After having now a much better understanding about what ANet is planning with their Systems and realizing, that it differentiates much from what I envisioned for GW2’s horizontal progression via Sub Classes and a Redesign of the Trait System via splitting it up into Traits, Talents and Expertises, I came to think about it now, what I believe ANet should do best to ensure that their designed Specializations won’t end up as a big flop, because currently – and I think I’m absolutely not alone with this opinion – I think that ANet puts too much things into the Specializations, that don’t belong into a system like that, like for example:
- Fall Damage Traits
- Revive Efficiency Traits
- Movement Traits
- Passive Effects
These things are all for example mechanics, that absolutely don’t belong in my opinion into a system that should only affect all combat related active effects, which actualyl do influence the gameplay of the class significantly and do affect with these effects the roles of a class, the combat related builds so to say.
I find it personalyl also totally obsolete, that ANet renamed Traits into Core Specializations and added on top of that the unneccessary term of “Elite Specializations” just to prevent any potential confusion, which simply wouldn’t exaist at all, if NAet would for friggin once show some CONTINUITY in the design decisions and would have stays simply at “Traits and Specializations”.
I also think its not a could decision to basically PUNISH players with their decreasing build options by lettign them lose alot of traits for making up the decision to let their Characters progress to a Specialization.
Its hardly to call it a “progress”, if you lose one fifth of your potential abilities just to change your professions gameplay in exchange of it.
Progress would Specializations be, if you simply gain some new gameplay mechanics or get something of your existing mechanics expanded/improved, like in the case of the Chronomancer, where ANet decided to expand the Shatter System for them instead of replacing it with a new gameplay mechanic like Time Aspects to give them a completely different gameplay feeling as an advanced profession what I personally would expect from a Sub Class how a Specialization should work like and how they traditionally would work like.
Also the massive butchering of the traits, removing alot of them, only because ANet thinkgs they aren’t useful based on their “metrics” is kind of ridiculous, without actually asking us the players about it, how we think about that.
Its always this kind of developing style that kind of irks me, when developers believe, they know everything about their community based on metrics, without ever actually asking the community once, what we want in fact really.
Alot of the traits that Anet simply butchered out could work still perfectly fine under the new system, beign merged together with some of the tons of completely untouched traits that partwise got until today not even a single look onto since game release, which is a shame, when there exist other traits, that got partwise already multiple times changged via Balance Patches or completely redesigned with new effects even.
Yes, the removal of the stats from the trait lines will open up more creative build diversity, because now you won’t be forced to take specific trait lines just to get the stats that you need/want for your preferred playstyle/build.
But look for what kind of massive cost this change comes together?
Build Diversity gets drastically reduced and as al ittle compensation we get all powered up by becoming able to max out 3 Trait Lines now instead of only 2.
The Options that a player should have should get increased from 3 to at least 4 different trait Options per Trait Line. And by the amount of Traits and wants to remove for each class, this would be even easily possible.
Especially if ANet would move all the mentioned above stuff, that has nothign to search imo in the combat relative active traits over to the Mastery System.
So that these things don’t waste space in there for more useful combat relative effects and not something, that basically is not part at all of an active combat, like the Fall Damage Traits, or the Revive Speed Traits or anythign that affects your Movement, for which we will have seen a specific Mastery under the Mastery System that could work for that under the term of “Talents”
An example of how the Thief could look like, if ANet removes everything that isn’t at the right place there, adds more build diversity options and puts fall damage stuff ect. into the Mastery system will follow in the next posting.