Leveling Tips?
follow the meta event chains and stop worrying about the xp.
Also loading up on boosters helps a ton.
watch the LFG for organized maps. Follow or pop a tag.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
follow the meta event chains and stop worrying about the xp.
Also loading up on boosters helps a ton.
watch the LFG for organized maps. Follow or pop a tag.
I have been doing that, its how I got to lvl 7, but the thing is, after you do every event 4-5 times, it kinda gets boring. But I guess there really is no other way than events?
And do NOT skip mobs. Kill everything. With boosters, it’s up to 8k xp per kill.
Adventures give quite amount of exp which you can do daily.
Dragonstand metaevent is a nice source for exp aswell. like 650k~ with boosters from start to towers. Then the last fight gives you 130k exp as well
If you don’t grind it, you will wait a long time for the exp bar to fill up. I’am pretty impatient so I used the spiderfarm to level it up.
But some other things I tried:
The Dragon Stand map is a huge meta event chain with a lot of respawning and xp rewarding event mobs. This is pretty nice and because you can chose one of the three lines it didn’t get that boring. But if the event chain hits the point with the three bosses it brings nearly no xp, so you should consider joining a new map where the event isn’t that far. Wich means you will lose the Boss reward :/
The mini adventures/challenges are a good source of xp if you are able to hit the gold rank.
The masteries aren’t needed for the most part so there is no real reason to rush them
What part of the story are you on, and which events have you done so far? 7 mastery points spent in the jungle means you’ve either got 3 levels in one mastery track and one in another, or two levels in two tracks and one in a 3rd. Either way, you shouldn’t be far from continuing your story, especially if you’ve done all the events several times already.
Start by checking your achievement tabs for HoT and its personal story: Have you finished the outpost achievements for Verdant Brink? Have you done most of the mastery insights in the map? How about the adventures?
Once you’ve done most of that and grow tired of the Verdant Brink meta, do the same for the Auric Basin. Check the achievement tab for available meta event branches, mastery insights, adventures etc, check the map completion interface for hero points and other interesting stuff. Once you’ve done a good portion of both maps (with possibly a little side trip into the Tangled Depth to unlock access to the Nuhoch mastery line), you should have aquired way more experience than needed for the mastery tracks you actually need for your story.
Fight as much as you can and hold off higher levels until later because you’ll obtain level drops that salvage into wool, cotton, linen, and T2-4 leather so you’ll have some decent mats saved up for ascended crafting. Crafting itself helps the leveling process, but I’d wait until you’re far enough in the 60’s (66-67) where T5 drops are secure (you’ll get these at 80 anyway) to level by crafting.