Meteorite Ore farming for Astralaria?
Maybe you are not ready to get them? They drop fairly easily, usually you get 1-2 ores per Ori node, but it happens that you won’t get any for 1-3 nodes.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
well there are plenty of maps high leveled enough to have orichalcum nodes try and go through all of them.
gw2nodes is a website which may help
you just need to type in an ip which you get by typing /ip on a map you are in and then if you are lucky people will have entered data for that map shard on gw2 nodes about where all the valuable nodes are which could make your search more efficient
The droprate is fairly high. On average I got 1 meteorite ore per node. Are you sure you are at the right stage of the collection?
Well I completed Astralaria 2 and the third tier in the legendary tract and bought the book for Astralaria 3 from Hobbs…and all the recipies for the containers and such. Do I need to complete the last tier of legendary training before they drop?
I am farming with characters that have map completion, not the one making the Legendary…does that matter?
Logged in this morning and they are dropping all of a sudden! Guess maybe it just needed some time to recognize that I was at the right level. Thank you for your replies all! <3
Meteorite Ore farming for Astralaria?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Fade to Black.7042
You need to have Astralaria Vol. 3 unlocked.
So, complete every item from Astralaria Vol. 2 and Craft the Apparatus. then you can get those ores.