M OP: Exclusive GW 2 Maguuma Hylek Interview
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vostroyan.9214
(edited by Vostroyan.9214)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vostroyan.9214
Nice long story, cant wait till Friday ^^ for the live steam.
(edited by Vostroyan.9214)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Invictus.1503
So, this means there won’t be any info on features this week once again. No Revenant, no specializations, no guild halls.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Lol… Elvis and Costello. Typo? or slip of the tongue?
Sounds fascinating; I can’t wait for the Blog, the PoI, and the release! =)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
^You are aware that quite a few of us are rather interested in stuff like this, right?
It is not like they published this instead of something else that was ready for publishing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Scott McGough
Narrative Lead
Lol… Elvis and Costello. Typo? or slip of the tongue?
Sounds fascinating; I can’t wait for the Blog, the PoI, and the release! =)
That’s totally a typo/transcription error—I’ve been a huge Bud & Lou fan since I was 6 years old, and I would never swap in Elvis for Abbott. :-)
Who’s on first?
(edited by Scott McGough.6897)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Randulf.7614
Good article. Nice to see a blog with lots of info and “meat” in it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Palador.2170
I’m tired of hearing more and more “empty” stuff about the expansion.
Also… if they tell us everything about the Kermits now, what will we have to look forward to learning in the game when it’s finally added?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khenzo.2465
I think they are fed up because since the expansion launch there has been pratically no information regarding core features concerning game play, unless I am kitten ing and forgetting something obvious.
Sure a blog on a couple frog tribes and even a stream about them too is fine, but I can understand this persons perspective, to me it also feels like too much filler information lately.
My first reaction to finding out that this weeks info is on the hylek I thought omg who the heck cares, but each to their own
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Palador.2170
My first reaction to finding out that this weeks info is on the hylek I thought omg who the heck cares, but each to their own
I care, actually. Knowing a bit more? Great!
But if that’s ALL they’re talking about this week, that’s… well, as I said before, “empty”. Plus, I worry that they’ll tell us all the interesting stuff, like a movie trailer that gives away all the good parts. After that, what’s left to look forward to?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: rotten.9753
Just a word of well-intended advice – you might be taken more seriously (or taken seriously at all) if you spent a little less time raging at/insulting other players and more actually making your case.
To the point, the piece was about lore, which is as much a part of the game to many as mechanics are to the more competitive players. Yes – we want to know about specializations/guild halls/difficult content (and I suspect they could give us more information about these if they really wanted to, but are “saving” it to stretch out the publicity cycle) – but some are actually interested in things like this as well. Nothing silly about it.
And who says no one takes him seriously? Because I do and probably a majority of people reading this forum (see, I can claim bs as well as you do).
This week is simply yet another wasted week of filler content which isn’t interesting at all. Who cares about lore? Roleplayers? Normal players (a majority) care about gameplay.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khenzo.2465
Yeh it really is silly to me at this point, an interview a blog and a stream about……hylek, so much hype! We all know these blogs and stuff probably contain nothing of real signicance, its just to fuel the hype train on its never ending journey
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
Are we ignoring the fact that we have been able to play Stronghold today?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khenzo.2465
Because stronghold is new information of signicance, we knew all about it before today
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
It is the first time it is available to the whole playerbase, and while we had most of the information about it already it is a rather large difference to read about something and actually experiencing it yourself.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khenzo.2465
But that is not the issue, just because I can go play strongholdbdoesnt make it new, its old info
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
There were plenty of new info in this article and quite likely the blog post coming tomorrow will also contain some new information.
So what are we complaining about again?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blaeys.3102
Just a word of well-intended advice – you might be taken more seriously (or taken seriously at all) if you spent a little less time raging at/insulting other players and more actually making your case.
To the point, the piece was about lore, which is as much a part of the game to many as mechanics are to the more competitive players. Yes – we want to know about specializations/guild halls/difficult content (and I suspect they could give us more information about these if they really wanted to, but are “saving” it to stretch out the publicity cycle) – but some are actually interested in things like this as well. Nothing silly about it.
And who says no one takes him seriously? Because I do and probably a majority of people reading this forum (see, I can claim bs as well as you do).
This week is simply yet another wasted week of filler content which isn’t interesting at all. Who cares about lore? Roleplayers? Normal players (a majority) care about gameplay.
The way the argument is made (using insults and hyperbole rather than actually arguing the merits of his concerns) isn’t going to elucidate a real discussion – it’s just going to inflame and choke the forum with antagonistic back and forth (which is exactly what it did).
I’m not saying he didnt have a point – I’m saying make the argument for your case – don’t just simply argue for the sake of arguing.
Finally, I know you probably didnt mean it in a disparaging manner – but realize that roleplayers are normal players. We all need to get out of the mindset that just because people don’t play the same as we do, that doesnt make their perspective or needs in the game any less important than anyone else’s.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zaklex.6308
So, this means there won’t be any info on features this week once again. No Revenant, no specializations, no guild halls.
You already got one blog post on the Revenant, you want another now. I can see the info for specializations and guild halls still being needed to be posted, but keep in mind, that’s not all the information available. Even this weeks Blog post about the new Hylek tribes is information, something they did with the original too, when there were Blog posts on the Grawl, Ogres, or what have you. It’s the same style of reveal that the original game was given.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khenzo.2465
There were plenty of new info in this article and quite likely the blog post coming tomorrow will also contain some new information.
So what are we complaining about again?
We want info on you know, the actual expansion features, sorry I was mistaken in thinking that frog tribes was not one of them.
I get the vibe you are trying to white knight, you know full well what the complaints about information are regarding but I will help anyway.
The moaning is about lack if info on the meaty things of expac, the things you buy it for.
(edited by Khenzo.2465)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
But there are people that are interested in lore information as well. Why are their information less important than yours?
All in all we have gotten more information about features and such than on lore. And believe it or not, some people actually play the game (and thus buy the expansion) for story, so this is information that is rather interesting for them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Palador.2170
There were plenty of new info in this article and quite likely the blog post coming tomorrow will also contain some new information.
So what are we complaining about again?
We want info on you know, the actual expansion features, sorry I was mistaken in thinking that frog tribes was not one of them.
I get the vibe you are trying to white knight, you know full well what the complaints about information are regarding but I will help anyway.
The moaning is about lack if info on the meaty things of expac, the things you buy it for.
Oh, he understands. I’ve seen enough of his posts to know he’s smarter than that.
Oh,im the odd one, here i was actually loving this article because of the snippets of lore it gave us.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iason Evan.3806
I agree that the tone of some players here comes off as rather entitled sounding, but ArenaNet did say that after PAX East we would be going rather quickly with info, betas, and launch. They should have elaborated as to what that meant. Some people take that as we’d be getting the x-pac in a month or two. Is that reasonable? Probably not, but it’s also not unreasonable to give a time frame for what “quickly” means. If quickly means we get the x-pac in 6-8 months, I can see why some people would see that as actually slow. That doesn’t excuse terrible behavior, but ArenaNet isn’t exactly tops in the market when it comes to communication. They ain’t Gazillion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Invictus.1503
So, this means there won’t be any info on features this week once again. No Revenant, no specializations, no guild halls.
You already got one blog post on the Revenant, you want another now. I can see the info for specializations and guild halls still being needed to be posted, but keep in mind, that’s not all the information available. Even this weeks Blog post about the new Hylek tribes is information, something they did with the original too, when there were Blog posts on the Grawl, Ogres, or what have you. It’s the same style of reveal that the original game was given.
I included Revenant because they said there would be more coming (at least one more). Only part of the reveal was done as they didn’t show all the weapons, or the trait lines. To quote the blog itself “This was just the tip of the iceberg. There are more weapons and legends coming with the revenant, but you’ll have to wait to find out more. It’s no fun to spoil everything at once.” That was two months ago (Feb. 18th)
As for the interview itself, I don’t mean to imply it wasn’t well done. I rather enjoyed it as a filler piece. I’m just getting a little tired of the filler pieces running so long as the last bit of information was on the WvW maps, but even that was drawn out quite a bit as they gave us pretty much everything at first, then spent multiple weeks telling us the same things in just different ways.
Fill a week in with substance (stuff that hasn’t been reviewed yet from a feature perspective) and use filler like this to keep our interests peaked.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
But who are you to decide what is filler? For some people the lore is the MAIN thing, while information about the Revenant and specializations or guild halls are just filler. So why is the stuff you interested in more important?
But who are you to decide what is filler? For some people the lore is the MAIN thing, while information about the Revenant and specializations or guild halls are just filler. So why is the stuff you interested in more important?
Thank you for saying something i actually agree with. I could care less about info on the Revenant despite the fact im going to make one on release day. Specializations are something i do want to hear about though. Guild halls are blah, i can guess how they are going to work already. I want to know more about what we will be encountering. The monsters, the background of them, the background of the area, will there be mursaat, will they be friendly, Stuff like that. I play this game for the lore, call me weird if you want, but i am here for the lore, i played GW1 for the lore too, I love the story, i loved reading everything i could about it, hell i even bought the little story mission pack they added just so i could find out more.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eolirin.1830
There were plenty of new info in this article and quite likely the blog post coming tomorrow will also contain some new information.
So what are we complaining about again?
We want info on you know, the actual expansion features, sorry I was mistaken in thinking that frog tribes was not one of them.
I get the vibe you are trying to white knight, you know full well what the complaints about information are regarding but I will help anyway.
The moaning is about lack if info on the meaty things of expac, the things you buy it for.
There hasn’t been any such lack, the last few weeks have simply been focused on things you don’t care about; Masteries, Precursor crafting, Revenant, Stronghold, Borderlands Map, Defiance changes and the direction for new Boss encounters have all been discussed. Counting the Hylek, two updates will have been lore and story related, and they also provide info about what the pve experience is going to be like, outside of their narrower focuses. Everything else has been mechanics and feature reveals. If you look at the HoT page, and cross all that stuff out, there’s only Specializations and Guild Halls left to talk about in terms of big features; there’s room to further discuss previous topics, but they have at least been introduced.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Invictus.1503
But who are you to decide what is filler? For some people the lore is the MAIN thing, while information about the Revenant and specializations or guild halls are just filler. So why is the stuff you interested in more important?
I didn’t say more important, I said filler vs. features. When they announced HoT they focused on the features. On the HoT website they focus on the features. I didn’t decide what the primary focus of HoT would be, Anet did in their presentation and official website. Therefore topics that are outside of the primary selling points they’ve established are, by definition, filler.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081
interesting article. Thank you for the link.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
I didn’t say more important, I said filler vs. features. When they announced HoT they focused on the features. On the HoT website they focus on the features. I didn’t decide what the primary focus of HoT would be, Anet did in their presentation and official website. Therefore topics that are outside of the primary selling points they’ve established are, by definition, filler.
How is exploring the jungle not a primary selling point?
I seem to have heard that being mentioned rather many times during the reveal and also on the main page.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ragnarox.9601
No new info? I’ll pass.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
An interesting read about creatures that are the focus of at least one Mastery Trait line. Gives you indirect information on why this trait line is useful and why you would want to spend time gaining experience for it and placing Mastery points on it.
Edit: they are the focus of 2 mastery lines and as such are an important part of your new build after the expansion arrives. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451
No new info? I’ll pass.
Yeah, you didn’t miss anything.
But who are you to decide what is filler? For some people the lore is the MAIN thing, while information about the Revenant and specializations or guild halls are just filler. So why is the stuff you interested in more important?
I didn’t say more important, I said filler vs. features. When they announced HoT they focused on the features. On the HoT website they focus on the features. I didn’t decide what the primary focus of HoT would be, Anet did in their presentation and official website. Therefore topics that are outside of the primary selling points they’ve established are, by definition, filler.
Hah, nice try.
I say just admit that what info was released IS one of the features made present to us since the first announcement (I was there, live ) but it just wasn’t relevant info of your interest? Why struggle over something so inconsequential as a label on information released in an article? I guess for fuel for more internet arguments perhaps?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: guywithcrabs.7890
Well judging by the fact that I would consider GW2 a MMORPG, i’m just really surprised at the sheer amount of people actually upset about lore being put in this weeks blog post instead of the other features. If you think about it they did bring up one of the masteries in this blog since interacting with the Itzel will be part of Master Lore. As was said before, to each their own but dang this blog was really interesting if you ask me.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blaeys.3102
Well judging by the fact that I would consider GW2 a MMORPG, i’m just really surprised at the sheer amount of people actually upset about lore being put in this weeks blog post instead of the other features. If you think about it they did bring up one of the masteries in this blog since interacting with the Itzel will be part of Master Lore. As was said before, to each their own but dang this blog was really interesting if you ask me.
It’s not really a large number of people. Always find it amazing how much noise a very small group can make on game forums.
I thought it was an interesting read ^^
Then again, this is coming from a roleplayer, hehe. So lore is always one of the things I look forward to most! I keep forgetting how large the hylek are, that mentioning at the end of the 14’ tall Nuhoch put it in perspective pretty well :P
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: rotten.9753
Well judging by the fact that I would consider GW2 a MMORPG, i’m just really surprised at the sheer amount of people actually upset about lore being put in this weeks blog post instead of the other features. If you think about it they did bring up one of the masteries in this blog since interacting with the Itzel will be part of Master Lore. As was said before, to each their own but dang this blog was really interesting if you ask me.
MMORPGs are RPGs from name only, if I wanted good lore I wouldn’t be playing gw2 but something kin to pillars of eternity or divinity: original sin. Gw2 writers are not exactly good at their job to say the least (strictly an opinion many whom I know share).
It’s not really a large number of people. Always find it amazing how much noise a very small group can make on game forums.
I always love how a vocal minority that loves to defend everyone anet does is pulling “fact” out of their back. Do you have any numbers to back that up or you’re simply doing what I’ve just written in the previous sentence?
(edited by rotten.9753)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Invictus.1503
But who are you to decide what is filler? For some people the lore is the MAIN thing, while information about the Revenant and specializations or guild halls are just filler. So why is the stuff you interested in more important?
I didn’t say more important, I said filler vs. features. When they announced HoT they focused on the features. On the HoT website they focus on the features. I didn’t decide what the primary focus of HoT would be, Anet did in their presentation and official website. Therefore topics that are outside of the primary selling points they’ve established are, by definition, filler.
Hah, nice try.
I say just admit that what info was released IS one of the features made present to us since the first announcement (I was there, live
) but it just wasn’t relevant info of your interest? Why struggle over something so inconsequential as a label on information released in an article? I guess for fuel for more internet arguments perhaps?
Arguing over the internet is pointless and in this case has detracted long enough from the actual subject of this forum. If my recanting of the term “filler” is what it takes to avoid distracting others such as yourselves I gladly do so. The only point I was making is that there are a number of us that expected feature…wait, sorry I don’t want to use that word again to confuse…let’s say game mechanic information to be more forthcoming than it has been lately.
There is nothing to say that lore information and the like has no place, but it would be nice if they could give both (perhaps a Tuesday and a Thursday article). For the record, I do enjoy lore articles.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralanost.8913
Are we ignoring the fact that we have been able to play Stronghold today?
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Diovid.9506
Are we ignoring the fact that we have been able to play Stronghold today?
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
So you want something for all types of players every week?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
Quite irrelevant.
New stuff is new stuff no matter if you are interested in it or not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralanost.8913
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
Quite irrelevant.
New stuff is new stuff no matter if you are interested in it or not.
I prefer more mechanical or technical news that effects everyone. Lore? I would rather read it in game than out of context in a blog. PvP? Meh, people had the chance to test it. We don’t need another blog on it. There are a good deal of features that they mentioned that we know essentially nothing about. But I guess you are happy hearing about frogs.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
Quite irrelevant.
New stuff is new stuff no matter if you are interested in it or not.I prefer more mechanical or technical news that effects everyone. Lore? I would rather read it in game than out of context in a blog. PvP? Meh, people had the chance to test it. We don’t need another blog on it. There are a good deal of features that they mentioned that we know essentially nothing about. But I guess you are happy hearing about frogs.
You want to say that guild content and “challenging challenges” are more important than high frogs? How dare you!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
There are actually people that don’t pvp. And some pvpers actually don’t like that style of play.
Quite irrelevant.
New stuff is new stuff no matter if you are interested in it or not.I prefer more mechanical or technical news that effects everyone. Lore? I would rather read it in game than out of context in a blog. PvP? Meh, people had the chance to test it. We don’t need another blog on it. There are a good deal of features that they mentioned that we know essentially nothing about. But I guess you are happy hearing about frogs.
Frogs that are tied to 2 of the new Mastery Lines.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pockethole.5031
I’m so glad that these frogs have their own story, * (see down)
and I’m so relieved gw2 made new models for frogs. imagine seeing the old hylek model everywhere? in HoT too? aha.
of course some people forget the point, and are plain sad OR their nature simply doesnt go with the thing. different people are, after all.
but this game has it, so why not? take your time to relieve your stress about real life.
lets be nice kids.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853
Although this isn’t really the type of information I care too much about, the lore behind these new hylek and what’s going to happen sounds pretty cool.
However, I don’t really see why Itzel, who accept all the dangers of the jungle so willingly, believing that everything has a purpose even if they don’t understand it it, see the Mordrem as something exclusive to this belief.
Only reason I can see is that the Itzel’s beliefs have never truly been tested, and they are making the Mordrem an exception to the rule simply so they can survive without completely overturning their flawed ideal.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: piano man.1672
As much as I enjoy reading about the lore behind creatures in GW2, I wasn’t very interested in the article. I am looking forward to the POI though!
I’d also like to see stuff on Specializations soon.. when it’s ready, of course.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: starhunter.6015
So much love given to the froggies. Am glad that we get to look into their race a little more. So I had to make this for the news .
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Garambola.2461
*Disclaimer: The frog in the picture above is not really riding the beetle. They just share a health pool.
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