Making Astralaria

Making Astralaria

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blueaquamarine.8749



Hey Guys,i am making Astralaria now,and im still at completing Zinn’s books..I only need 4 though.I am curious about the materials that i am going to need in making Astralaria so i checked it online and i found a spoiler. i wanna know if this is true,because 55 charged quartz gonna take me 55 days to make. Here it is guys…

Since Astralaria 1 got unblocked I was really excited to get on and work towards making my shiny axe….. and then the adventures and finding interesting things stopped and the gold sinks started rolling in. So many hours of watching the crafting bar move while I made the mats for 250 basic mithril axes and then 250 basic mithril axes, pretty much every resource I’ve gathered and hoarded over three years of playing the game, and a very minimal amount of time spent in the world doing fun things later and I’m left with a useless exotic axe and no money.
But then Stage 3 (currently blocked because of Sheets of Aurillium) came along! And it was really interesting and fun with a wide range of interesting things needed and I was feeling pretty happy about it too, ready to say “Ok put the first 2 stages crazy costs behind me, and enjoy the ride now”… until I read the last bit of the tip for the cosmic mechanism, the final part of the stage 3 collection “and 10 Meteorite Ingots” – now I’m hoping beyond hope that this is a mistake or a relic from an older iteration, because a few of the tooltip hints have been wrong or incomplete so there is hope, but if it isn’t, I wanna analyse this for a minute.
Literally one third of the stage three collection is crafting and gathering and collecting various things from around the world in order to be able to refine one meteorite ingot, which you need for another part of the collection. Let that sink in. If the tooltip is correct in the materials you need to make the Cosmic Mechanism you need to:
*Mine 275 Meteorite Ore, which is a drop from Orichalcum Ore Nodes, and seems to average at one drop per 4 swings at a node from my experience so far. *Craft 11 Ultrahot Spheres, which each have the following crafting costs, so far as I can tell (because see above with regards to blocked):
These are the requirements for 1 Ultrahot Sphere:
*1 Aurillium Capsule, which you take to the Wyvern Matriarch fight in Verdant Brink to collect her fire, which needs 100 Sheets of Aurillium, 1 Deldrimor Steel Ingot, 10 Theromcatalytic Reagents and 5 Ecto to craft.
*1 Elemental Flames, which requires you have an item you buy for karma on you when you beat the Fire Elemental boss in Metrica and loot its chest (so once per day).
*1 Quartz Vial, which you need to have in your inventory when you loot the Megadestroyer’s chest, in order to get the Destroyer’s Heat. This needs 5 Charged Quartz, 1 Deldrimor Steel Ingot, 10 Thermocatalytic Reagents and 5 Ecto to craft.
*1 Obsidian Magma Container, which you need to have on you when you defeat a champion Flame Effigy in Fireheart Rise during the event to open CoF. Crafting this costs 50 Obsidian Shards, 1 Deldrimor Steel Ingot and the usual 10 Thermocatalytic Reagents and 5 more Ecto.
*And finally a Mista Imbued Jar, which you take with you to fight the boss of the Volcanic fractal, in order to get the fire imbued heart. Crafting this take 3 vials of Condensed Mists Essence and yea another Deldrimor Steel Ingot, 10 Thermocatalytic Reagents and 5 Ecto.
I haven’t been able to do the combine to make the Ultrahot Sphere yet because of the blockage with the Sheets of Aurillium, but if I really need to make not 1 but 11 Meteorite Ingots I honestly think I’ll just give up on this. I’m HOPING so desperately hoping that the tip tooltip is just old or wrong because a few of the others have been and haven’t mentioned things you need and a few of the things including the component you need the 1 Meteorite Ingot for isn’t mentioned on this final combine stage so there is hope.
Edit to add: The main reason I’m hoping that you don’t in fact need 10 more meteorite ingots is because the collection Astralaria III seems to involve making a number of distinct components – the Technomancy Blueprint, the Rune Enchanted Rings, the Wondrous Compass, and the Runed Sphere Casing and gathering a Ley Line Bezoar from the Chak Gerant as well as an Ancient Runed Tablet from Taidha of all people, and only 2 of those items (the Blueprint and the Tablet) are mentioned in the description for the Cosmic Mechanism, but it feels like the whole collection is building up to it. Also several items you collect and need are missing in the descriptions for the other combination items so HOPEFULLY this is just a relic from an older iteration .

Is this true?

Making Astralaria

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cmc CR.6529

cmc CR.6529

yeah, it would be soooo nice to get a clarification on this, since im getting real close to were you are, and yes, I would drop it as well if that is true…