Multi core support?
I really don’t think that they changed the core of their engine to support things like more than 2 CPU cores, use DirectX 11, and so on.
I’d love to see it.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Do you guys think HoT will support multi cored CPUs?
WvW will have so much better fps if multi core is supported!
I’d say we’ll see it about as fast as x64 client, and dx10+ support.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’s quite impressive how many performance related topics have been opened since the announcement of HoT with absolutely 0 responses or any kind of info/news from the devs. I knew their PR is nonexistent at best but even so….impressive.
It’s quite impressive how many performance related topics have been opened since the announcement of HoT with absolutely 0 responses or any kind of info/news from the devs. I knew their PR is nonexistent at best but even so….impressive.
If you look at the history of GW thy have always made a product that could run on both high and not so high end machines. i don’t think there will be any changes made to the code to optimize it for beefier machines.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
It’s not about making the game look even better dunno what post/thread ever gave u that impression.
It’s about taking what we already have and make it run with less resources or more efficiently. So yes it falls right under how anet has “historically” made the only other game they ever created.
Right now, in this state, this game is a big drag on “not so high end machines”. It falls off the very principle u talk about in your post.
Can’t wait to see how it moves when they introduce even more detailed maps like they plan to in the expansion (maps are now even vertically detailed). What use is to have a beautifully drawn game (art) if most ppl will auto-set it to low settings in order to get above “slideshow” FPS.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Can’t wait to see how it moves when they introduce even more detailed maps like they plan to in the expansion (maps are now even vertically detailed). What use is to have a beautifully drawn game (art) if most ppl will auto-set it to low settings in order to get above “slideshow” FPS.
as for the cores usage…well, playing gw2 i got 4 of my i5 cores often loaded around 70-80%, so i think it can use at least 4 cores/threads.
gpu however (hd7850), likes to get to 100% in southsun / drytop/ silverwastes and i wonder if itll produce at least 30+ in new map(s?)
Yea..the fans on my 7970 get to jetplane level sounds in this game.
It’s quite impressive how many performance related topics have been opened since the announcement of HoT with absolutely 0 responses or any kind of info/news from the devs. I knew their PR is nonexistent at best but even so….impressive.
If you look at the history of GW thy have always made a product that could run on both high and not so high end machines. i don’t think there will be any changes made to the code to optimize it for beefier machines.
I don’t have a problem with this. I actually enjoyed the fact I could play GW1 on just about any computer I could download it on cause of how minimal the requirements were.
The problem is that you shouldn’t get to the opposite stage where the more beefier your computer the more issues you have with the game. I consistently client crash due to going over maximum memory at huge events. Either limit the client, or make the client able to handle what you’re letting it handle.
It’s quite impressive how many performance related topics have been opened since the announcement of HoT with absolutely 0 responses or any kind of info/news from the devs. I knew their PR is nonexistent at best but even so….impressive.
If you look at the history of GW thy have always made a product that could run on both high and not so high end machines. i don’t think there will be any changes made to the code to optimize it for beefier machines.
I don’t have a problem with this. I actually enjoyed the fact I could play GW1 on just about any computer I could download it on cause of how minimal the requirements were.
The problem is that you shouldn’t get to the opposite stage where the more beefier your computer the more issues you have with the game. I consistently client crash due to going over maximum memory at huge events. Either limit the client, or make the client able to handle what you’re letting it handle.
My old PC ran GW2 fine with only 4GB of RAM and a 1GB graphics card. That was my old WoW machine. It recently died but if the machine can’t hang, must be time to invest in a newer gaming machine. And I suggest avoiding any off-the-shelf or any that have embedded software that holds up resources. Things running in the background are big lag causers and those preloaded ones are bad for that. Build your own with decent specs and it should not cost too much. With mine, I did not go high-end on any part but did not short the system’s ability to get through some faster graphics either. Best of luck.
Do you guys think HoT will support multi cored CPUs?
WvW will have so much better fps if multi core is supported!
i still runin gw2 on my pentium 4 becuz no support for multi core pcs.
i hav tthis i7 pc next to it but until we get multi core supporkittens the point! i keep having to boot this one up just for gw2, crazy in 2015.