Maximum System Requirements?

Maximum System Requirements?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hazenvirus.8154


It seems like a lot of people are crashing due to the OOM error in HoT maps. What kind of low end potato system do I need to buy in order to run the game without crashing?

As far as I know this is only game where having a high end system is detrimental because the game can’t manage memory properly.

Edit: I know I can just turn the graphics down, but what are the maximum settings I can use before GW2 starts crashing? I don’t want to play with potato quality graphics on my nice PC.

(edited by hazenvirus.8154)

Maximum System Requirements?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


the maguuma maps definetely have had some kind of performance change which is for many (me including) a big serious problem. When you suddenly OOM crash within a few hours like 5-10+ times, where you had years long before no problems at all..then you know, that somethigns really fishy about the game right now …

Where I am able to play like all night long in all settings beign on High/Ultra in the vanilla Game Maps, even WvW and have no problems at sall, unless I run into like a 100 people zerg clash permanently…

themoment I enter the new Maguuma Maps with everything on Map, I just can play only like around a lousy hour or less and my game will definetely crash cause of OOM ..

Its totally annoying and stupid, that such performance changes exist between the vanilla game and the new mabguuma maps, that are so extreme like this in my case and surely also for many many many other players out there, that I for my case are forced to reduce all my settigns to Middle and cripply my game experience down into a much uglier looking game, just to be able to play it at all without having to fear, that i get crashed in the middle of an event and get even punished on top of that by the game due to losing instantly all my map related reward participation ect and most likely end up also in a completely different map instance once I relog into the game…

This is a serious issue, that Anets needs to look over soon.
Sure, its normal, that the ganme is shortly after release a total performance chaos for a while, until player waves settle down a bit .. but such a kind of massive game performance break in, that you get suddenly constantly game crashes in new maps, where you had 3 years long in the vanilla part of the game no serious performance problems at all is just not acceptable and needs to get a solution by finally doing hwat should have been done directly from begin on of this game, doing thigns, that will help players getting better game performance.

GW2 needs finally a 64Bit Client… as logn this game runs on a 32Bit client, it will cripple every gamign pc down to a bottlenecked performance, making them unable to make useable of all the performance they can make use off to the limited performance that a 32bit client can handle, which is maximum approx only 4 GB RAM.

Then needs Anet to improve finally significantly the options that give us players more powers to decide, what we want to get shown in the game.
We need finally options that enables us to DEACTIVATE Minis from other players,.
We need finally options that enable us to deactivate Back Items and legendary effects from other players so that they don’t get shown to us anymore.
We need finally the option for PvE also to to use Standardized Character Models, so that the game shows us everyone as just only Humans
We need finally an option that helps us to reduce the Skill Effect intensity of other player skils flooding our screen to the point that you nearly don#t see anythign anymore.

and im sure, some intelligent heads can come up surely with some more helpful ideas in that section that would be helpful to improve the performance for the game to make it possible to permanently play the new maps also without that you have to reduce directly all settings to middle and everything player related to low just to be able to comfortably play the game with a PC, that is not older than 5 years that was before HoT already able to play everything on except for the player related settings that aren’t that important personally (for me) on High/Ultra and those settings on Middle whats the minimum setting to see a decent amount of people in their equipment and not in a reduced generic all white character model mesh with absolutely no details

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Maximum System Requirements?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Katiekaboom.1980


Even though the errors I get are only saying time outs, load times are longer and my memory use from the game alone is maxed every time I try to play. Since the last patch I get time outs OFTEN and cannot play this way. Yes i know it is said that this is the smoothest post-beta release or expansion release of any game in history but .. it is frustrating never the less. I log in and am in for max 10 min before getting a time out error or not being able to contact the server error. I don’t even use the Firewall that comes with my antivirus since before all this so that isn’t the issue. I was able to play for hours before the last 2 patches.. Heck I am only in Lion’s Arch!

I mean at first I thought it was because my computer is old (Specs here) but I was able to play just fine .. before HoT came out and I decided to buy it before any sale as I was going to.

Is HOT up to your expectations or geared toward one type of player?
HOT is NOT for the Casual (My Sentiments exactly)

(edited by Katiekaboom.1980)

Maximum System Requirements?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kyle.5931


Agreed to the OP. Some of my guildies who have high-end specs are suffering.