Mastery Point Farming, in the jungle?
Mastery Point Farming, in the jungle?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArtemusHunter.9521
They farmed in the core game and got that high. There’s apparently a really quick way to do so. My friend was like level 25 because of it day one. Idk how to do it though.
Most of those are going to be from the Core masteries, as they have exploited the fact that certain dungeons has endless spawns that grants XP, and just grind on those for a few hours. ArenaNet isn’t doing anything about it either, so high ranks is not anything special. They failed hard with that aspect.
Edit: ArenaNet.. can you please start loosening up on your over excessively filtered kitten-list? “They failed kitten that aspect” is not even remotely close to lewd, or swearing, it’s a straight forward English sentence. Yes, kitten can be lewd too, but for crying out loud, it’s not as if someone will have their eyes starting to bleed if they read it in a lewd manner.
Seafarer’s Rest
(edited by Absconditus.6804)
Most of them form small groups and kill mobs in places like auric basin and tangled depths after loading up on boosters. With boosters most mobs give 1500+ xp (much more in most cases). A quick group will hammer out more xp than an event can give in 10 secs.
No, it’s mostly an exploit. Endless spawns in dungeons and/or at certain events in Maguuma giving XP (no Bonus XP involved there). It’s harder to prevent a event from being completed in the open world though, but you can get away with it for a few hours now and again. It’s obviously not the intended way of progressing masteries, to prevent an event from finishing, so that you can repeatedly kill enemies that spawn in droves. That is an exploit of a game mechanic, and I find it weird that ArenaNet is allowing it and not really doing anything about it. Mastery ranks lost all their meaning.
Seafarer’s Rest
Thats weird because I was getting around 2.7 mil xp/hour just running around killing things not in an event. Most mobs people just run by to get to the next event will give you 4-9k xp each with food/boosters.
No, it’s mostly an exploit. Endless spawns in dungeons and/or at certain events in Maguuma giving XP (no Bonus XP involved there). It’s harder to prevent a event from being completed in the open world though, but you can get away with it for a few hours now and again. It’s obviously not the intended way of progressing masteries, to prevent an event from finishing, so that you can repeatedly kill enemies that spawn in droves. That is an exploit of a game mechanic, and I find it weird that ArenaNet is allowing it and not really doing anything about it. Mastery ranks lost all their meaning.
You do realize its not an exploit, otherwise Orr farming would be just as offense (how dare players forcefully fail events for more mob spawns!). The CoF thing has been there since launch, hell i remember running p1 for the first time back when it was fresh and thought that part was hard as hell and needed nerfing xD. People are just being people, if an efficient means of reaching an end appears it will be used
CoF farming is exploiting game mechanics, but since the reward does not you an advantage over other players ANet appears to fine with letting it slide.
No, it’s mostly an exploit. Endless spawns in dungeons and/or at certain events in Maguuma giving XP (no Bonus XP involved there). It’s harder to prevent a event from being completed in the open world though, but you can get away with it for a few hours now and again. It’s obviously not the intended way of progressing masteries, to prevent an event from finishing, so that you can repeatedly kill enemies that spawn in droves. That is an exploit of a game mechanic, and I find it weird that ArenaNet is allowing it and not really doing anything about it. Mastery ranks lost all their meaning.
You do realize its not an exploit, otherwise Orr farming would be just as offense (how dare players forcefully fail events for more mob spawns!). The CoF thing has been there since launch, hell i remember running p1 for the first time back when it was fresh and thought that part was hard as hell and needed nerfing xD. People are just being people, if an efficient means of reaching an end appears it will be used
Certain Orr farming is also an exploit truth be told, which is also why it was hit with the nerf bat extensively over the years. An exploit is to take advantage of a weakness in the game mechanics for personal gain, in a unintended way. You can’t honestly say you believe they intend for people to forcefully fail an event, or to avoid completing one to repeatedly kill endless spawns that gives XP (which they shouldn’t if they are endless).
Seafarer’s Rest
Sure respawns are normal, but there are respawn timers that are normal, and those that are hyper increased for an event to make it challenging. That combined with an otherwise abnormal numbers of enemies, classifies it as an exploit to take advantage of the fact that they give XP (which they shouldn’t when the event can be prevented from failing/succeeding) and keeping it in a standstill. You purposely make it benefit you by not completing it (which is obviously what is intended).
You’re being a bit too nitpicking about the word respawns. It’s obvious that certain means people have been using thus far, e.g., CoF and Mushrooms in Maguuma, are not intended ways. You’re not supposed to keep an event from completing just to endlessly kill something for personal gain. That, is an exploit.
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
Seafarer’s Rest
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
To be fair, nothing about Mastery rank was prestigious to begin with – all it represents is how much experience you hoovered up across events in their respective maps, which makes it a lazy version of Achievement Points.
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
To be fair, nothing about Mastery rank was prestigious to begin with – all it represents is how much experience you hoovered up across events in their respective maps, which makes it a lazy version of Achievement Points.
The actual getting of the mastery points is. The exp portion is just grinding, but you need to actually put forth effort to get gold on those adventures.
Sure respawns are normal, but there are respawn timers that are normal, and those that are hyper increased for an event to make it challenging. That combined with an otherwise abnormal numbers of enemies, classifies it as an exploit to take advantage of the fact that they give XP (which they shouldn’t when the event can be prevented from failing/succeeding) and keeping it in a standstill. You purposely make it benefit you by not completing it (which is obviously what is intended).
You’re being a bit too nitpicking about the word respawns. It’s obvious that certain means people have been using thus far, e.g., CoF and Mushrooms in Maguuma, are not intended ways. You’re not supposed to keep an event from completing just to endlessly kill something for personal gain. That, is an exploit.
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
Why a high mastery level should be “something of prestige”? With the right amount of time after the launch of HoT you’ll see many palyers with high mastery levels. It’s like the increasing number of legendary weapons in the game, nowadays almost 50% of the players in end game zones have it, may be the real thing or just the skin because they have one on alt char doesn’t matter, do you think they are a symbol of prestige now? Do you think they have exploited the game because they have one?
Sure respawns are normal, but there are respawn timers that are normal, and those that are hyper increased for an event to make it challenging. That combined with an otherwise abnormal numbers of enemies, classifies it as an exploit to take advantage of the fact that they give XP (which they shouldn’t when the event can be prevented from failing/succeeding) and keeping it in a standstill. You purposely make it benefit you by not completing it (which is obviously what is intended).
You’re being a bit too nitpicking about the word respawns. It’s obvious that certain means people have been using thus far, e.g., CoF and Mushrooms in Maguuma, are not intended ways. You’re not supposed to keep an event from completing just to endlessly kill something for personal gain. That, is an exploit.
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
Actually in the case of CoF the intended design is for the mobs to respawn indefinitely at the braziers so that you have to do the DPS to open the gate. No where in the game said that you can’t do CoF with 4 people. Hence there is no one to open the gate. The intent the design is if you have less than 5 people you would fail to do CoF. But some people take longer to learn, possibly a few days/weeks/months in there with 4 people at the brazier forever and can’t figure it out. You can’t prove that they intentionally go in with 4 so they can never complete it. There are some people that are slow to learn you know. Not sure about the Mushroom.
About the exp. Either mobs drop xp or they don’t. If a mob drop xp that is intended in the design. You’re free to kill it and let it respawn and keep killing indefinitely if farming is your way to play. It’s not an exploit.
If a mob A doesn’t drop xp then obviously the intended design is to not kill it for xp. So farmer will just move to mob B, mob C, etc. So as long as there is a mob that drop xp, people just move to that one. Anet might as well make ALL mob not drop xp anymore. But don’t call it an exploit because people killing mobs for xp and you fail to realize which one is the most profitable one to kill for xp. You only have yourself to blame for not knowing the game.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
Do you think they have exploited the game because they have one?
It’s the spirit of entitlement in casual gamers these days. Anything strange or mind blowing is by their definition an exploit.
I’m confused- the OP asked a question about MASTERY points, and every response after that is all about Experience Points (XP.)
Experience points are not Mastery Points. I have fully trained Ley Line gliding and have been at 11 Mastery points (one short of the 12 needed for Mastery) for 3 days of grinding events, including the Metas and World Bosses like Matriarch, etc. and I’m still stuck at 11 Mastery Points.
Meanwhile, I have “gathered” every visible Mastery Point in the four HoT zones- there are no more for me to collect. The GW2 Wiki claims that Mastery Points are awarded for events and world bosses in HoT zones, but that doesn’t appear to be the case- or if it is, the “drop rate” is excruciatingly low, such that 3 days of grinding events and world bosses, including 2 Mordremoth kills, has not resulted in even ONE Mastery Point.
Is there a chance someone knows how to get MASTERY Points as the OP asked, as opposed to XP, which apparently do not translate to Mastery Points?
Look at Dulfy, theres guides to mastery points in all hot zones. You are probably missing the strongbox mastery points, theres a lot of them.
Theres no mastery points from events.
I didnt get terribly many mastery points from adventures, as I find many of them too hard for me. But I managed to squeeze out 2 mastery points from finishing the act 1 and 3 achievements. And a video helped me to get silver on sanctum scramble, so I finally coule finish training all hot mastery lines, sans the raid one. Never been in there.
I think central tyria mastery points is far harder to get. Most of them are gated by excessively unrealistic requirements. But ive had enough to finish pact commander mastery and putting 1 in legendary and fractals respectively.
You simply dont get enough tyria mastery points. Heard some rumors that you could get more tyria points from playing different races through the story, but a dev debunked it, saying it was an one time deal.
The post is from first week of HoT. OP was wondering how people got masteries so quickly after launch. A lot of people started with over 40 core points when HoT launched, and it wasn’t long until people figured out the CoF farm.
But to answer the points question, every mastery point is tied to an achievement. Press h go to achievement tab and look under HoT category. Every green star is a HoT mastery point, every red star is core.
And how are core mastery points hard to get? I have plenty extra, you must not have living story season 2.
(edited by Mez Koo.9510)
Umm. I’d like to point out the following. I myself am running around with mastery rank 161, this is because I have unlocked every mastery barring Spirit Vale masteries. I did not use the dungeon grind in the core game or mob farming in HoT to achieve this.
As far as core game goes the exp came from 1 full world comp(rev) and farming sw events for loot.
And as far as HoT goes it came from doing the Meta events in each map to achieve items towards collections or just personal interest items.
The mastery points for central tyria I already had because of pre-HoT achievements. The HoT mastery points I got by just doing the events, adventures as I came across them and map completion.
So please do not label all the High mastery people as exlpoiters
Edit: Also note that I’ve had that mastery rank for the last month or so.
(edited by Rayden.3695)