait up to buff venoms and have a full bar of venoms to make use of that. (It’s not a popular build, but the point is I can do it.) A revenant traiting for a skill type might only have one or two skills of that type to take advantage of the traits.
Also, will you be forced into certain trait lines based on which legends you picked? Will trait line C be Mallyx-centric, and so on? I really hope not.
They will need to be extra creative with how they make the traits for this profession. The old methods just won’t work. The dividing lines between the trait lines and individual traits simply cannot be the same as used for other professions. Fingers are crossed.
There is one thing still very confusing to me about this blog post.
It sounds like the Revenant may get less customization than other classes. As per usual your first five skills are determined by your weapon, but unlike other classes they said your second five skills are determined by your legend. Are they determined only by your legend? As in, you pick a legend and get the five skills that come with it? Or will there be a selectable loadout of skills within each legend? And if so how many per legend?
I didn’t read all the posts above but if you look at the attached image, above each utility skill you can see the tab arrow. I assume this means there will be a number of skills for each Legendary Hero, allowing you to customize a bit rather than only offering five per.
I agree since you only can switch between two at a time.
it’s better to have this option:
Legend A (1,2,3,4,5) take 3
Legend B (6,7,8,9,10) take 3than this option
Legend A (1,2,3) you have to take those
Legend B (4,5,6) you have to take those
I would rather have 4 legend options with 3 utility skills each, than 2 legend options with 6 possible utility skills each.
There is one thing still very confusing to me about this blog post.
It sounds like the Revenant may get less customization than other classes. As per usual your first five skills are determined by your weapon, but unlike other classes they said your second five skills are determined by your legend. Are they determined only by your legend? As in, you pick a legend and get the five skills that come with it? Or will there be a selectable loadout of skills within each legend? And if so how many per legend?
I didn’t read all the posts above but if you look at the attached image, above each utility skill you can see the tab arrow. I assume this means there will be a number of skills for each Legendary Hero, allowing you to customize a bit rather than only offering five per.
I see this mentioned a lot, but please keep in mind that:
- The revenant is still in alpha development, and these pictures are from a dev build where they can even keep the arrows up during combat. The presence of arrows in these pictures shouldn’t be considered representative of final design.
- There are still racial skills to consider. There’s no reason to lock us out of those, so it’s likely we’ll get arrows just for the possibility of slotting in non-profession skills.
All that said, I really hope it’s not completely locked down. I at least want to have a little wiggle room with either skill group 2-4 or 7-9.
Would love a dev response again on this thread. The thread has started circling around because it is 6 pages deep and people can’t be bothered to read other posts so they end up posting the same things as others. Then it is discussed for a few posts, then repeated again. Until we have more information this thread I think has run its course.
Would love a dev response again on this thread. The thread has started circling around because it is 6 pages deep and people can’t be bothered to read other posts so they end up posting the same things as others. Then it is discussed for a few posts, then repeated again. Until we have more information this thread I think has run its course.
We might get a bit more tomorrow. Maybe. If we’re really lucky.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Well, at noon Pacific there is a Points of Interest live stream on Twitch that will show some of Revenant game play. Generally PoI doesn’t show anything not already blogged, but you never know.
Just close out the chat channel to the right. While some of the comments are insightful, you’ll lose focus on the actual presentation sifting through the vast bulk of trash talk and spam.
Well, at noon Pacific there is a Points of Interest live stream on Twitch that will show some of Revenant game play. Generally PoI doesn’t show anything not already blogged, but you never know.
Just close out the chat channel to the right. While some of the comments are insightful, you’ll lose focus on the actual presentation sifting through the vast bulk of trash talk and spam.
I learned that the hard way anyway gonna update the OP now with the articles and a PSA to read the first page.
I’m just crossing my fingers that the Revenant will follow the Heavy Armor weapon theme and get a greatsword, if it doesn’t, I’ll be flipping desks everywhere
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I didn’t read the whole thread tbh. So maybe this was said already. But I think a solution – to keep build variety (but it would make the balancing harder) – would be to tie utilities to Legends in a different way:
You’d choose a utility independent of the invoked Legend, but then the utility would be modified by that legend. For example:
Main utility effect: “Teleport to target.”
Modifier from Legend A: “cause chill”
Modifier from Legend B: “stun target”
Modifier from Legend C: “gain might”
Modifier from Legend D: “gain quickness”
I know the example is a bit lame, but I could imagine that principle being applied.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
You’d choose a utility independent of the invoked Legend, but then the utility would be modified by that legend. For example:
Main utility effect: “Teleport to target.”
Modifier from Legend A: “cause chill”
Modifier from Legend B: “stun target”
Modifier from Legend C: “gain might”
Modifier from Legend“gain quickness”
I know the example is a bit lame, but I could imagine that principle being applied.
No, no — that’s very much how like some Elementalist utilities work. Its a good baseline from which to iterate.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624
Kind of feels like engi kits, but for utilities, without knowing the details. Whih I’m not really against, although it sounds a little inflexible.
Hopefully we get to know more soon. I’m interested from theme alone so I’ll be awaiting it with bated breath.
Please keep in mind, that with the specializations new legends probably will be included. With that System Anet had to invent and balanced every utiltyskill again the moment an new specialization is implemended.
Also it seems that the goal behind the legends is to make the related skills iconic and interdependent. There is a limit how you can implement that, without changing the skills so much that it requires the same work as if there are 4 different skills which just have an little overlap .
Just think about the elites that are known: For the legendary dwarfenlegend we have “Rite of the great dwarf” an iconic, lorewise grounded Eliteskills that turn every Ally into stone and highly increasing there power and defense. How exactly shall that skill work in the demonform? Only way i see is, that in demonform it changes to the that margonite-summoning ritual from nightfall, turning every ally into an margonite (which requires a new texture other the the stone ritual) and granting them more Conditiondamage (probably increasing with exery condition on them) and a long lasting “Resistance”-Boon to make him immun to the Conditions he applies on him self (which requires completly new balancing then the stone ritual).
So basicaly I agree that this system would be really cool – but I highly doubt that it will be implemended because of the extrawork Anet have with it. There it would be easier to reduce the number of legends and created a pool of abilities for every Legend.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089
It all really depends how the weapon skills, heals, utilities, etc. work.
In my eyes Revs are a mash up of ele-thieves-necros.
Look at other classes
Eles get the most base skills of 25
Engis get between 14-14+5*(kits equipped)
Necros get 20
Mes gets 19
Guards get 18
Warriors get 17
Rangers get 17* (2 of which are pet skills)
Thieves get 16* (with the stolen skill changing)
The Rev gets 15. (But unlike others get does get 2 heals and 2 elites)
Sure, the other classes get to choose their build set up a bit more with running a mish-mosh of utilities, but the Rev has a different mechanic.
If the Rev skills are stronger then it averages out. The Axe seems to have a pull and AoE chill. The hammer has a stun move, directional projectile absorb, and ranged damage. The mace has an AoE line burn. We still don’t know the rest of those skills or how strong they are and we hardly know any Legend skills.
I also may have missed it, but I don’t think his skills have cds, just energy costs or upkeeps. Plus I’m sure some of the transformations (I assume they’ll be upkeeps) will change your 1-5 skills thus giving you more skill options.
Plus we don’t know what his profession trait line will do. It could
1) reduce the time to switch between legends
2) increase the max energy pool (potentially increasing the “free” energy you get when you switch)
3) increase energy regen rate
I can only really foresee a couple of problems. Assuming you want 1 stun breaker and 1 cleanse, that already may lock you into using a specific legend that happens to have both, or 1 legend that has one and a certain weapon that has another or forces you to taking 2 specific legends. Or, most legends have 1 cleanse, 1 stun breaker, and 1 <other> skill but with different energy costs, but I can see that having the potential of getting samey or it could be really unique. 1 legend converts condis into boons, another removes them, another sends them back to the enemy, another provides the Resistance boon. All for different energy/upkeep costs.
I guess we’ll know more in a couple of hours. If it is a problem of customization, I think the easiest fix would be to just let Revs weapon swap.
(edited by Wallace MacBix.2089)
Necros get 15
No, technically necros get 20. 10 weapon skills, 1 healing skill, 3 utility skills, 1 elite skill and 5 deathshroud skills…
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089
Necros get 15
No, technically necros get 20. 10 weapon skills, 1 healing skill, 3 utility skills, 1 elite skill and 5 deathshroud skills…
Doh, counted death shoud, forgot the weapon swap :/
Necros get 15
No, technically necros get 20. 10 weapon skills, 1 healing skill, 3 utility skills, 1 elite skill and 5 deathshroud skills…
Objection sustained. I’ll allow it counselor. 10 minute recess to brief your witness and to get those minions corralled. Bailiff, if the flesh golem approaches the bench again I want you to remove it from the courtroom.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Astralporing.1957
It’s also worth noting that most classes really only have about half of their utility skills and maybe 1 elite and 2 heals at best to choose from. Everything else is sub par at best.
Some are subpar, because they are highly situational – it can work because you can simply slot them in for specific fight/use, and replace with more generic utility after you have no need of it. With revenant, all the utilities need to be of the generic kind, as overspecialization means being one skill short for most of the time. Which means, what they can’t have is the utility function.
Basically, either the legends will need to have all-purpose hybrid skill builds, or some legends will need to specialize for some functions (like cleansing), which may mean some of them (or, at worst, all of them) might end up as requirements for specific content.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
I also may have missed it, but I don’t think his skills have cds, just energy costs or upkeeps.
Just a small bit of info since it is now burried a few pages back. The MMO interview confirmed that at least some of the skills will have a cooldown. Though they mentioned that many of these will likely have less of a cooldown since they also cost energy. The one they mentioned was “Bring down the hammer” skill having a 15 second cooldown. I’d also be willing to bet the healing skills have cooldown to prevent spamming them 4 or 5 times in a row.
Lets Chat: Revenant Masters of the Mist
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089
I also may have missed it, but I don’t think his skills have cds, just energy costs or upkeeps.
Just a small bit of info since it is now burried a few pages back. The MMO interview confirmed that at least some of the skills will have a cooldown. Though they mentioned that many of these will likely have less of a cooldown since they also cost energy. The one they mentioned was “Bring down the hammer” skill having a 15 second cooldown. I’d also be willing to bet the healing skills have cooldown to prevent spamming them 4 or 5 times in a row.
Ah thanks! I do remember the 15 sec cd on the “bring down the hammer” now that you mention it. And while you most likely can’t heal 4-5 times in a row, they still will be able to heal at least twice by switching legends. Potentially more if any weapons/utilis also give healing. I presume there will be a “healer” legend at least or healer/support.
The MMO interview confirmed that at least some of the skills will have a cooldown.
Also by dev post here.
Honestly, the easiest way to do the Rev’s skills and Legends is to look at the legends as modifiers.
Revenants get the same number of utility, heal and elite skills as any other profession, and players are allowed to mix and match as they see fit, same as any other profession.
The Legend stances then modify how each skill works. For Example:
Utility skill A under Ironhammer Legend performs a short leap and then melee AoE knockdown, under Mallyx Legend the same skill is a long distance shadowy teleport and AoE launch at the point of impact. All governed by the Energy mechanic.
This is just a simple example. It would let ANet modify and balance the base skills’ relative strength, and then the Legends end up giving more utility to make up for the lack of a weapon switch.
you’re just describing elementalist glyphs.
they already confirmed that the utilities will be completely different based on legends (with separate cooldowns and everything), and i much prefer this way.
what i take issue with is not being able to pick which utilities to bring with each legend from a pool of skills, be them “5 or so skills exclusive to this legend”, be them “3 legend skills + some baseline skills that all legends can use”, be them a mix of both (i’d prefer this option, obviously).
I think an ideal way to handle it would be to have a smaller number of legends (like 4-5), with at least 8 skills per legend that can be chosen freely (1 heal, 1 elite, 6 utility).
So you basically swap between two utility builds.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Honestly, the easiest way to do the Rev’s skills and Legends is to look at the legends as modifiers.
Revenants get the same number of utility, heal and elite skills as any other profession, and players are allowed to mix and match as they see fit, same as any other profession.
The Legend stances then modify how each skill works. For Example:
Utility skill A under Ironhammer Legend performs a short leap and then melee AoE knockdown, under Mallyx Legend the same skill is a long distance shadowy teleport and AoE launch at the point of impact. All governed by the Energy mechanic.
This is just a simple example. It would let ANet modify and balance the base skills’ relative strength, and then the Legends end up giving more utility to make up for the lack of a weapon switch.
you’re just describing elementalist glyphs.
they already confirmed that the utilities will be completely different based on legends (with separate cooldowns and everything), and i much prefer this way.
what i take issue with is not being able to pick which utilities to bring with each legend from a pool of skills, be them “5 or so skills exclusive to this legend”, be them “3 legend skills + some baseline skills that all legends can use”, be them a mix of both (i’d prefer this option, obviously).
Of course, the baseline skills available to each legend could certainly work like glyphs, but I guess that would ruin the point. Rev already has utility skills changing with legend swap, so it would be nice to have a few that can actually stay the same.
I wouldn’t mind bringing in an existing skill type to fill the breach. Maybe signets, since people often like having them as an option anyway.
Honestly, the easiest way to do the Rev’s skills and Legends is to look at the legends as modifiers.
Revenants get the same number of utility, heal and elite skills as any other profession, and players are allowed to mix and match as they see fit, same as any other profession.
The Legend stances then modify how each skill works. For Example:
Utility skill A under Ironhammer Legend performs a short leap and then melee AoE knockdown, under Mallyx Legend the same skill is a long distance shadowy teleport and AoE launch at the point of impact. All governed by the Energy mechanic.
This is just a simple example. It would let ANet modify and balance the base skills’ relative strength, and then the Legends end up giving more utility to make up for the lack of a weapon switch.
you’re just describing elementalist glyphs.
they already confirmed that the utilities will be completely different based on legends (with separate cooldowns and everything), and i much prefer this way.
what i take issue with is not being able to pick which utilities to bring with each legend from a pool of skills, be them “5 or so skills exclusive to this legend”, be them “3 legend skills + some baseline skills that all legends can use”, be them a mix of both (i’d prefer this option, obviously).
Of course, the baseline skills available to each legend could certainly work like glyphs, but I guess that would ruin the point. Rev already has utility skills changing with legend swap, so it would be nice to have a few that can actually stay the same.
I wouldn’t mind bringing in an existing skill type to fill the breach. Maybe signets, since people often like having them as an option anyway.
baseline skills don’t have to be affected by the legend. the only requirement is that they don’t take a slot in both legend bars (so if i have a signet on one bar, it might not be there on the other). given that revenant will have more than just 4 legends (especially once they start rolling out more of them in the future), a glyph-like mechanic for the revenant would have way too much balance upkeep.