Maguuma Masteries
Wish I had advice for ya. Spider grind is the only fast way I’ve heard of. Perhaps you could try placing your focus in a different direction. For example, you could aim to get the Bladed Armor pieces and then you would be doing VB events as a result and getting decent XP in the process. Once you’re done with that, you could move onto Auric Basin and go for the currency and mats to get Auric Weapon Core recipes bought and made by doing Tarir event chain successfully.
I find that focusing on other Maguuma-related goals for the most part makes the mastery progression feel much less overwhelming and much more ignorable.
I made 1.5M to 2M from farming Dragon’s Stand with full boosters. You can try that.
where you get that xp from?
I did lead some ds events for start to end and only get about 500k full buffed (+15 food/utility,birthday,xp,kill streak,infusion,banner)
of you just hang around killing somewhere?
How is everyone leveling their Maguuma masteries these days?
All I know to do is just keep repeating the same events. I don’t get much XP from killing individual mobs, so I do the events. Since I don’t have all the mobile masteries unlocked yet, I’m limited in the events I can actually reach.
where you get that xp from?
I did lead some ds events for start to end and only get about 500k full buffed (+15 food/utility,birthday,xp,kill streak,infusion,banner)of you just hang around killing somewhere?
I had the following buffs:
Nourishment buff from birthday blaster (15%)
Utility buff (10%)
Infusion (20%)
Bonus 50% XP on kills booster
Bonus 50% XP from all sources (includes kill streak effect on top)
Bonus 10%(?) from all sources from lunar fireworks
Bonus 10% XP from kills from heroes banner
The 24 hour birthday booster
I ran the south lane on maps that were doing the meta. You get more on maps that are strictly farming XP where everyone does a single lane and then moves to the next. You rotate around for the entire two hours. This gets you around the 2M XP/hr mark if done correctly. You need to tag all of the mobs as this is where 90% of your XP comes from.