(edited by Desus France.6079)
Level 80, and now?
Join a guild and play with others.
Or take your new 80 and finish map completion for all of Tyria.
Or pick another class and get to 80 again.. and again.. and again.
But really, it sounds like you’re playing alone. Join those friends who said the game starts at 80 and have them show you what they meant.
If you think grinding 10hrs in 1 zone is not fun then you might want to look for a refund since H.O.T is a Grind
Join a guild and play with others.
Or take your new 80 and finish map completion for all of Tyria.
Or pick another class and get to 80 again.. and again.. and again.
But really, it sounds like you’re playing alone. Join those friends who said the game starts at 80 and have them show you what they meant.
Yes, I’m playing alone indeed. Most of my friends quit after HoT so I kinda have to play alone
I have serious doubts about the validity of the previous statement.
Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I’m not trolling or whatever. I loved getting my first character to 80 and I had hoped the enthousiasm would continue after reaching level 80.
Unfortunately it hasn’t (so far) so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or had too high expectations or anything like that.
I have serious doubts about the validity of the previous statement.
Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I’m not trolling or whatever. I loved getting my first character to 80 and I had hoped the enthousiasm would continue after reaching level 80.
Unfortunately it hasn’t (so far) so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or had too high expectations or anything like that.
You said you had the game for 2 years and only just started playing 2 weeks ago. At level 80 with full exotics and all you have been doing is farming Silverwastes.
Sorry if I sound jaded by these forums, but that brings out the serious skeptic in me.
If you honestly have been doing this alone, I agree with the others on this thread – Join a guild. Make some friends. There is much more to this game than Silverwastes.
I’m in a pretty similar situation. Played a lot when the game came out years ago but quit for some time. Came back and had enough birthday/booster things that I now have 3x 80s in a few weeks time and had enough mats available from way back when that I was able to make two sets of exotic armor with limited gold cost. Luckily for me my guild all started playing again with HoT instead of quitting though. All I’ve mostly been doing though is map completion to level my other alts to 80 and a few hours on the weekends in HoT lands wondering why I’m spending a few hours on the weekends in HoT lands.
PvP, WvW, Fractals, and map meta-events are what most people do.
Also leveling and gearing up alts is a lot of fun.
If you’re in a guild, the list expands about a thousand percent. You can still do dungeons for pretty good gold if you have a dungeon group. Guild missions, etc., whatever, WvW 5 man group slaughtering PUG zergs, and so on.
I have serious doubts about the validity of the previous statement.
Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I’m not trolling or whatever. I loved getting my first character to 80 and I had hoped the enthousiasm would continue after reaching level 80.
Unfortunately it hasn’t (so far) so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or had too high expectations or anything like that.
You said you had the game for 2 years and only just started playing 2 weeks ago. At level 80 with full exotics and all you have been doing is farming Silverwastes.
Sorry if I sound jaded by these forums, but that brings out the serious skeptic in me.
If you honestly have been doing this alone, I agree with the others on this thread – Join a guild. Make some friends. There is much more to this game than Silverwastes.
Well, to be fair I have been playing for a few days earlier this year (february or something). It’s the first MMO I’m playing, so I felt pretty confused. I still am pretty confused, so that’s why I’ve started this thread. I remember doing a bunch of dungeons then, which left me with arround 25 gold, which I still had when I started with this character 2 weeks ago.
I looked up a lot of video’s on Youtube but most of them are pre-HoT and from what I’ve heard/read/seen HoT has changed the game a lot.
So I guess the best thing to do is join a guild then, and hopefully that changes things.
If you bought Heart of Thorns, why aren’t you playing there? There’s certainly plenty to do. Lots of new mats to sell (previous mats are going at a premium now, as well), a new story…have you finished the Core PS? I don’t know how one could finish all the content in the Core game and HoT in 2 weeks.
Just wondering…
What do you enjoy doing?
That’s more important that what is the most profitable thing to be doing. If you like world bosses, fight world bosses. If you’re level 80, you can try running events in Dry Top, Silverwastes, or any of the Heart of Thorns maps to see if you enjoy any of them in particular. You can try out other classes, or get into World vs. World or PvP. If you really enjoyed dungeons, you can keep running ones you like, or try them all for the Dungeon Master title. Or you can try Fractals, which are similar to dungeons. If you enjoyed the storyline and want to keep playing your main (instead of creating an alt,) you can pick up Season 2 in the gem store, or go straight into Heart of Thorns. If you like exploring new maps, go for World Completion.
Some things will always pay out more efficiently than others, but what you’ll find the most enjoyable is a very personal question. If you’re not sure, experiment a bit until you find something you want to keep doing.
(Just speaking for me, I’ve had fun with basically all of those things, except PvP and WvW, which don’t especially interest me, but are other players’ bread and butter.)
I have serious doubts about the validity of the previous statement.
Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I’m not trolling or whatever. I loved getting my first character to 80 and I had hoped the enthousiasm would continue after reaching level 80.
Unfortunately it hasn’t (so far) so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or had too high expectations or anything like that.
I am pretty sure s/he meant this post
If you think grinding 10hrs in 1 zone is not fun then you might want to look for a refund since H.O.T is a Grind
Anyway, on to topic.
What I do when I am level 80 is:
- Do map compleation (also doing this while leveling).
- Personal story and Living Story.
- All dungeons and paths.
- Fractals (Personally I am waiting for the december fix before I will continue to play Fractals).
- Play WvW.
- Play sPvP.
- Do world bosses.
- Do Jumping Puzzles.
- Level your crafting proffesions while playing the game and finally you will see that you will have enough mats to craft ascended wihtout paying a single copper at TP.
- Join a guild and do Guild Missions.
If you bought HoT you can:
- Explore the new maps and enjoy the neverending events.
- Now level masteries (I am doing this while exploring the new maps and doing the story with all my characters).
- Get you Elite specializations (Wich you eventually get by exploring).
- Do the new Story and get ready for comming Living Story.
- On Teuseday you will be able to Raid.
There is so much more that I do and have done, I have been playing this game since release almost everyday.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
PvP, WvW, Fractals, and map meta-events are what most people do.
Also leveling and gearing up alts is a lot of fun.
If you’re in a guild, the list expands about a thousand percent. You can still do dungeons for pretty good gold if you have a dungeon group. Guild missions, etc., whatever, WvW 5 man group slaughtering PUG zergs, and so on.
Hmm, that seems pretty interesting. I kinda stayed away from joining a guild since it feels a bit weird to me to randomly walk in and join, but that may be me haha
You don’t have to randomly walk in and join, I’m not even sure what that means!
Find a guild that has similar interests as you. If you want to run dungeons despite the gold nerf, you can absolutely still find dungeon guilds and make some good money and have fun. If you want to wreck PUGs in PvP, you can find that guild too.
I wouldn’t join a guild blindly really, more play in some pick up groups or just with people you run across in game and see if you find some you click with. Chances are they’ll be in a guild already and be able to involve you in some of their activities to see if you like the rest of them. Find people you’re comfortable with, then join.
Or just whisper whoever is spamming their guilds in whatever zone you’re in. Often times they can be a good starting point too and more active.
Learning the intricacies of WvW and mastering your class for it will definitely take up some of your time.
Also, finding a good guild will definitely expand your horizons.
What I do when I am level 80 is:
- Do map compleation (also doing this while leveling).
- Personal story and Living Story.
- All dungeons and paths.
- Fractals (Personally I am waiting for the december fix before I will continue to play Fractals).
- Play WvW.
- Play sPvP.
- Do world bosses.
- Do Jumping Puzzles.
- Level your crafting proffesions while playing the game and finally you will see that you will have enough mats to craft ascended wihtout paying a single copper at TP.
- Join a guild and do Guild Missions.
If you bought HoT you can:
- Explore the new maps and enjoy the neverending events.
- Now level masteries (I am doing this while exploring the new maps and doing the story with all my characters).
- Get you Elite specializations (Wich you eventually get by exploring).
- Do the new Story and get ready for comming Living Story.
- On Teuseday you will be able to Raid.There is so much more that I do and have done, I have been playing this game since release almost everyday.
Thanks, this is pretty helpful. I guess my focus has been more on how to get gold for new gear rather than playing and enjoying the rest of the game.
I wouldn’t join a guild blindly really, more play in some pick up groups or just with people you run across in game and see if you find some you click with. Chances are they’ll be in a guild already and be able to involve you in some of their activities to see if you like the rest of them. Find people you’re comfortable with, then join.
Or just whisper whoever is spamming their guilds in whatever zone you’re in. Often times they can be a good starting point too and more active.
Well that’s probably something I’m doing wrong then. I usually do everything I do on my own, except for dungeons. Probably explains why I haven’t found a guild I guess
What do you enjoy doing?
That’s more important that what is the most profitable thing to be doing. If you like world bosses, fight world bosses. If you’re level 80, you can try running events in Dry Top, Silverwastes, or any of the Heart of Thorns maps to see if you enjoy any of them in particular. You can try out other classes, or get into World vs. World or PvP. If you really enjoyed dungeons, you can keep running ones you like, or try them all for the Dungeon Master title. Or you can try Fractals, which are similar to dungeons. If you enjoyed the storyline and want to keep playing your main (instead of creating an alt,) you can pick up Season 2 in the gem store, or go straight into Heart of Thorns. If you like exploring new maps, go for World Completion.
Some things will always pay out more efficiently than others, but what you’ll find the most enjoyable is a very personal question. If you’re not sure, experiment a bit until you find something you want to keep doing.
(Just speaking for me, I’ve had fun with basically all of those things, except PvP and WvW, which don’t especially interest me, but are other players’ bread and butter.)
I enjoy doing the world bosses since it’s pretty cool to kill those huge things with so many other players. The new HoT maps looked pretty cool as well but I found a lot of the creatures kinda hard to kill, especially when they’re with a lot. I haven’t been doing much world completion because I get bored of it pretty quickly.
(edited by Desus France.6079)