Mastery system improvements (shorter ver.)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076
The flaws of current mastery system
Long story short – if HoT is to be the mold for each next expansion, then some fixes are required, before the bad gets carried along with the good to the next expansion.
The mastery system is one such case– great idea, misunderstood implementation. We all know what happened – too few maps, too few masteries, game is an MMORPG = anet gated the later masteries with insane exp walls that aren’t fun or engaging at all.
Too fixed order of things also isn’t helping. Wanna ley line glide? Though luck – full glider mastery or go home!
And finally the way of accumulating mastery exp which is by event grinds, more event grinds and if you’re done with grinding events, then just events grinding.
That’s not what a mastery system should be. In my opinion a mastery should entail a steady, progressive journey full of small stepping stones that are relevant to what you’re trying to master, leading to the final goal of becoming one yourself.
And not a set of few “hiccups” that happen once every 100 years granting you superpowers in an instant, all unlockable in the same way.
Ok, nuff of that. Let’s talk about how it can be done right.
More small steps, less steep walls
Rather then current “master it with one point + your arm and a leg” system we should have a series of smaller, far cheaper steps, that gradually accumulate to push you from newbie in certain aspect to relatively competent all the way to true master of art. Let’s take a look at an example featuring updrafts from gliding mastery line.
Right now you put one point into it and BAM! You know all there is to know about updrafts!
How about we split this up into many more, smaller steps that actually feel like we’re mastering something, and not bribing our way to insta-win with one unlock?
Smaller steps example – updraft gliding:
1st point – you learn to use updrafts, but it costs heavier stamina burn then normal gliding when inside it (after all this is the inexperienced you inside a strong air current and not perfect 0 wind conditions)
2nd point – you enhance your grip on the glider reducing stamina burn to normal glide value when inside updraft
3rd point – your learn to angle your glider better vs the wind for a faster lift when inside an updraft. Earlier you were struggling for your dear life, now you’re more experienced and starting to take some control
4th point – you perfect your glider grip and body balance when updrafting and lose no stamina when in an updrafts
5th point – now that you’ve mastered taking advantage of updrafts you learn to actually relax and recover stamina while getting updrafted.
6th step – your finishing touch is learning how to ride the winds updrafts create letting you take advantage of updrafts you’d normally miss, as long as you’re in close proximity (for example you’re flying 5 meters below the lowest part of an updraft. Earlier you’d just keep on flying, now you manage to “hook up” and get pulled in).
And there you go. Make each of these steps around 4-6 times cheaper then the original one point, and what we have here is something that feels like a learning process while also giving you a short term goal to look forward to (the next mastery unlock that is not THAT far away, unlike what we have now).
More choice!
Sub-lines. Another aspect of mastery system I’d like fixed is that current lines offer little choice. They’re too rigid. Wanna ley line glide? Tough luck, it’s at the very end of glider mastery line!
What I’d like to see is each mastery line branch out into sub lines after meeting initial conditions (for example learning to glide at all in glider’s case).
Each sub-line would deal with certain aspect of it’s parent mastery and each be equally available from the start. In glider’s case we could have following sub-lines:
- combat gliding (stealth, damage mitigation when flying, some boons when landing etc)
- updrafts (already covered those)
- glider upgrades (new line, mechanical adjustment for the glider)
- etc.
Point is, you can dive into given aspect of your mastery right away instead of being forced to cope with current fixed order of things. While each sub-line would indeed have it’s own fixed order of things (well you always start at bottom, then climb up to master level, right?) at least you’d be in control of what you actually learn first and what you’ll put off for later. Wanna ley line now, while learning combat gliding later? Ok, knock yourself out, now the road is clear!
Master it the natural way
Finally I would like to see masteries being leveled not only with general exp, but also with activities that actually involve said mastery! Riding updrafts should give out small chunks of exp for updraft mastery. Doing events that help out pact engineers could push forward glider upgrades sub-line. Using Nuloch wallows could help you become a better mole faster
With these changes on board I believe mastery system would become a likeable, and steady part of new xpansion experience, rather then the high hanging fruit that makes majority of players cringe at the mere thought of endless, unrewarding grind until they finally can feel any difference at all once they get there.
(edited by ZeftheWicked.3076)