Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


Based on what we know so far, this expansion is nowhere near as extensive as an expansion released by ArenaNet a decade ago. This is cause for some skepticism. I don’t know the final specs for this new expansion because they haven’t told any of us that info, but what they have told us is NOT a lot of content.

And although we don’t know much you make comparissons between things you don’t know…. congrats

Well now that Colin and MO have confirmed it, we DO know that what they told us at PAX is every feature that the expansion will have. So it really isn’t much of an expansion as far as content, so thanks for congratulating me on getting that right!

Moving on, it still may be worth the money depending on the price point and the details regarding the features they are releasing.

So by “every feature” you mean we know exactly how many new skills they will add, how many new traits, armor/weapon skins, new zones, dungeons, events, bosses so you can make an ACTUAL comparisson with EotN?

The answer is no, so your comparisson is still useless.

According to who, you? in that case I guess I’ll still compare.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


What will happen to players who do not buy this expansion? They probably will not be able to do any future Living Story after the expansion is released.

There will be a huge separation between players. People who buy the expansion will have a clear advantage over those who don’t because of specializations(unless this is for everyone).

Will core players get access to the new WvW map, the stronghold pvp mode, guild halls? How about crafting precursors?

This expansion is practically mandatory if one doesn’t want to feel left behind. I am surprised that this expansion has a price tag when it seems like all of this stuff could have been included in a free feature update. Not making enough money from the gem store I guess.

This expansion’s major features explained at the panel seem to be only slightly larger in comparison to what we have been getting through the living story and feature updates for 2 years.

If it has to cost anything I wouldn’t price it over $20

This is your 4th thread on this topic. One was so trollishly short that it was ignored (thankfully) and the other so trollish in nature that the moderators closed it. This one just the same is kind of trollish, if a bit longer than the other one.

Here’s the first one found:

Here’s another:

Here’s the closed one:

Please stop them. They haven’t released ANY information beyond what was in the interviews and the PAX presentation. They will be releasing more information at the CONs coming up as well as weekly sneak peaks into the expansion itself.

As for the question: Yes, you’ll be left behind in story and content if you don’t get an expansion for the game. Welcome to MMOs? That is how it has always been as an expansion expands content of the game. To not get so means you don’t expand content and don’t get more options to the game. It’s the most basics of expansions for games.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: megakittytron.5971



Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BammBamm.6719


You assume I will not buy the expansion….. You are dead wrong.

I just don’t think I would call all of these features expansion worthy comparing it to other MMO expansions.

when you buy the expansion, its worthy enough

and hey, when there is really not “worthy” content (and there is no way there is enough content for people with your attitude) i’m pretty sure you will find enough content in whining in the forums about………“stuff”

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Based on what we know so far, this expansion is nowhere near as extensive as an expansion released by ArenaNet a decade ago. This is cause for some skepticism. I don’t know the final specs for this new expansion because they haven’t told any of us that info, but what they have told us is NOT a lot of content.

And although we don’t know much you make comparissons between things you don’t know…. congrats

Well now that Colin and MO have confirmed it, we DO know that what they told us at PAX is every feature that the expansion will have. So it really isn’t much of an expansion as far as content, so thanks for congratulating me on getting that right!

Moving on, it still may be worth the money depending on the price point and the details regarding the features they are releasing.

So by “every feature” you mean we know exactly how many new skills they will add, how many new traits, armor/weapon skins, new zones, dungeons, events, bosses so you can make an ACTUAL comparisson with EotN?

The answer is no, so your comparisson is still useless.

According to who, you? in that case I guess I’ll still compare.

According to the “we don’t have numbers” simple logic. You didn’t answer if you have the numbers or not, because obviously you don’t, so your comparisons are still useless. By who? Simple logic. Can’t compare without numbers

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


I don’t know the rules terribly well, is recreating a thread that the moderators closed a violation of the forum TOS?

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


LOL at the ridiculous price thinkings here of some people….

People, be more realistic. HoT will most likely cost alot more, when already some simple Gemstore Items cost up to 10€/$ around, like simply adding +1 Character Slot for example.

Expect more of a realistical cost, that will be similar to the cost of the main game. Expect at least a cost, that will range between 40-60€/$ and then you have a really realistical price for HoT and maybe they come up again with some kind of Collectors Edition too, that will cost then like 80-100€/$ with some digital and merchandise extra stuff, like they nearly always did that so far with each part of the game, except for EotN.
But the Main Games and Stand Alones always had also CE’s.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


As for the question: Yes, you’ll be left behind in story and content if you don’t get an expansion for the game. Welcome to MMOs? That is how it has always been as an expansion expands content of the game. To not get so means you don’t expand content and don’t get more options to the game. It’s the most basics of expansions for games.

Exactly, and just to underline the point; that’s the way it’s been in all games with expansions, not just MMOs. You buy the expansion to play the content. I don’t see why an – going by the names repeating in these threads – apparently quite small portion number of people here seem to think this should be any different.

People can still play GW2 once HoT comes out but they cannot play HoT without buying it and HoT will most likely be the basis for new story content. That seems neither controversial nor unfair to me.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

btw they only listed “Major features” on Pax and interviews later

keyword: “Major features” with special underlining for a word “Major”

f.e. they didn’t mentioned anything about dungeons but I can’t see any logical way to finish elder dragon that dung story mode – like they have done with zhaitan at Arah. but such a thing is not major feature comparing to guild halls new class whole new area mastery system etc. – actually when we compare single dungeon to that stuff I’d say dungeon will end as a quite a minor feature to me. if we even can call new dungeon a “feature” at all.

we don’t know everything that the exp will give us we only know the iggest shiniest things about it that have been chosen to increase our hype.

knowing ANet exp may be twice or even trice of what they said – just all the rest is nothing big enought to call it “major feature”

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Jeez, you guys sure do talk a lot.

If you want the expac content, buy the expac.

If you don’t, then don’t.

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Machiavell.7396


I found some players basically funny. For over 2 years people were speculating, demanding, asking, begging for EXPANSION, while dissing, cursing, flaming, whining about Living World system which supposed to be the only way to update our content, and we got it for free. Now once ANet listened to all those pleas, many players starts to worry about buying expansion and being cut off from content.

I will put it shortly:
You asked for this. Now buy expansion or prepare to pay heavy golds for items we gonna obtain there and sell to you lot.

Unofficial Master Bugfinder and Design Critic.
“He will improve everything that ArenaNet added to infinity and beyond.”

(edited by Machiavell.7396)

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Pretty much what Machiavell said.

Gone to Reddit.