Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UseLess.3684


So the first mastery I leveled when HoT launched was the Legendary crafting. I got the first tier and visited the merchant in Lions Arch to buy The Flameseeker Prophesies Vol. 1. That gave me the ability to buy “Recipe: Anthology of Villains”. I learned the recipe on a weaponsmith crafter and looked at the required components:

13 Sheets of Quality Paper
1 Pile of Vile Essence
5 Cured Thick Leather Squares
50 Piles of Glittering Dust

Three out of four make perfect sense, but the Sheets of Quality Paper are nowhere to be found in game or on the internet. They are apparently acquired through crafting and made from “wood pulp and cloth”. Neither of these materials exist on the Trading Post, nor the wiki.

So the question is if anybody knows more about this? Are these materials still to be introduced to the game, maybe together with more info about the first three new legendary weapons? It’s weird there is absolutely no information about it, as the Mastery clearly indicates that it allows for making the first step. Help would be greatly appreciated as I want to start working towards my legendaries!

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Plum Butter.4058

Plum Butter.4058

The paper is made from the new crafting profession “Scribe” which is unlocked after upgrading one of the building in a Guild Hall. From what I can expect, the scribe will have a crafting recipe to refine wood into pulp and combine it with tier 1-6 cloth to make the paper.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: radioAspen.6829


I’m curious about this as I’m trying to start my collection. It says it’s accountbound so you can’t trade it. Is there any other way to obtain it without Scribe and/or is it possible to learn scribing without having access to a guild hall?

Because it seems a bit weird that a guild hall would be a requirement to complete this.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZennithRising.8653


So scribe will be needed to craft the legendaries?

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: radioAspen.6829


So scribe will be needed to craft the legendaries?

The paper is needed to make the first item in The Chosen’s hunt, which is a book. I don’t think you need it for the others.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UseLess.3684


I’m a bit surprised that you need a guild scribe and thus a guild hall to craft this legendary. For my small guild this might not be so easy/fast to achieve. Also the complete lack of info on the wiki is a bit annoying, hopefully this changes fast. Thanks for the replies all.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


hm tbh this is bad news for me as currently im only a member of a very small guild which cant complete guild missions.

I spose legendary crafting is optional and I dont mind it crossing every aspect of the game but it will be lame for me to have to join a larger guide just to make use of their guild hall upgrades. Id rather not use other peoples guilds that way.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: radioAspen.6829


Yeah this strikes me as something that’s more the result of an oversight than an intentional design decision. I don’t think there’s anything else in the game that’s not directly related to guilds but requires guild participation? Much less a specific upgrade level.

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dark.4956


well this sucks, being I’m in a very small guild, and yet to even gain any favor for a guild hall exploration, kinda sucks being unable to do any legendaries..
guess I’ll jsut go back to hunting the precursors the old fashioned way

Mats for crafting precursor not in the game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UseLess.3684


A developer responded to this issue in a reddit thread:

The paper was not meant to be account bound and they’re working on a fix for this bug to make it tradeable. Hope we can all start soon crafting the first book!