Magus Falls - Map completion - Adventures

Magus Falls - Map completion - Adventures

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alaya.8765


Am I the only one who is annoyed that in practically every map there are some points of the map locked because of the Meta Events. You have to finish it to complete the map.

Same thing with these kitten Adventures. Some of them are so hard you have to be lucky to get good spawns of whatever you have to collect / shoot or whatever to finish gold. And others you have to practice them a few dozen times until you have them down. But what a surprise. kitten meta event locks it just as you would need just one more try cause you are on a roll. Well not like I hate the Meta Events it is kinda fun.


They have a few maps parallel all the time. Can’t they just have one server where you can finish the map and the adventures cause the meta just does not start.

Well if they whine about the map being to farm friendly then. Make it so the special chests do not spawn don’t drop the special currency and no events except for the special ones to block points specifically like the Balthazar thing but just not Meta so you can just finish your map in peace and do not have like 1 missing and have to wait like an hour to finish this god kitten point or adventure.

Do you guys also feel the same?

Magus Falls - Map completion - Adventures

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alaya.8765


And while I am at it. Why are the collect or click on whatever Adventures so hard. Well like I said hard is nice but to hard is dumb. if you want to have the thrill they could do it for the daily Adventure reward.

At the moment the mask thing is 10/ 15 / 25 I think.
Why not let it like this for daily one.
And the first time you get the mastery point for would be 10 /15 / 20. So if you want it hard do it every day if you hate it do it once with less frustration.