Mastery System & Slayer Achievements

Mastery System & Slayer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Allusir.5630


We got potions for slaying Scarlet’s minions. We have them for open world enemies that don’t have any difficult content like centaurs and ogres.

Where are the Potions of Mordrem Slaying? There are now entire zones filled with Mordrem (and more zones on the way). I know they aren’t all that important (yet), but also Potions of Branded or Destroyer Slaying?

Maybe we will still get those someday/ (it would be really… really nice)

But it looks like we are getting something in the Mastery lines instead. A mastery that reduces condi damage from Mordrem, and lets us break the armor on certain kinds. Why not make a core game mastery line (or lines) that give some kinds of buffs for all the other enemies out there? At least the ones that don’t have potions yet…

Or tie something into the slayer titles. Kill 5,000 and get a small passive buff?