Losing your level number in HoT...

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

It really disturbing… seeing now we can’t see our friend’s levels or anything and seeing if they are the right level for content or not.

Granted HoT content will be strictly lv 80… how will this affect the old stuff like dungeons and what not if the level on nameplates and party side panel are not visible?

Not everyone is going to do dungeons at 80 and new players will definitely want to do the dungeons they are at the level for immediately when the NPE tells them its time.

Yet In WP’s vids recently it has been said by devs that the level number will be gone for good in HoT nor will anyone see we are 80 either or any level for that matter below 80.

This will mess up a lot of stuff currently, especially for fractals and other old high level content that needs 80s.

Anyone have the same concerns I do? I have 4 80s, with 2 more on the way, so it doesn’t matter too much for myself and I’m a vet player, but organizing for content will be much harder for me when HoT launches especially when I try to help noobs and not require anyone to be meta or 80.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: yanipheonu.5798


… Hard to see the concern.

If they’re below Lvl 80, they won’t have the mastery system, so their level will still be viewable.

And then anyone with a mastery level will clearly be lvl 80.

No problems, really.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


The change only applies to characters that are level 80…

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


Might want to watch the video again. You will still be 80. Other people will still see it. You will still see it. But it will also show your mastery level. At the same time. One will not supersede the other.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


Might want to watch the video again. You will still be 80. Other people will still see it. You will still see it. But it will also show your mastery level. At the same time. One will not supersede the other.

" In fact, once you have unlocked the ability to train Masteries, your nameplate will display the number of Mastery points you have gained rather than your level. Mastery points can be gained at any level but cannot be spent until level 80."

- Official news blog

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


you “loose” the level if you are lvl 80 and get it replaced by the mastery thingy…its obvios that if you arent 80 you wont have that so whats the difference? All you get is a different thingy that displays what mastery lvl you are at atm…nothing more or less

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


Might want to watch the video again. You will still be 80. Other people will still see it. You will still see it. But it will also show your mastery level. At the same time. One will not supersede the other.

" In fact, once you have unlocked the ability to train Masteries, your nameplate will display the number of Mastery points you have gained rather than your level. Mastery points can be gained at any level but cannot be spent until level 80."

- Official news blog

That’s pretty stupid, but it will still be obvious that they will be visually different than normal levels. But how will that display with someone with mastery levels on a low level character? Masteries are account wide so once they have masteries worked on, even a level 1 would technically have them, though probably wouldn’t be able to use them.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


Might want to watch the video again. You will still be 80. Other people will still see it. You will still see it. But it will also show your mastery level. At the same time. One will not supersede the other.

" In fact, once you have unlocked the ability to train Masteries, your nameplate will display the number of Mastery points you have gained rather than your level. Mastery points can be gained at any level but cannot be spent until level 80."

- Official news blog

That’s pretty stupid, but it will still be obvious that they will be visually different than normal levels. But how will that display with someone with mastery levels on a low level character? Masteries are account wide so once they have masteries worked on, even a level 1 would technically have them, though probably wouldn’t be able to use them.

It doesn’t change for any level below 80, only when the ability to train masteries is obtained. (Reaching level 80)

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sorudo.9054


then answer me this, how can i see how many mastery points someone has earned when about 95% of the game downscales everyone, changing the level of everyone in the area?
it can only display one thing, it makes no sense to hide someone’s level when they get downscaled to a much lower level.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arewn.2368


For real? this is a concern?
Who cares, so you can’t see “Level 80” next to the person’s name, you see another number instead.
You can’t see their true level when their downscaled (or upscaled wvw) either. Makes no difference.
Someone’s level 14? great, you see that their 14. Someone’s level 79? great you see that their 79. Someone level 80, but it shows mastery points instead? wow, big deal…
And you could always, you know, just ask what level they are.

These complaint and “concern” posts are getting inane.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Iretha.7625


Oh. My God. Not this “concern” again. Is this some sort of joke? Are people just TRYING to ignore facts in some vain attempt to nit-pick at the expansion?

For one, as you SHOULD know by now the removal of the level number will only affect those who are level 80 and working up their mastery points.

Secondly, I call BS on someone needing to know someone’s level in order to help newbies out. I help several new and returning players every day and I have never needed to know someone’s level in order to help them.

Granted HoT content will be strictly lv 80… how will this affect the old stuff like dungeons and what not if the level on nameplates and party side panel are not visible?

Yeah, see, here’s where it is. The only time I’ve ever seen level become a factor in dungeons is when someone is trying to exclude players who are at an appropriate level for the content. You know, the group of 80’s who will kick a level 50 out of their AC run in some ridiculous attempt to make their run go just a little bit faster.

Fortunately for those people, and unfortunately for new players, their level will be displayed for all to see, unless they’re level 80, of course.

(edited by Iretha.7625)

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Oh. My God. Not this “concern” again. Is this some sort of joke? Are people just TRYING to ignore facts in some vain attempt to nit-pick at the expansion?

For one, as you SHOULD know by now the removal of the level number will only affect those who are level 80 and working up their mastery points.

Secondly, I call BS on someone needing to know someone’s level in order to help newbies out. I help several new and returning players every day and I have never needed to know someone’s level in order to help them.

Granted HoT content will be strictly lv 80… how will this affect the old stuff like dungeons and what not if the level on nameplates and party side panel are not visible?

Yeah, see, here’s where it is. The only time I’ve ever seen level become a factor in dungeons is when someone is trying to exclude players who are at an appropriate level for the content. You know, the group of 80’s who will kick a level 50 out of their AC run in some ridiculous attempt to make their run go just a little bit faster.

Fortunately for those people, and unfortunately for new players, their level will displayed for all to see, unless they’re level 80, of course.

Yup, totally waiting for the “zerk 15k ap 100 master” LFG ads to show up.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teon.5168


Oh. My God. Not this “concern” again. Is this some sort of joke? Are people just TRYING to ignore facts in some vain attempt to nit-pick at the expansion?

Nailed it.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sorudo.9054


heh, and so many ppl are still so blind, did no one even read what i just said or are we now all of a sudden suffering of tunnel syndrome?

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teon.5168


Oh puleeez…..zzzzzzzzz

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arewn.2368


heh, and so many ppl are still so blind, did no one even read what i just said or are we now all of a sudden suffering of tunnel syndrome?

People didn’t answer because
a) not many people have even posted in this thread in the first place
b) what you brought up isn’t really a problem, so no body cares

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nightwin.6423


They said once your level 80 and you own heart of thrones it will change to your mastery level

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rashy.4165


The change only applies to characters that are level 80…

Most people will have a handful or more Mastery points by the time they reach level 80, just by doing content. That applies to current level 80s who get retroactive Mastery points, and future level 80s (the system probably keeps track of Mastery points gained before level 80, and automatically awards it to players once they reach 80, immediately replacing their level).

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blair.3796


OP seems to be misunderstanding some points. Currently, if you click a character you see their level number next to their name. If they are ranked up or down, you also see a corresponding arrow.

Once HoT is released, characters level 1-79 will still continue to display their level, as they are now. However, level 80 characters will not display their level (it’s basically just a, “yay I’m max” tag right now) but will instead show their mastery points.

What this means is that for level 1-79 characters, you will not be able to see their mastery points. If you are mastery points instead of a level, then they are level 80.

How they will distinguish in appearance hasn’t been elaborated upon yet. My guess is that they will use different colors (such as white for level, red for mastery points) or else put some sort of M or other corresponding symbol next to the mastery level on 80s.

Rest assured, we will be able to tell the different between a level 25 and a level 80 with 25 mastery points in some obvious way or another.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


The change only applies to characters that are level 80…

Most people will have a handful or more Mastery points by the time they reach level 80, just by doing content. That applies to current level 80s who get retroactive Mastery points, and future level 80s (the system probably keeps track of Mastery points gained before level 80, and automatically awards it to players once they reach 80, immediately replacing their level).

That’s stuff I have already said.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rognik.2579


You don’t really lose your level with the mastery system, as nearly everyone said. And in low level zones, you can’t tell what anyone’s level is unless you’re in a party with them. So it really doesn’t change much, except to say you’ve entered Mastery mode. I just hope there is a small indication that it indeed is your mastery level and not just character level, by either putting an M in front (ie. M5), putting it in a different colour (but having level change colour relative to your strength makes this a problem), or if it’s just a second line below where it says 80 or something similar.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Seem cool. So no more levels.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tyger.1637


I think this is great. Because everyone gets exemplar’d I can’t tell if that downscaled 14 is a 15 who just levelled or an 80 who probably knows what they’re doing and might not need someone careening in to help them out. A 15 will be on Basic/Fine/Masterwork armour while an 80 will probably be on Rare/Exotic/Ascended and with changes to the NPE; it’s even easier for an 80 to wander round low-level zones.

Losing your level number in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I am one of those “concerns” people. I have a lot of concerns about this update that I feel are valid, this is not one of them.

I have to agree with several other posters here, mastery number doesn’t kick in till 80, there’s up-leveling for content, there’s down-leveling for content, the only thing I’ve ever seen someone’s “true” level used for is a reason to eject players from a 1337 krew.