MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Please stick to the topic:

This should be done in 2012 and not that we request for it in 2015 post HoT release.

  • Map must close in 5 minutes
  • Map must prevent taxi-ing people into closing map
  • Map must redirect players into map with better progress
  • Map must handle 60 seconds reconnection for disconnected person
  • Map transition to better overflow must save personal progress and rewarding
  • Map must reward people with 15min experience buff and diminishing return cleansing.
  • Map will keep merging low populated maps to itself until they are 85% full.

This would save guild wars 2, if we don’t get similar mechanic to this, GW2 will die because gaming experience is already horrible if you don’t play in prime time.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Yes I think they failed to tweak their megaserver technology properly with how the new maps work. Now megaservers are a real problem that hurt the new zones more than they help. I would add the countless Guild Mission issues created with HoT in that list.

When a squad is porting to map (usually from the guild hall), find a map that can accomodate everyone, so as not to split squad members on dozens of maps.

Fix the “your guild has started a mission on another instance” bug/issue when nobody has done so. Why this appears is beyond me.

Give map instances names so players can know where to port and which instance they are on. Using the /ip command usually works but there are better ways to give instance names.

Long term goal: allow players to choose which instance to port to. Using the LFG for taxiing is silly, it should be better intergrated in the game.

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


@maddoctor, or simply fill maps until 85% and always fill those that are almost near the 85%, and close unpopulated just to merge them into better maps. I don’t see reason why they would not implement that.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


Pretty good point, the current mega server tech, does hurt the game, especially when it resets map progression…
Also its odd when sometimes you have a Auric Basin Meta going on with 3 comms and you get the message to move, only to be carried to a emptier map.

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Pretty good point, the current mega server tech, does hurt the game, especially when it resets map progression…
Also its odd when sometimes you have a Auric Basin Meta going on with 3 comms and you get the message to move, only to be carried to a emptier map.

Being moved from a reasonably populated map to a mostly empty map is something else that is frustrating since HoT. It happens to me way more than it should.

I don’t remember experiencing this pre-HoT, either.

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Swift.1930


Map must close in 5 minutes? Not quite sure what it means, but what if your friend got in there ten minutes ago and you want to join them?

I’m not sure what your reasoning behind closing for taxiing is… (What is it?)

60 seconds is tiny for reconnection… this should be 5 minutes.

I’ll agree with maddoctor, though; Guild Wars 2 should have a system similar to Guild Wars 1 for choosing the session you want to join. Names of instances could be colored blue if you have party/squad members there, and gold if you have guild members there.

@ReaverKane and @Celtic Lady, yeah… probably the funniest feature of the game so far. “Want to move into a more populated map? Here, this one looks empty – have fun! =)”

Been there, punned that.

Ehmry Bay Guardian

(edited by Swift.1930)

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zex.3618


going to necro this thread

I was on tangled depths and the map just killed Gerent. I continued to stay on the map so i can get participation for the next reward drop. I’ve made some progress into Rata Novus lane. then the dreaded low map dialog box came up. I flipped over to new map, and the new map already completed Rata Novus and totally screwed me from getting more rewards of completing it with my participation. to make it worse, my participation percentage resets which further screwing me of map rewards on this current cycle. after being so frustrated with this, i left the map and started to do normal Tyria events.

I have to echo what was suggested. changing map instance of the same map NEEDS to keep your participation progress. I shouldn’t need to resurrect a dying map by pulling more people into it via taxi. which has mixed results in itself. with this current system, the meta is to come in 10-5 min before Gerent so you can kill it and get nearly if not better rewards as you do from unlocking the map. since HoT maps are designed with groups of 5 or zerging, the map needs to be tweaked or something. the new content rush is getting close to over and players now know where they need to go to get the maximum reward. at the same time, the people who want to experience the map in its entirety have a hard time soloing or finding groups who want to complete the map.

MAPS & Management[HoT & Tyria]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BellatorDeus.2310


ap must handle 60 seconds reconnection for disconnected person

Yes — but I would make it 120 seconds. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to reconnect to wireless.