Mesmer Specialization Art

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emtiarbi.3281


Look at the art that was recently posted on facebook!


Anredhal Amethyst – Lain Amethyst – Orss Jerre

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


I bet this is the first class the go over! I’m honestly excited for what they have in store for it.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coedeax.2567




On a somewhat more serious note, this at least confirms that mesmers are getting a shield…

It’s not FAIR!

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014




On a somewhat more serious note, this at least confirms that mesmers are getting a shield…

It was confirmed with the expansion trailer anyway, just like the engineer getting the hammer, but if the shield gives them some viable AoE it might be worth it.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


My female norn mesmer will look so awesome with sword and shield

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

Even though we know mes aren’t getting a main hand weapon, it is curious the main hand is just out of the shot.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Even though we know mes aren’t getting a main hand weapon, it is curious the main hand is just out of the shot.

They won’t be receiving a new weapon aside from the shield, but I don’t know if they addressed whether or not they might have weapons they currently used switched to different hands. I’m sure there are some people who would like dual pistol mesmers. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for that, though.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bronze Knight.9231

Bronze Knight.9231


Playing all the songs backwards to confuse the mobs.

Putting on their cool shades at the after party before it even beings.

Just let me know when the PVE/PVP skill separation happens.

Can Engi please have more than one viable skill set in PVE? Turrets maybe?

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Chronomancers are by far one of the coolest concepts of a Profession in a MMO, that nearly never gets used.
I can’t think of a single mmorpgs that is out that, that actually even has right now playable chronomancers.

So in regard of creativity, Chronomancers owuld be one perfect choice to make GW2 more unique and to give on the same move Mesmers also one of their most fitting sub classes, that you could possibly just give them, because already their basic class design showed from begin on alot of signs, that Mesmers will one day master the most powerful form of illusion magic > time magic, where you bend the reality of time space to turn the chaos that they create from it into reality and let become things of the past and the future the present time, manipulating the fate of themself and everyone around them.

Chronomancers are the perfect class for that I could think of an Elite Skill, that would work like “Izanagi” from Naruto just via manipulating the time space at the moment they should ever suffer a lethal strike, it bends the time and turns back the moment of time to your favor.
Moving with the help of time magic so fast, that it looks to you as if they woudl be able to teleport around, slowing foes down to let them attack not anymore so frequently fast as a counter to Haste and zerkers in general to massively influence their dps down.

Bards on the other hand I do see just as their next Elite Specialization.
And after that then Visionaries as the GW2 form of FF14’s Astrologists so that thered also a class in GW2 that has some kind of fortuneteller style that makes usage of Astral Magic and tarot cards to draw powers from Tyrias universe, stars, the moon and the sun, where the Mesmer as Basic Class would perfectly fit for that kind of Elite Specialization using Kessens (War Fans) or Magical Gauntlets/Claws .

If GW2 should follow the rout of givign all classes like 4 Elite Specializations or even 5, like 1 per Core Specialization., then the next most fitting Mesmer Elite Specialization would be Duelist as a Elite Specialization that focus more on Melee Combat with Dual Swords and Dual Pistols as also Whips

And the last one could be most likely then something like a Mentalist, that is the most best Elite Specialization when it would come to classical Illusions, Will Power and Psionics with telekinetic forces and mind manipulations as also telepathy. to support allies in a way how for example the Yamanaka Clan in Naruto operates with their skills and abilities together with telekinetic powers that are similar to Pain pushing and fulling foes with pure will power as if you would be able to simply manipulate gravity at will.

God, I think that would be the 5 most awesome epic Elite Specializations i coukld think of Mesmers receiving ^^

  • Chronomancers
  • Bards
  • Visionaries
  • Duelists
  • Mentalists

5 completely gameplay changign Elite Specializations, one per Core Specialization.
One can dream, one can dream

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: narwhalsbend.7059


Chronomancers … fitting for mesmers …

If anything, mesmers have lost control of time magic since the time of GW1. Mesmers’ primary attribute used to be “Fast Casting”, which, in addition to making your casting times faster, had some pretty cool stuff like the spell “Stolen Speed”, which would double the foe’s casting speed and half you and your allies’ casting speed. Really the only homage to Fast Casting we got in GW2 is the skill “Time Warp”. There’s a lot of potential for Fast Casting to be implemented in GW2.

(edited by narwhalsbend.7059)

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leonhardt.8164


i personally hate having a shield, this is a huge blow to my mesmer which i love so much, i cat believe my ’’elite’’ skill is going to involve a stupid shield, so extremely disappointed, BUT if the skill revolves around chronomancy, than that’s a different story

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nike.2631


You won’t have to equip the shield.

And like it or not, mesmers with shields have been in GW2 since launch day.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Test.8734


They won’t be receiving a new weapon aside from the shield, but I don’t know if they addressed whether or not they might have weapons they currently used switched to different hands.

Very unlikely. It looks like mesmers will get less new skills than the other professions – ArenaNet did say that the elite specializations would get “a single heal, four utility skills, and one elite skill”, and they have mentioned “a new way to shatter illusions”.

So that would be two new weapon skills (shield), one new F skill (notice how they said “a new way”, not “new ways”), one heal, four utility and one elite. Compare that to the engineer: five new weapon skills at least (hammer, and it’s very likely the auto-attack will be a chain), one heal, four utility skills, one elite, toolbelt skills for all of those…

It’s also a pity, IMO, because mesmers already have off hand options for multiple builds, while main hand weapons are lacking – sword is mostly melee power, scepter is basically ranged conditions, and that’s it. You can’t use pistol, torch or focus properly if your build doesn’t fit one of those two. More main hand options would have been great. A pistol main hand for ranged power, for example.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


i personally hate having a shield, this is a huge blow to my mesmer which i love so much, i cat believe my ’’elite’’ skill is going to involve a stupid shield, so extremely disappointed

It’s not like you need to use the shield. You could just use the new traits, new utility, healing and elite skills and new shatter but use the mesmer’s current weapons.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dekou.6012


This is probably not going to happen, but it would be pretty cool if the Mesmer shield was a 2h weapon. In other words, one hand for the shield and one hand free for casting.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: soakman.7539


i personally hate having a shield, this is a huge blow to my mesmer which i love so much, i cat believe my ’’elite’’ skill is going to involve a stupid shield, so extremely disappointed, BUT if the skill revolves around chronomancy, than that’s a different story

Let’s see how the shield works before you call it stupid or a blow to your build, shall we? If you’ve seen the trailer for HoT, you will know that at least one of those two skills looks amazing and is probably a game changer. The other skill will probably be a phantasm of some sort, which could do just about anything (focus phantasm uses axes and can reflect projectiles… because a focus is an axe?).

Additionally, what do you have against shields? Do you just not like the way they look? Are you mad obsessed with offense? IMO, shield looks like it’s going to be an offensive weapon, and it is going to give mesmers more AOE and control effects.

I almost literally cannot WAIT for my shield. And with the swiftness “buff” we might be getting with Signet of Inspiration, I won’t have to use focus CONSTANTLY.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I also dislike shields, for purely cosmetic reasons. In this game they don’t feel real, and they block the view of your armor. They clip terribly. I normally don’t mind clipping, really I don’t, it’s just part of putting so many disparate parts together. But if you have a nice looking shield like the Aureate, all sorts of things keep poking through the wood face. If you go with a bigger thicker one, then you’re carrying around something I just can’t imagine as useful in a fight.

Hopefully we’ll get a lot of new shield skins that look good with light armor, because the available skins just aren’t going to aesthetically mesh that well.

Or I’ll just do Shield of the Moon on everyone, since it doesn’t block the view and all the open space in it allows me to ignore clipping

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Loxsus.3841


Since there are only 2 main hand weapons to couple with the shield, I think the smart play that we might see is that both the 4th and 5th ability they create will change depending on what main hand weapon you have. That way it adjusts with whatever playstyle you choose.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


(notice how they said “a new way”, not “new ways”)

The wording is debatable as to what the real meaning is; it could actually mean both things (not at the same time, of course).

A new “way” as in a new shatter ability?

A new “way” as in all of your shatters function differently?

Honestly, I’m not sure. They could add an F5 skill, I suppose, but the engineers are getting an F5 by default, since they are updating how the core class functions (not just the elite spec), so I’m hesitant to think that. We’ll find out this Friday, most likely.

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Argon.1563


Does anybody know which of the ArenaNet artists painted this majestic emissary of a shield-barer?

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I’ve been collecting all the mist-skins for weapons that mesmers use. kitten, now I have to get the mist-skinned shield lol

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ajm.8375


It’s also a pity, IMO, because mesmers already have off hand options for multiple builds, while main hand weapons are lacking – sword is mostly melee power, scepter is basically ranged conditions, and that’s it. You can’t use pistol, torch or focus properly if your build doesn’t fit one of those two. More main hand options would have been great. A pistol main hand for ranged power, for example.

This, so much this. (Though I suppose they might be narrowing down the preexisting viable off hand options if they go through with screwing over pistol by making its spec trait compete with Phantasmal Fury.)
A main hand shield would be exactly what is needed, they probably won’t do that.